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Thread: Can you help? Am I ENFp or INFp?

  1. #241
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    You mean these people? They are very specific if they use things that are considered NTR around here. I tried to look at the site but it just logs me out even though I am not logged in. You have to pay for monthly access. Best wishes on your journey of self exploration.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #242
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    noooo pls @ToTheMoon plz don't do it

    now I remember that site... it's all bs :/

    (someone said it's similar to the typings of K4m)

  3. #243
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    LIABILITY. We are not doctors or medical professionals of any kind. You are paying to receive our personal advice. We are not held liable or responsible to any results or lack of results, including loss of finances, time, or loss of life from taking our advice. By using our website and/or services you are agreeing to our Terms and Policies.
    please don't pay random people for bs
    Socionics is bs,too, but at least it's free
    All they do is selling their business model/gimmick "double blind" so people think it's objective.

    The information on this website is only our opinion. It should never be taken as professional advice.

  4. #244
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  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
    I agree. I guess I need even more clarity and simplification. Socionics is very multi-faceted and nuanced and in the end it turned out to be too vague for my. It's just a preference though! I'm certainly not shitting on socionics since I've learned a lot from it. It's just that when I know I've found something that fits me perfectly, I want to pursue it.
    Yeah, no prob. Go for what you feel for and like the most.

    I just had to say that because its true. They basically just gathered the basic theory of mbti and socionics, they are not creating a new model in this aspect. They change the name of basic concepts of the basic theory.

    Saviors & Demons**
    We all have one Savior Decider (F or T) and one Savior Observer (S or N). *A Savior Function is your dominant preferred Function. A Demon Function is a Function that you don’t respect. *Notice, this is not about “ability” but rather respect. We see the interaction of the Functions much like “muscle imbalances”. *We all favor one hand over the other even though we all use both hands, same idea here. You will favor Gathering (Se or Ne) over Organizing (Si or Ni) or the other way around. *You will favor helping the tribe (Te or Fe) before yourself (Fi or Ti) or the other way around. Simply put, you will starve one Function to feed the other.
    This is basically the valued/unvalued functions in socionics Model A for example.

  6. #246
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    I absolutely can see what they are doing, how they changed some names and added others. I don't mind, I don't care about naming things one way or another (valued, unvalued, saviors, demons), as long as something simply works for me. This works for me in aspects that socionics doesn't because it describes dychotomies and uses functions as working together/against one another on a scale instead of making them disconnected from one another. This aligns with my experience and it's an approach I have not seen in socionics. Maybe it's a matter of the way they explain the theory and its inner workings that just makes things perfectly clear for me. But if it works, it works and I'm in. It's just a simple Ti judgment of what works for me and what doesn't . You can't change my mind here because I've already made up my mind based on what works for me. And I stress *for me*. It doesn't have to work for you, folks! To each their own.

    Also I will thank you for not worrying about my financial decisions .
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  7. #247
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    So was it that they had 512 or something types. So for personal advantage point in terms itr this seems to be too confusing and that facial stuff [and after that much elaboration I'm not really seeing identical all the time]. I just watched one IMO SEE being typed as some sort of super special INTJ subtype after a lengthy and expensive process... so yeah. So what does it really give? Meaningful type or belief? I'm kind of lost. It is better not to hang on a type regardless of system. Just have fun.
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  8. #248
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    Most basically it's about identifying your two top functions and your bottom two functions. They always work in tandem. The ones on top you overuse and the ones on bottom you don't use well enough. That creates deficits. If I use too much Ne, I will not use enough Si. The aim here is to identify and then work towards balancing functions. Simple as that. It aligns with my experience. I used to be very Ji awkward in my youth and when I was in my 20s, I recognized the void of Je in me and started working towards filling that void. That's why I have high Fe now and this made me think I was a Fe lead or auxiliary. But I'm not. Fe is likely my 4th function, I just trained myself in it in order to balance my deficits. I wasn't born with high Fe. It took a lot of time and effort to work it up. That's the difference between a Savior function and a Demon function in their system. If this is not logical and reasonable, then I don't know what is. That is why this approach speaks to me. It's very simple, very logical. It just takes time to see yourself and to sift through what you believe you are (which is hard because our brains are programmed to see the best things in outselves) and what the reality is. Perhaps socionics is about the same thing, I just never got to that point where this was made apparent. Here, this is the main point they make sure everyone understands. Makes sense to me.
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  9. #249
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    yes, that actually looks nice

  10. #250
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    Unearthing this ancient thread to let you guys know that I stayed with the Objective Personality system for the past year and finally got typed by them. Interestingly enough, those of you who said I was ENFP weren't far from the truth, as well as those few who said ISFJ!

    In OP, my main functions are Si/Fe so that's an ISFJ/ISFp. Due to a combination of extra factors that OP takes into consideration, I would indeed present more like an ENFP or even ENFJ because my Ne is more pronounced in the way that I behave rather than my Si, and my Fe is stronger that Ti, making the Ne-Fe connection very pronounced and thus, I'm seemingly more ENFP-ish. But the main drive is still in the Si/Fe.

    Thanks to all who took their time to talk with me in this thread. The time I spent in this group was a very large step to knowing myself better and I have all of you to thank for it .
    At this again.
    9w1 sx/so
    Cancer Sun, Mercury and Mars, Virgo Ascendant and Moon, Taurus Venus. Fortunately spiced up with Uranus on IC.

  11. #251
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    you got ISFJ there
    you have E. among F types there is a possibility for SEE and ENFJ

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTheMoon View Post
    In OP, my main functions are Si/Fe so that's an ISFJ/ISFp
    It would be ISFP and ESFJ, non of which is correct.
    Also MBTI followers as that "OP" have as good described only preferences. While their functions descriptions are taken from Jung's expanded functions interpretations, are rather shortly described and partly incorrectly - they are bad there. MBTI never used functions much to type people to develop this theory and how to use it, which is so bad that they can't notice mistakes with their introverted types models (which contradict to Jung).
    Last edited by Sol; 05-21-2020 at 02:36 AM.

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