The obstinate game.

This game is 'won' by showing physical signs of victory, and 'lost' by sticking to one's convictions. The loser sit at the sidelines looking weak and droopy while the winners display peacock-like behaviour and gloat.

Whether it's this

or this

or this

or this

The hot temperaments try more to look pretty, meaningful, esthetic or direct physical dominance while the cold types go for show of power in society, dominance.

So, who's got the prettiest jewels, the nicest looking calling card, best scoring record, nicest car, proof you've won.

There's a sort of hobby-like pettiness to the game. I mentioned about how this all relates sports. All the gloating creates spite, which creates more gloating when the other side wins. While I stressed the physical dominance aspect of the matter, the physical signs are really just the visible part of what's happening. The true game is mental and social. Whether you're paralyzed to inaction or doing your own thing.

If 'compliance' is a game about who gets others to do things, 'obstinate' is a game about who gets to do things. If 'compliance' is a game about standing, influence and people who are indebted to you... Obstinate is a game about materialism, independence, willpower, proving a point and rubbing it in.

The game fundamentally exists as a later result of the hot temperament's reactions to victory in physical affairs. This creates feelings of separation in the INTjs and INTps who take it in, fume internally and create a mental construct wherein they have to protect their own interests. ESFjs and ESFps tend to eventually spend their power position. ENFjs kind of become enraged at this loss and start fuming, fighting over things, there's usually an obvious point where things change for them. ENFps tend to bow out in a smoother manner, but never willingly. ISTjs and ISTps show their ability to prove that they 'were in the right' originally. It's a story about growing out of weakness. ISTjs gain this self confidence slower, it comes through a new introvert functional state. For ISTps they get the new feeling from reaching a goal, a new clear state has been undeniably reached, victory.