Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
Tbh, I don't really want these things. I don't want to be like some traditional faux-heterosexual with a wife, dog and two kids. i think its a little dumb when gay people try to do that anyway. I've always felt weird/different, an outcast and outsider - and I feel like I blend in better in non-family type environments. I've always wanted to move out of the suburbs and live a big city anyway. I don't like having to be morally appropriate, which I of course understand is necessary when there are kids around- so I don't really want to have kids. Kids get along with me, but I'm more like their cool uncle than I am their moralistic daddy.
Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

how do I feel about ppl that want those things? I don't hate on them if they don't hate on me. I don't think you should judge ppl necessarily, if they are a basic bitch or a weirdo fag type. there is kind of a little bit of a weirdo ****** in basic bitches, and a little bit of a basic bitch in weirdo ******s anyway. Maybe its a tiny bit, so small you hardly see it- but its there, like a more wacky version of the yin-yang symbol. I feel like the suburbs are a type of prison in a way for a lot of people, but if it makes you happy go for it.

but i mean, to clarify- just cuz i dont want breeder suburban life doesn't mean i want to go to some underground gay sex party and get AIDS either. I just .. dunno. I want something that feels a bit dead less inside than the illusion we are fed.
tradition and morality be damned. Just start your own traditions.

There's no rule you have to live in the suburbs and fit some dad archetype. I mean, if you want that, which it doesn't sound like you do anyway, then I'm sure you could find a lesbian to act as your beard, but that sounds like a miserable life.