Who are some authors who you think deserve blatant disrespect? I threw a Thomas Mann book against the wall months ago and proceeded to vandalize it. Then I re-named the book "Stick It to the Mann" and used it for drying some used Tea Forte bags, then leaving other tea bags on it, restarting my pens, putting out incense and other activities where you need disposable paper that don't involve getting anything actually dirty. My opinion of this guy was: he's an awful author who just wrote about how great it would be to be a good author, he helped instigate the first part of the World War and then the Shoah (correct word for the Holocaust) and just sat around analyzing it with the rest of the German intellectuals of the time who just liked analyzing "Oh no, how could such a horrible evil happen, surely someone must be there to stop it? This is truly deeply inexplicable demoniacal evil that we must analyze as a bunch of German intellectual farts!" when they were the ones who could've stopped it instead of analyzing it, as if they saw someone dangling from a cliff and wondered in what universe no one would be around to help them as they gawked with their friends. Thomas Mann is probably the #1 author deserving of your disrespect aside all from the great puns you can make with his last name. At least Americans who aren't brainwashed by the Communazi Ivory Tower aren't buying it at all, and largely haven't heard of Thomas Mann even though he wasn't just known in Germany at the time.