Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
yep, funny how you insult people for things you do yourself... I was pointing that out, in case your logic was too obfuscated by <3 to realize.
First off, let's speak more accurately, dodo. It's too blanket a statement to say that I "insult people" for things I do myself. I insult you, in particular, for multiple reasons (that I don't partake in) previously covered. One of them is your irritating usage of "perky" demonstrative Fe, which I see as fake and overblown. You critique my usage of demonic, role Fe which you mis-attribute (unsurprisingly, seeing as you are incompetent) to my being a Fe lead--but you never see it expressed beyond "anger," which by no means exclusively defines a lead Fe user. You may confuse others and yourself, but you'll never confuse me because I actually understand the many Jungian based theories that underscore Socionics and how they interconnect.

Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
but cute, "I see you" would be the socionics motto of Ni(Fe) types.
Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder even "see" you, ho. You are not that complicated to anyone capable of reading, applying knowledge and spotting patterns, none of which involve Fe > you are an unhealthy IEE > delusionally positive, insincere, hyper sensitive, with a neurotic need to affirm and be affirmed--the downside of being hypersensitive to how others are treated is that you are just as hypersensitive to how you are treated, which is why you may find personal insult where there was none.

You're attached to Marep like a canker sore that just won't quit all because he critiqued your typing of someone and multiple others agreed. PERIOD. And when he called you out, you pussy popped, back peddled and feigned "humor," ever trying to mitigate the degree to which you will be disliked. lol Pathetic.