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Thread: Managing PoLR anxiety

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  1. #30
    Luk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    True, but I'm not completely sure about myself what is my base and my creative function. So I decided that based on my PoLR function, and I relate way more to the -PoLR description than the -PoLR description.

    It's not that easy for me to write detailed explanations in a lanuage that isn't my native language. But I'll try my best.

    Based on that description I'm likely more ILE, but
    I don't think that is my vulnerable function and my ignoring function.

    Maybe I'm challenged by understanding the meaning of some words of the English language to native speakers.
    And I don't consider myself to be an expert in Socionics... because my talents are in MINT topics.

    Thanks for your detailed description.
    There are many different kinds of LII and ILE. And the distinction between mirror types isn't always obvious or applicable. For a little while I thought I was ILE. I certainly acted that way. I think it's reasonable that you don't fit perfectly in either. Or that you are truly one of the two, but your functions manifest atypically due to special circumstances.

    Those two descriptions aren't exclusive to ILE and LII respectively. They're just the most natural thought patterns that they might form. Reality is a lot more nuanced.

    Try to find out what your 4D IM Elements are () and how you use them. They determine how you use a lot of the "weaker" ones.

    Also, I believe that if you understand why PoLR exists at all, at a fundamental level, you can make much better use of socionics.
    And it might not end up being how everybody understands it, but it's still "real world" useful.
    Last edited by Luk; 06-16-2019 at 02:10 PM.

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