Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
Absolutely. The common case I have witnessed of resistance towards Intertype Relations are people at stages in their life who are still trying to salvage failing and detrimental relations while telling themselves they can be with whomever they like. One of my closest mates has been on the rebound from a breakup he took ages to get over, with a type that was flat out shitty for him (Extinguishment Relations). I had long tried to counsel him on the nature of their issues, their types, and what to look out for in the future, but, being on the rebound, he ardently rejected IR (he's familiar with Socionics) and stubbornly told himself he could make it work with any woman he wanted.

IR tries to free people of this entropy, this wasted energy and potential, by aligning with complimentary natures, but people insist on wasting their time and energy overexerting themselves for sub-par relations. In our "you can be whatever You want" culture, the relativistic nonsense of "all options are valid" has yet to be stamped out by the truth of discernment, and so people waste their time and potential pursuing both goals and people that are not conducive to their nature. I have seen many assert that excluding or filtering Your relations through IR is essentially unfair, which is flat out not true, and even if that were the case, so fucking what!?. IR is clear on the fact that most types can operate perfectly fine as acquaintances, but the closer You wish to be with a person, the more reconciliatory, mutually beneficial, and generally conducive to longevity Your relations will be with certain alignments - even in the absence of a formal theory this is axiomatically, unequivocally true; no one person is equally compatible with all types of people, to even suggest that would be delusional at best. You can be 'friends' with anyone, but the extent to which relations are strained or confluent is what IR maps out.

Someone who is not mistyped and is using IR to their benefit will be rewarded with far more strength; the closer to the mark (their Quadra) they get, the more the undistilled and essential self emerges and mutually strengthens with their partner.
While I agree with the thought that the whole "we can be anything, making it work with anyone we'd like to" can be harmful, I am worried when Socionics or any type of personality theory becomes a holy scripture.

You say if someone is typed right and understands Socionics will be rewarded - yeah, maybe, but there will be certain dangers as well (trying to accomodate their own observances to fit Socionics descriptions and dynamics etc.). Therefore I could only see Socionics or any other theories as a sometimes useful tool or a path - but sooner or later I think we usually have to leave our paths to find new viewpoints and evolve. Either that, or change the framework and theory so it would have space for growth - to evolve with us.

What you described as beneficial in your post (understanding that sometimes things just won't work out, no matter how hard to try) is a very general issue we struggle with as humans. What is different is the frame - what theory or mindset or system you use to examine this problem. Socionics is one, and there are many others. Stagnation is death, but keeping what's valuable while looking at it from another perspective or let time and experience add something more to it is even harder, I admit, being keepers and rebel at the same time.

Then again, I've always struggled with staying on one path, so this can say something about my own struggles as well I guess.