I have been wondering lately whether I am yet totally ENTp ... in fact, I have been inclined lately to consider that I am primarily ENFj that subtypes to ENTp.
The reason for this is due to the fact that I have come to the realization that I have some hugh tendencies towards weak and weak , which means that I can not possibly be ISFp, ESFj, INTp, ENTj, ESTj, or ISTp. That leaves ENTp, INTj, ENFj, ISTj, ESTp, INFp, ESFp, ISFj, INFj, or ENFp ...
I am anything BUT sensible, as everything about me screams out intuition.
So, that leaves ENTp, INTj, ENFj, INFj, INFp, or ENFp ...
When I take my own devised socionics typology test [listed in the bottom of this post], I have consistently came out as primarily ENTP with strong tendencies towards ENFj, INTj, INFj, ENFp, and INFp ... which corresponds with the subtraction bit that I have done above.
I do not really feel as though I am an introvert after learning the real psychological diffrences between the two, so that leaves me with ENTp, ENFj, and ENFp as my choices ...
As of late, I have expressed noticable ENFj tendencies, and even my family has told me this. My mother said that after not seeing me for the past two years, that it seems as though I am not very adaptable and I have shown some suspecion about her advice and opinions. I asked her if it seems that I show excessive formality, and she said that I definatelly do that. Together that seems to express a great amount of weak
However, I do find alot of interest in intellectualism, and find much stimulation in that. I find great joy in connecting mentally with someone of the same intelligence. This seems to indicate to me that I am a subtype and maybe not totally ENTp.
So, I am either ENFj, ENTp, or ENFp ...
Anyone follow me? What do you think?