Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Ok then, name that God my dude. Note: It need not actually be "named" in the way most usually think of (eg. Jesus, Allah, Odin, Vishnu). It can be a concept, a philosophy, an idea, etc. What's yours? Hell, I'll settle for anything from you at this point. Spell it out for us all that we may bask in the radiance of your revelation of the ultimate truth you seem to have discovered.

As for the universe not being Causal, can I inquire as to what you are smoking and where I can attain a sample of it because dear lord that's gotta be some really, really good shit .
So, you who condemned Boethius to die now want to claim his teachings as yours. Got it.

Or, you know, modern physics. I wouldn't recommend smoking pages of Warped Passages when you can just read them though.