All the descriptions I'm reading refer to the feeling of deep attraction/repulsion felt by Fi. But this doesn't presuppose attachment to those objects themselves, objects are extroverted. Fi is introverted and rational, it means attachment to one's unspeakable feelings (fields) in front of those external objects. It's an internal process, not aimed really at creating bonds but in the process behind that, ie. establishing the sort attachment they have with them, although sure, a deep connecting with people can play a very important part for F types. But it's Fe to create personal bonds by definition, by expressing emotions and so "buying" friends.

Fi reaches an external attachment through Ne or Se, one is abstract and the other quite practical, but the question behind Fi remains "how do I feel about this, how do I feel about that?", while Ne would be "what potential does this have, what about that instead?", and Se "how to reach what I need, at which cost?". Just to be very very approximative...