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Thread: Help me determine type

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  1. #10
    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    D-ESI-Se 1w2
    67 Post(s)
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Haha you give me too much credit, but thank you! That's good to hear about my health. I use to be rather unhealthy and have been working hard through my life to become a mentally healthier and stronger person everyday. You seem like a cool guy too.. Is this kind of nice behavior another poster asked if I fall for ? Cuz I like this guy judging from this post haha. As for the subtypes you have sent. In no particular order I relate a lot to ESTp-Se, ISTj- Se and even ISFj Se. However I do not relate much at all to either ESFp subtype description or the Ji subtypes. Maybe I am ESTp, becausee that would make you my dual and I'm really enjoying the way your post is written. I love abstract things, but don't understand them as well I'd like and always appreciate someone who can help me with that. I've taken this test before and scored ESTp, but I'm retaking it now for the sake of sharing the specific results.
    I disagree lol, I think You sound like an admirable man, but it's SLE nature to downplay his own goodness, because his Dual does not require overt expressions to read someone's ethical standing and potential. There's a time and a place for anger and aggression, and You wear it well, and commit it to worthy cause, that is what an honorable man does, as how one wield's his strength is more significant than whether or not he has strength. Yes, SLE is very amenable to being positively ethically evaluated. Having it reinforced that he is a good person is an important part of SLE/IEI duality:

    "To the ESTp it is also important that he is perceived not only as he appears to be, but also as he could potentially be if he's treated and related to well. It is important that he is received and evaluated not only as he is, but also taking into consideration his positive ethical potential. (Precisely what his dual, the IEI, sees and evaluates well.) The SLE doesn't bring up immediately how he can be good, but speaks about this in hints and sometimes in jest. He is sufficiently prudent to not talk of this openly and directly. In addition, it seems out of place and inappropriate to him to voice praises to himself (since he is subconsiously oriented at his dual who sees this well)."

    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    also as promised here are the results of the test you linked:


    Let me know if the images are clear.. I'm attempting to upload from my phone in the post but it's giving me trouble I'll do so from my home pc in a few hours
    SLE, as I thought. Interesting You got TI subtype. Massive Beta Quadra values result hahah, similar to my own:

    My Socionics Result 1.jpg

    I'm unsure just how new to Socionics You are, but I'd be happy to provide a crash course on some of the subsystems, since You seem to have a grasp of the basics. The popular model of Socionics most of us are tacitly using here on the forums is called Model A. The +/- component is an addition onto the standard IEs (Information Element, known as "Functions" in MBTI) that augments their temperament/nature, and is a component of Model B, Bukalov's Signage. Bukalov's Signage is also present, AFAIK, in Model G (Gulenko's model), which handles and emphasizes elements in Model A distinctly. Finally, here's a link on functional dimensionality ,and (just for some added flavor and fun) have an article on functional semantics.

    Bukalov's Signage:
    Socionics Functiona + -.jpg

    Signage correlation to type:
    Socionics Functional Model.png

    Triangles are Intuition
    Circles are Sensing
    Squares are Thinking
    Steps are Feeling
    White is Introverted and black is Extroverted

    If there's anything I can do to help, message me anytime. I'll add You to my contacts, and of course I can respond to anything else here. You want basic or more in-depth teaching on anything Typology related (Including other systems, eg. Enneagram, Instinct Variant, MBTI, Temperaments, Astrology, etc) I've got social media, skype, or whatever You prefer. Throw me a line sometime if You're down.

    Update: I'm actually a very Introverted-looking EIE afterall hahah. No matter, as Beta NF and Beta ST are wired for each other, and they get along wonderfully regardless.
    Last edited by Memento Mori; 01-23-2019 at 04:03 PM.
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
    DCNH: Dominant

    Enneagram: 1w2, 2w1, 6w7
    Instinctual Variant: Sx/So

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