Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
The caveat is that not all enneagram types and their respective centres revolve around a strength - the type can be out of touch with what you’d say is the “centre’s intelligence”. For those types, the ego-ic journey is actually about acquiring that intelligence.

For example, 3s are notably out of touch with their heart’s true desire, they become whatever their environment dictates as “success”. That’s also how Fi seeking types can be 3s IMO, they lack the internal moral compass. 9s are notably out of touch with their “gut intelligence”, which can equal both N and S in different ways.

From the mind types, it’s only 5 which is distinctly a Logical type IMO. 7s often don’t think enough or think around corners, 6s “overthink” to the point of paranoia, both of which can be signs of either strong Logic or weak Logic, in different ways. Sides of the same coin. Similar as to how an unhealthy Sexual instinct can express itself in excessive promiscuity or extreme celibacy/prudishness.
I totally agree with this.

I think n9 has his own strict Ti categorizations based off a literal interpretation (Se) of ennea/socionics which might not make sense to others.