Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Too bad most people share my views and most people don't give a shit about whatever antifa does and don't think that they're a huge threat to society.

Look, what you've been saying is mostly typical imagined right-wing hysteria, such as:

1) Sweden is being swamped by Muslims, and pretty soon they will become a Muslim country if immigration is uncontrolled.

2) Antifa are the biggest threat to society since... well, whatever.

3) There is left-wing and media conspiracy to brainwash the entire nation, and things like multi-culturism are destroying Western culture. The fact that I can't say mean things on YouTube or Twitter is an obvious left-wing suppression and authoritarianism, those bastards!

We know where you're getting your sources from, because they're all typical right-wing hysteria that doesn't actually exist or is a huge problem in reality.
My sources are a hybrid of left wing and right wing sources. Don't let my stance on immigration fool you, I have several leftist beliefs. The problem isn't the left wing in general, most left wingers are fine. Even a far left economic liberal like Bernie Sanders is fine as he is anti-establishment to the core and poses a threat to corporate interests. The issue is specifically far left identity politics that both far left idenitarians like ANTIFA and center left neoliberal corporatists use as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Antifa don't really have any ideologies, doctrines or opinions, they just attack far-right and racial supremacists, etc. They're a kind of anarchists.

If you want to know what's really making America and the rest of the world into a shithole, then it's neoliberalism and neoconservatism. Neoliberalism has turned into an economic doctrine of "blaming the victim", where it turns around and say that the economic theory is sound, but the problem is you, because you didn't work hard enough or you're just playing the victim. Well, look where that has gotten us other than making everybody equally poor.

As for neoconservatism, well we know America's insane militarism and their militaristic doctrine of "Full-spectrum dominance" has actually turned many countries into an actual shithole, and they're the entire reason why there are so many refugees and immigrants that the rights complain about.

But of course, blaming the left is much easier and much safer...
Finally, we can reach common ground on something. Neoliberalism and neoconservatism are major issues because they both support bad status quo policies. Neoliberalism with their inability to want to enact economic social policies and neoconservatism for economic policies that favor corporations and the rich and being warhawks. Neoliberalism and ANTIFA can both be issues in the same time by the way, you don't have to pick one or the other.