Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
I have a hard time noticing the Te in that type of speech.

The CEO of the company I work for is a LIE-Te and his "motivating" speeches have more data and are more factual, I find this approach convincing, whereas in the video I see a lot of emotional pressure.

I have the impression Se doms are more likely to give these kind of speeches.
Te in the "let's cut the fat, and get the best performance" kind of thing. What you're doing isn't working, so let's find what does. The insults and so on are something else imo.

I've never had a boss of any type try the put-down and insult kind of approach - it's demeaning and not to sound conceited, but I'm better than that and don't need to put up with that kind of thing. And as an aside, the Te-lead bosses I've had in real life have actually been some of the best and most fair, and I did respect them. On the other hand, this . . . meh, no.

It makes me think of chickens. Some dogs got into my chickens and I only had 2 of the old crew left, and introduced a new group to the old two. One was clearly the lead chicken, everyone gave her space, respected her, and she didn't have to do anything. Mostly she left everyone alone unless they were clearly out of line or challenging her. The other. . . wanted to be boss, and was instead just a bully. She constantly chased the other birds around, not leaving them alone, trying to force respect out of them. They were afraid of her, sure, but she was no leader. Nobody would follow her. And this clip makes me think of that - you're all fired and worthless (bullying behavior) earn your jobs back because you're not as good as me (I demand respect) . . . and well I'm not giving anyone like that respect. Just looks like that pathetic chicken to me.