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    Sisyphean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol sp-last chaos... Looks like you do have strong Si if you don't actually feel stressed out by any of this bc that means you are able to deal with your bodily sensations without a problem.

    I relate to some of this btw but I'm not like this THIS much. Maybe I'm sx/sp over sx/so after all...
    lmao You may just be better at being an adult than I am. If that explains it, then awesome, because so many of the strong-Si type descriptions I saw sound all orderly, and then I look at the mess around me like "well shit..."

    It's also ofc that you are a guy, so you'll be less tidy than women about some of this stuff lol.

    I'm personally not housewife material either but still, a tiny bit more focused on these matters than you.
    lol any amount more focused on these things than me is an improvement. I feel like if an SEI wound up married to me she'd probably turn homicidal inside of a month.

    But I beat you at chaos at one point, I pack for travel the absolute last minute.
    lmao you're a braver woman than I. The only time I stress this kind of thing is when I start trying to remember if I'm forgetting anything I need at a client, or might be leaving in a hotel room, so I end up going over it all like 3-4 times and still end up forgetting something in the hotel 25% of the time.

    And I can sleep on the floor just fine too yeah, or in broad daylight etc. I attribute that to good Si in my case because I just know how to adjust my body with the circumstances + the circumstances too ofc if needed.
    So that's what strong unconscious Si without primary SP looks like lol. I had been associating it with really having your shit together and making all of your spaces homey and comfy as they can be.

    Well that's an option too but I prefer to stick to more realistic scenarios lol
    Psh, "realistic." Have fun with that while I'm gonna be killing the other team in Martian resource wars, sucker

    The definition of progress is another long and deep topic.

    Yeah, fighting, it's animating and whatnot, and I think we deeply agree on that part again lol, but I prefer it to have a truly good point if it's really about giving a lot for something, such as my life, and it should be the best solution as well. If it's just about finding a way to fight, I can see other ways to do that than doing it in war.
    I can see that, absolutely, and I don't really disagree lol. I might just have a smaller scope in what I require for "a truly good point." "For my people" has always been enough of a truly good point for me. I wouldn't endorse fighting/war for its own sake, but even the shittiest wars yield some of the most inspiring expressions or demonstrations of φιλία and passion.

    America in revolution, that was an interesting image for sure. Is it really that close to being that?
    In a Schmitt-ian sense, yes, unfortunately. When people start acting on it, I don't know, because it's been sitting at a low boil for about 8 years, now. 2024 will be an interesting year because that's Trump's term limit hits, and the Left has been getting extremely rabidly racialized and illiberal in their desires. The ability for dissent to subsist is no longer acceptable to them, and they're getting more violent about it.

    Yeah I was asking rhetorical questions Your commitment orientation is very Ni HA btw in the way you put it, idk why you didn't relate to the descriptions
    Oh cool lol that was an aspect that hadn't occurred to me. I definitely did relate to it, but I also related to the description of suggestive Ni from your link so I was on the fence. I'll chalk that up to being hard to make finer distinctions between things you're bad at. My concept of Ni was focused on explicit consistency and the "time" orientation that keeps coming up in other descriptions

    Anyway yes I find commitment impressive too like that. I just do not want it to go over the other extreme with it becoming a brainwashing issue when the goal is not actually all that good or sensible or even worse than that.

    So for example for the example of the Brazilians, yeah, you can give a good statement by that kind of commitment, but I can't say I would necessarily prioritize making that statement over other goals if I have them in life, it depends if the other goals I find even better. (And yes they can still be goals for other people too, so it's not simply about being 100% self-centred, not at all.)
    Yeah absolutely. A unity of a good cause and total commitment would be the ideal without a doubt.

    The last link of yours there, yeah, I was gonna call it a touchy-feely link lol, so anyway sure that's a valid thing too. But do it in a way that it really ends up at the best possible results (i.e. best of all implementable ones) overall.
    lol yup I agree again with only a slight alteration, I'm okay with "good enough" results =P. I think our biggest difference is really just on where that line is drawn and maybe a bit of an aesthetic difference. You're much more sensible and pragmatic about this question where I'm very much a romantic about it .

    Lol I didn't really think about the type, just that bit seemed like it. I read the texts you posted here, I think all I can say is just that the writer is definitely a Ti/Fe type and yeah could be "EIE seeking tone" or "Fe seeking tone". If it really was about elaborating on fundamental principles, that's either Ti or Ni but it does sound more Ti than anything.
    Yeah I only know his writings as a philosopher (nothing personal or candid) so I doubt I could say more than that he's a Beta and maybe ST. I just know that most of his conclusions I came to on my own, independently, in less thorough and clear language. Eventually I read some of his stuff and my reaction was "oh my God. I'm home!" lol

    I don't think it'd ever get too "uncomfortable or intolerable" for me lol
    Challenge accepted lol

    It's actually weird with Socionics

    I only find it an acceptable framework for myself if I integrate it with some other contexts of systems but then yeah it seems to really offer things in terms of what its model is about that I have not seen anywhere else and that says a lot because I majored in cognitive psychology so I do have a background somewhat in other psychology theories.
    Nice, you probably have some pretty good criticisms as well beyond some of the peripheral speculative stuff. The intertype relation stuff strikes me as the most interesting (go figure, if sx/so), since it's more applicable and experiential than anything in MBTI which is basically just "Okay, you're an INFP. I guess you like to do magic mushrooms, walk around barefoot, and skip shaving your armpits" or "you're an INTJ, so you're a wannabe James Bond villain with short-man syndrome."

    Lol again that's so familiar to me, about the wandering part. Uhm, I was never strongly part of any "cliques", but otherwise yeah, nothing really made sense beyond a point. (I also didn't worry about constrictions or burdens but that's beside the point, just being precise here lol.)
    Hey be as precise as you like lol it's cool that someone else can relate to a good about of this stuff for once

    Yeah, since we are in your type thread, I'll say that that pretty much excludes N types (as for the LIE suggestion you asked about).
    Which is hysterical because for basically any MBTI forum "smart" default just means "NT" lmao and of course "deep" means "NF"
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 08-03-2018 at 02:22 AM.
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    (Sorry I did not have time for a couple of days)

    Quote Originally Posted by 1INT Vault Dweller View Post
    lmao You may just be better at being an adult than I am. If that explains it, then awesome, because so many of the strong-Si type descriptions I saw sound all orderly, and then I look at the mess around me like "well shit..."

    lol any amount more focused on these things than me is an improvement. I feel like if an SEI wound up married to me she'd probably turn homicidal inside of a month.
    Lol, right.

    lmao you're a braver woman than I. The only time I stress this kind of thing is when I start trying to remember if I'm forgetting anything I need at a client, or might be leaving in a hotel room, so I end up going over it all like 3-4 times and still end up forgetting something in the hotel 25% of the time.
    Ahh it doesn't need that much courage =) I have a few little tricks as methods to ensure I don't forget stuff

    So that's what strong unconscious Si without primary SP looks like lol. I had been associating it with really having your shit together and making all of your spaces homey and comfy as they can be.
    Yep that's what it looks like =P

    Psh, "realistic." Have fun with that while I'm gonna be killing the other team in Martian resource wars, sucker
    Yeah I'm having fun in actual tangible reality

    I can see that, absolutely, and I don't really disagree lol. I might just have a smaller scope in what I require for "a truly good point." "For my people" has always been enough of a truly good point for me. I wouldn't endorse fighting/war for its own sake, but even the shittiest wars yield some of the most inspiring expressions or demonstrations of φιλία and passion.
    I see, I seem a bit less strongly motivated by this umm, Fe stuff? I mean I can be, but if I see no good / constructive end result then I lose interest. That for me is true in general too.

    In a Schmitt-ian sense, yes, unfortunately. When people start acting on it, I don't know, because it's been sitting at a low boil for about 8 years, now. 2024 will be an interesting year because that's Trump's term limit hits, and the Left has been getting extremely rabidly racialized and illiberal in their desires. The ability for dissent to subsist is no longer acceptable to them, and they're getting more violent about it.

    Oh cool lol that was an aspect that hadn't occurred to me. I definitely did relate to it, but I also related to the description of suggestive Ni from your link so I was on the fence. I'll chalk that up to being hard to make finer distinctions between things you're bad at. My concept of Ni was focused on explicit consistency and the "time" orientation that keeps coming up in other descriptions
    Yeah, it's harder to differentiate between similarly strong or similarly weak functions. For me too I related to both descs both for HA/DS functions (Ni/Fe) originally and it took a while (more self-observation etc) before I could see which one really fit me more consistently and especially, more concretely.

    Yeah absolutely. A unity of a good cause and total commitment would be the ideal without a doubt.

    lol yup I agree again with only a slight alteration, I'm okay with "good enough" results =P. I think our biggest difference is really just on where that line is drawn and maybe a bit of an aesthetic difference. You're much more sensible and pragmatic about this question where I'm very much a romantic about it .
    Yeah, well "implementable" means it works in practice so in that sense it's also just "good enough"... but yes you are more, um romantic about it. Maybe the age difference

    Yeah I only know his writings as a philosopher (nothing personal or candid) so I doubt I could say more than that he's a Beta and maybe ST. I just know that most of his conclusions I came to on my own, independently, in less thorough and clear language. Eventually I read some of his stuff and my reaction was "oh my God. I'm home!" lol
    Hm yeha interesting, sorry no idea on typing still though.

    Challenge accepted lol

    Nice, you probably have some pretty good criticisms as well beyond some of the peripheral speculative stuff. The intertype relation stuff strikes me as the most interesting (go figure, if sx/so), since it's more applicable and experiential than anything in MBTI which is basically just "Okay, you're an INFP. I guess you like to do magic mushrooms, walk around barefoot, and skip shaving your armpits" or "you're an INTJ, so you're a wannabe James Bond villain with short-man syndrome."
    Yeah, criticisms I do have of the speculative stuff.

    As for intertype relations, I think most of it is speculative nuance too, lol, the most basic relations seem robust enough tho' (duality, conflictor/superego, maybe the other intraquadra stuff too).

    Hey be as precise as you like lol it's cool that someone else can relate to a good about of this stuff for once

    Which is hysterical because for basically any MBTI forum "smart" default just means "NT" lmao and of course "deep" means "NF"
    For the stereotypical "understanding" of it yeah

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    Oof, sorry about that slow response. Been traveling for work for the last month and spending a lot of time doing some deep soul-searching.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    (Sorry I did not have time for a couple of days)
    No sweat lol. My work is getting into its busy season so I'll be pretty slow for the next few months, as well, most likely.

    Yeah I'm having fun in actual tangible reality
    Give it time and tangible reality will catch up with me lmao

    I see, I seem a bit less strongly motivated by this umm, Fe stuff? I mean I can be, but if I see no good / constructive end result then I lose interest. That for me is true in general too.
    Yeah, I'm not so sure it's typology related, and more an effect of where I am personally. Or maybe those are one and the same. Who knows lol

    Yeah, it's harder to differentiate between similarly strong or similarly weak functions. For me too I related to both descs both for HA/DS functions (Ni/Fe) originally and it took a while (more self-observation etc) before I could see which one really fit me more consistently and especially, more concretely.
    That makes a lot of sense. All things in due time.

    Yeah, well "implementable" means it works in practice so in that sense it's also just "good enough"... but yes you are more, um romantic about it. Maybe the age difference
    lol doubtless that's true, also maybe partly the gender difference.

    Yeah, criticisms I do have of the speculative stuff.

    As for intertype relations, I think most of it is speculative nuance too, lol, the most basic relations seem robust enough tho' (duality, conflictor/superego, maybe the other intraquadra stuff too).
    Yeah the conflictor & superego definitely seem extremely on the money as far as I can tell. Explains a great deal about some past relationships that turned extremely sour very quickly lol

    For the stereotypical "understanding" of it yeah
    lol well I'm content to be a big ol' "shallow" and "dumb" ST lmao. I have about a billion times more fun than the self-satisfied "deep" Deltas.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Oof, sorry about that slow response. Been traveling for work for the last month and spending a lot of time doing some deep soul-searching.
    Slowest ever response here. I'm still busy too, will be busy for a long time actually, but got a little time this evening.

    Yeah, I'm not so sure it's typology related, and more an effect of where I am personally. Or maybe those are one and the same. Who knows lol
    Maybe the E6?

    Yeah the conflictor & superego definitely seem extremely on the money as far as I can tell. Explains a great deal about some past relationships that turned extremely sour very quickly lol
    Ahem, EII or IEE?

    I just want to add, I still have the same opinions as before about how I see you, but if you are sure on your new typing, that's all cool by me, too. So I'm not going to bring that up, unless you want to analyse anything about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Slowest ever response here. I'm still busy too, will be busy for a long time actually, but got a little time this evening.
    lmao she lives. That's no worries from me, as I can sympathize after a couple months of 70 hour weeks and travel.

    Maybe the E6?
    Or Fe Hidden Agenda? rofl Hell if I know with some of these things

    Ahem, EII or IEE?
    I seem to clash the hardest and fastest with EIIs, at least the women. A lot of "you can't say that" and "that's mean." I had a friend for a while that typed INFJ in MBTI that I'm relatively certain is an EII and crass jokes, swearing, and teasing never once sat right for her and we got into a LOT of very heated fights about it until we just parted ways because it was too much fucking stress for me to handle.

    I just want to add, I still have the same opinions as before about how I see you, but if you are sure on your new typing, that's all cool by me, too. So I'm not going to bring that up, unless you want to analyse anything about it.
    Hey, I'm down for any observations you got lol. I have very little concept of how I come across to others and you have been at this longer than me. By and large I operate by trying to make a catalogue of impressions I get from identified types or clear examples of functions/IEs to which I compare and contrast other things. So if "this feels like that" or "this doesn't vibe like that in this way" is just how I try to color things or feel them out through negative space.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    lmao she lives. That's no worries from me, as I can sympathize after a couple months of 70 hour weeks and travel.]
    Nice, any particular goal with that amount of workaholism?

    Or Fe Hidden Agenda? rofl Hell if I know with some of these things

    I seem to clash the hardest and fastest with EIIs, at least the women. A lot of "you can't say that" and "that's mean." I had a friend for a while that typed INFJ in MBTI that I'm relatively certain is an EII and crass jokes, swearing, and teasing never once sat right for her and we got into a LOT of very heated fights about it until we just parted ways because it was too much fucking stress for me to handle.
    Hmm, I've yet to see EIIs (the ones I've known) get into very heated fights lol, do you mean she actually got loud and had the actual stamina to tolerate the fighting? Without breaking down eventually crying or sulking lol

    I do have a problem with some EIIs myself, but it's entirely different - their guilt trippy or otherwise really negative and heavy Fi just gets traumatic lol.

    (I mean heavy to me. They still sound really light otherwise and not at all heavy in a physical way, it's more emotional to me. I have way less trouble with the Fi of ESIs in comparison)

    And it doesn't even have to be criticism towards me is the fun thing.

    Hey, I'm down for any observations you got lol. I have very little concept of how I come across to others and you have been at this longer than me. By and large I operate by trying to make a catalogue of impressions I get from identified types or clear examples of functions/IEs to which I compare and contrast other things. So if "this feels like that" or "this doesn't vibe like that in this way" is just how I try to color things or feel them out through negative space.
    OK, sure, if I see anything that looks like it relates to type, I'll let you know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Nice, any particular goal with that amount of workaholism?
    lol apart from survival I was trying to meet my assigned charge hour goal for the year that my consultancy assigns to each of us. Our slow season is in the beginning of the year so almost immediately we're all at a deficit and have to play catch up being double or triple-booked for the last 4 months.

    It helped pass the time though. Been going through a job application that's taken going on a full year now with a hell of a lot of waiting.

    Oi lmao speak up if you have an opinion

    Hmm, I've yet to see EIIs (the ones I've known) get into very heated fights lol, do you mean she actually got loud and had the actual stamina to tolerate the fighting?
    loud was only at her most hysterical after things had escalated (or disintegrated?) into theatrics. Prior to that it was always a lot of silent treatment, judgementally excusing herself from a chat, passive aggressive quips, text messages that would include a semi-subtle barb that she both did and didn't want a response to. Vexing shit until I got tired or she got out of control.

    I do have a problem with some EIIs myself, but it's entirely different - their guilt trippy or otherwise really negative and heavy Fi just gets traumatic lol.
    Oooooooh yeah. Her default mode seemed like ethical pressuring and it was tiring to say the least.

    OK, sure, if I see anything that looks like it relates to type, I'll let you know.
    sweet lol I'll keep an eye out
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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