Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
If you resonate so strongly with EIE and Beta quadra, then there's probably something "there." I believe that, unequivocally, you value Fe + Ti and so Beta quadra still works. I do see strong Ne but EIEs have 3-4D Ne, which might manifest in the ability to perceive and don different personas/masks for some aim > as an actor or to appeal to a certain type of crowd, for example.

In the video, you said a few times that you can't deal with "emotional" or "sensitive" people, which, at face value, would seem to indicate a logical preference. However, it's probably more poignant to ask why don't you like to deal with these types of people? If you're an Fe-lead/creative, then that means you're an empath who can't help but feel the emotions of others, as if by contagion, which I've heard can be taxing or "too much" particularly for Fe leads and most definitely when the emotions are negative/unpleasant--this is what motivates them to actively affect/influence the emotional vista, in essence, to make themselves and everybody else feel better. And vice versa, if the Fe lead feels like shit, they are perfectly adept at making everyone else feel like shit, too. lol Is that what you mean?
Oh here's the thing: I'm definitely a very empathetic person which may not really manifest in the persona I'm trying to portray myself here. And yeah that last part sums it up pretty well, if I feel like shit so will everyone else lol. The good part about this though is if I'm feeling really good, then everyone else will do so as well.
I think yeah, can't probably wasn't the best word choice. But I'd say I don't like dealing with those types of people because it's like you've created that really good mood, everyone is laughing then you get some bore who starts being all sensitive about something "offensive". So ironically, I'd say it is actually my Fe that causes me to not like those people ahah.