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Thread: ENFjs associating Kung Fu to dual seeking with ISTjs

  1. #1

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    Default ENFjs associating Kung Fu to dual seeking with ISTjs

    It's too much of a coincidence, that there are three ENFj's who attended Kung Fu classes where I used to train at. I'm thinking that, with the popular connotations and associations of it with Bruce Lee (who was an ISTj, their dual relation) that they maybe subconsciously associate dual seeking with ISTj's to the activity of Kung Fu itself - of which, Bruce was only a superhuman populariser.

  2. #2
    YXPR's Avatar
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    I'm no expert but Kung Fu also seem to be very dramatic and grace seems to play a big part in its practice. Maybe that's why it can be so appealing to ENFJs.

    Also I do think that some of us are attracted to hobbies that relate to our super-id more than they relate to our ego functions. I've met a few SLEs that took drama classes and two of my Literature teachers were Beta ST: one specialized in Poetry and the other one specialized in Drama.

    I myself played rugby for a few years even though physical contact is a major component of this sport and I have like the lowest Se possible. I wouldn't say I was the best at it but I liked it very much. There was something very exiting about having my suggestive function constantly challenged to such a degree.

  3. #3

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    Ha this is funny, my ENFJ friend sort of idolizes Kung Fu and my co-worker ISTj does kung fu.

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