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On the whole, which set of phrases do you tend to chase after?
"To be loved", "To be perfect", "To be wealthy", "To know" (E)
"To be healthy", "To understand", "To believe", "To love" (I)

What do you tend to chase after?
Physical world (S) v World of possibilities (N)

What do you tend to chase after?
Logical world (T) v Emotional world (F)

Which world are you more in touch with?
If you are NT type: Physical world (p) v Emotional world (j)
If you are NF type: Physical world (p) v Logical world (j)
If you are ST type: World of possibilties (p) v Emotional world (j)
If you are SF type: World of possibilities (p) v Logical world (j)

What do you tend to chase after?
If you are NT types: World of possibilities (N) v Logical world (T) v Both of the worlds (N and T) equally
If you are NF types: World of possibilities (N) v Emotional world (F) v Both of the worlds (N and F) equally
If you are ST types: Physical world (S) v Logical world (T) v Both of the worlds (S and T) equally
If you are SF types: Physical world (S) v Emotional world (F) v Both of the worlds (S and F) equally