I'm mainly between EII and IEI
Hope you guys can help me
Here's my video
I'm mainly between EII and IEI
Hope you guys can help me
Here's my video
mb LII
you may use IR test to check how this fits
the video is a little hard to watch with my earplugs because there's a loud noise every 20 seconds. after 5 minutes I would say that you're an INxx type. ILI is my guess
ILI is my guess, too. At first, I thought this was Capitalist Pig trolling us. ILI-Ni subtype.
ILI have Fi as activating function, making them quite an internally emotional and sensitive type. might be the reason why you think that you're an IEI/EII
Yeah, the problem is that I'm not serious like ILIs are described, I'm more funny, playful and childish with my homies. my thoughts are not clear for me and that's why I may not be a thinker, usually I have difficulty to structure my thoughts into words, I tend to "feel" It through imagery or something
else, that's why I thought Ti hidden agenda would fit It better. Te descriptions fits better as PoLR than creative, mainly because I'm not necessairly interested on productivity and that I tend to sacrifice It a lot for doing something more pleasurable. Also I tend to have more indirect speech than "harsh" communication.
Thanks for your feedback!
I've read this thread and I can relate to It pretty much, mostly this:
"That's my case.
I've always typed as INTP in MBTI, then in Socionics I identify with the INTp but I disregard Te to a high extent: I don't care about technology and business data, as well as factual knowledge. I focus on creating my own interpretations and viewpoints (Ti), regardless of the objective details. I remember my father (ESTp) trying to teach me mechanics when I was young, and I didn't give a shit.
I consider myself an Ni Ti Fe type. I suspect that my Ti is stronger than my Fe.
IEI males are not always these cute, outgoing boys. They can be rather cold and analytical, resembling NTs.
My girlfriend for example types me as ENTP (Ne Ti Fe), cause I'm an IEI Creative subtype, so I sometimes look like an extrovert, but I'm not.
I use a lot of Ni/Ne + Ti."
What do you guys think?
If you see Ni and Ti as your strongest functions then take a look at this that is TL (ILI) type for you
From here https://www.the16types.info/vbulleti...VICTOR-GULENKO
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
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