Quote Originally Posted by VorticalFlow View Post
I am LII and am still having problms grasping exactly what Te is and how it works. I am not even sure exactly where / how to start asking questions. I have similar problem with Fe.

My problem is understanding dynamic information elements in general. I don't understand how an element can be dynamic and rational at the same time, don't understand how Te is using logic when things are not clearly defined, black or white definitions.
If you're trying to understand the IM elements starting from the dichotomies, you're gonna have a bad time. They just aren't that well-defined yet.

But Te is logic generally because it's about factual information.

[COLOR=#333333]Is Te like attempting to use logic while not paying full attention to things, so bypassing things quickly?
No. It may seem less detailed or careful than Ti though.

How is Te logic?

I would find it very helpful if I could be given exact definitions explanations for this and plenty of good relatable examples.
Logic is about impersonal things and facts are impersonal. If you want more of a detailed theoretical explanation, try here: https://wholesocionics.herokuapp.com...mation-Domains

Very important, how is Te experienced in consciousness? What is the experience of it?

What are the best words for describing it?
I suppose it's experienced as a focus on work and productivity and doing things in an efficient and effective manner.

How true are my following statements regarding Te and dynamic information elements in general?

- Te is like having smooth transitions between things. But my question here is what are those things in and of themselves?

Yeah, good question. This is one reason why the abstract definitions aren't clear.

How can you pay attention and not pay attention at the same time?
You can pay attention to one aspect and ignore another. (What is the relevance though?)

- Te is a lose of boundaries. But again, my question is if things don't have boundaries, then how do they exist/get noticed? How do you know what you're working with? How do you understand things through Te?
Where did you get "Te is a lose of boundaries" from?

- Does Te require a time element to it to be able to wrok?
Accuracy doesn't necessarily depend on time but yes, you could say that Te is very much temporal in how it deals with changing information and observable phenomena (which are constantly fluctuating). Plus any IM element naturally "works" in time as a cognitive process.

- Te and other dynamic elements are like not payign full attention to things.
Um, no.

- Te blends things together without understnanding their properties, the things they are built from.
Like what?