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Thread: Ne-PoLR of ESI/ISFj - Examples?

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  1. #11
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    ah yes, they're trying to seed their alternative values, interestingly enough right in the heart of a place centered on collective value. it makes sense as soon as it reached critical mass the collective would abandon it wholesale as having become a farce. I think its also because no one saw fit to wipe out the corruption, or simply could not manage it, so they simply let them have it, which is a shame. but I believe there is something valid under that rot, its just the story of the anti christ having his heyday, but there will be a return of the king so to speak. of course we might have to suffer an apocalypse, whatever that looks like, first

    its like they don't realize worshiping mammon in that way is totally pointless and amounts to bugaboo whatever spin they put on it. its like you're not smarter for getting one over on people that way, its just a special kind of stupid
    Last edited by Bertrand; 09-12-2018 at 03:39 AM.

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