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Thread: Democratic Presidential Debate

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  1. #32
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Buttigieg has dropped out. That honestly surprises me. The Klob hasn't been doing well so far, and so I figured she would be the next to drop.

    Personally, I'm not convinced he was planning this. He was campaigning until the end. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the DNC forced him out to force voters to coalesce around Biden and slow Sanders' momentum. Maybe he was promised a VP, but I don't think he's a strategically good choice to balance Biden. Either way I expect he'll probably endorse Biden.

    I figure Warren is too much a narcissist to drop out for a while. She's a snake, though, and this is increasingly clear to the average voter. She's not going to gain many new supporters, and as her campaign circles the drain she might lose a few. I'm not sure where they'd siphon to -- Sanders, maybe?

    Bloomberg is trying to buy the election. I almost want him to win so I can hear Democrats try to explain what makes him better than Trump.

    Biden is a corrupt soup-brain, and Trump will slaughter him on the debate stage. But I imagine a lot of people will vote for a vegetable over Trump, so no bets on the general election.

    Sanders may be a succdem, but a social democrat is better than a liberal, and he's fundamentally a good person, unlike anyone else in this race, and, frankly, if he manages to get M4A implemented, the lives of everyone I know will be improved. He's the best candidate by far. He won't do very hot in the southeast because Southern Democrats are exclusively black church women, and the black religious establishment's allied itself with Biden (the SC party boss is James Clyburn, who particularly runs a well-oiled machine). Black people are also generally conservative, as a rule. But I'm cautiously optimistic about his chances in Texas; most Latino youth seem to like Sanders, and I think their enthusiasm might stand a chance of swaying their families.

    Edit: I forgot Gabbard was a thing. She also seems like a decent person, aside from being the ambassador for Hindu Nazis. Unfortunately, her campaign is doomed. I think she'll endorse Sanders once she drops.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 03-02-2020 at 04:40 PM.

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