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Thread: Logically rationalize God

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  1. #1
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Cuz the world has tempo and patterns and scientific laws governing it. It's not just some chaotic mess, or an interpersonal soap opera. Human emotion turns it into that way, or mixing the two- but the design and structure of the universe, that fits into logical temporal patterns- can be argued for the existence of a deity.

    A wise person once said to me that, its good when you're bored. It's a very good thing. It means you are getting over your own adolescent emotion (but lets be fair and remember that hatred and arrogance are also emotions, not just feeling vulnerable) and you are joining the real world. And the real world is often just boring, logical and predictable. (If reality is either boring, depressing or terrifying- then we should celebrate when its boring, because that clearly is the best out of the three.) And because of this, you are now opening yourself up to life. You were probably deathly afraid of something because part of you wanted it to be romantic and make you feel good, and you avoided it because if the reverse turned out to be true, it would devastate you too much. But then you realized it most likely just fit some logical pattern, it wasn't about good or bad or about feelings- either way. So with this reasoning, people are in theory less held bondage by their own views- and develop a more clear mind to see things as they really are. I think we've all experienced that kinda, we were making something so big in our heads but then we faced it... it 'just was.'

    Or maybe more eloquently speaking, the most divine and grandest of good human feelings probably comes from the most carefully woven threads of God's logic.

    But it gets complicated cuz while the world does have those logical rules, as far as opposing personalities go- we all know there's gonna be draaaaaaama and emotional soup. I think many have tried to leave this world behind, but they find themselves getting sucked back into it- because logic alone only gets one so far. =p

  2. #2
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    The "prime mover" argument is logical—not empirical, but logical.

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