Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
How do you express contempt or how is it manifested?
It honestly depends. If I can stay away from them, I'll do that. If I can't tho, I tend to be confrontational. I don't have any issues expressing my contempt for someone. Usually, if it's in a social setting, I can get other people to side with me. I have a hard time backing off, especially if the other person doesn't get out of my face.

What do you do when you dislike/hate someone?
Ignore them. Don't take them seriously. Dismiss everything they say. Honestly, it's just one person. I'm sure they don't have anything useful or important to say to me anyway. If there's some fault of mine, I would count on my actual well wishers to point it out. Usually when I dislike someone it's pretty mutual anyway, so I don't see any point in paying attention to anything they have to say. Unless it's like a professional setting and I have to act professional, in which case, I don't really have a problem doing that.

And how each type manifest it in your experience?
Not entirely sure how to answer this? Uhhh, I don't think logical types fight for social dominance, that's something I've observed. I haven't met any logical types that generate drama, or openly demonstrate contempt. They're pretty level headed. Ethical types can range a lot, like holding grudges from like, five years ago, to saying outright to my face "You have no friends" (which wasn't even true). With SFs, it always turns it into a social thing, and I'm guilty of this as well. NFs can take an air of superiority even be smug. EIEs and ESEs are very very diplomatic imo, I don't think I have seen them openly express contempt... Is there anything specific you were looking for?

I want to know the differences between types.

Honest answers are welcome.
I hope this helps