Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
It depends on the person. If I like someone, and if I feel like I can tell them, I usually will, if it's a platonic relationship. If they make me feel comfortable, some people I will tell them often how I feel about them, or I might say nicer things to them more than others, and I'll probably tease/joke around with them more. Just really let my hair down around them. Maybe if I feel like they are 'safe' and won't reject me. I'll seek them out in a crowd, tell them things I wouldn't tell others, just able to be more myself. Some people I might like and they make me nervous, maybe I respect them and I'm worried about them thinking I'm an idiot or something, so I wont tell them to protect myself from the rejection. In those cases I usually wait for them to make the first move, admitting they like me. If they don't, I will keep my distance and everything will stay the same. TBH though, I am usually on guard around mercurial people, even if I like them, even if they admit they like me. I could never loosen up very much around them as much as someone who is more open and stable..some people I definitely proceed with caution more than others.
You seem like a very nice person. I do like you. *hugs*....jk....no hugs.

I am called nice by people, but I'm pretty sure it's accidental. I don't try to be mean or harmful, but somehow nice emerges from my actions and treating people how I would like to he treated. Some people call me a jerk or asshole. I can see where they get that, but that is usually from misunderstanding what I said.