Cuz generally growing up I fit the description of 'romantic' pretty well, I would often be criticized for being too daydreamy and I would also be really intently drawn to love stories on TV, like I was almost weirdly obsessed with them... this teacher I had would snap at me harshly to 'stop daydreaming!' cuz I would often just gaze out the window and dream lol. I can't get too mad at her tho, cuz she also stood up to my bullies. I think she was just some overly realistic harsh LSI type probably. Or possibly ESI.

I also drew the interests and attention of SLE Bad boy Chads a lot.... but when I first got into typology I typed as EII. I think its kinda the default 'shy introverted dork' type. Like ppl generically type as that often... but ... I think real EIIs just care a lot about morality than I do. And they seem way more republican & conservative than I do. Not as romantic. More realistic. And their sense of humor seems much more serious & dry. I can pretend to be politically correct if its in my best interest, but I value being rebellious and crazy more.