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Thread: Please type me before I die from uncertainty

  1. #81
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    here's that article on cognitive styles

  2. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I actually think this is one of my most defining characteristics, but also one I'm extremely embarrassed to admit to people. Very few people know this about me. The one file that I would never want anyone to see is my typing spreadsheet. It has three separate sheets for people I know IRL, fictional characters, and characters I've created myself. It goes into almost OCDish detail about real people I know. I would probably off myself if anyone ever saw it lol. I've been maintaining and updating it for several years and it is extremely large.

    I also used to enjoy rating peoples' attractiveness on a numerical scale
    Hahahah oh you have no idea how much I relate to all this about the categorizing. I don't do this about socionics types, but I always did/do this categorizing and creating records/documentation about other stuff. I don't do it with types because it's hard to make that sort of thing truly concrete unchanging categories which is more my thing. I mean I do that, when I'm able to really see the type for someone. But it takes time so I don't have a big list of people who I definitely typed as concretely as I prefer to. So for types it's more in my head. I do have a document about Socionics and related thoughts though that I want to organize better and then present it one day.

    So yeah LII is certainly a possibility, my main thing is that my weird Ti-ness is mostly focused on people and I'm stupid with tech and math so it's hard for me to relate to "scientist" stereotypes. Though I'm actually good at chemistry and things like that and find that and natural science very interesting.
    I don't know what's that with the maths issues, @ouronis (another LII) I think used to hate maths before he got into it with his own approach though... So I don't know if you disliked maths in school because of how it was taught or what. If you find natural science very interesting then you already have the scientist inclinations, don't question yourself so much. There are also some other LIIs I've known who are more into social sciences or psychology and people analysis.

    Also I don't blame you at all for not reading the entire questionnaire. I am really long winded in general and I find most of the questions on these questionnaires quite boring myself. It literally took me three days to finish writing it.
    Lol the initial 80q (80 questions!) questionnaire I started with (that was on PerC, not here), that took me like a week. Not because it would be boring, though, just simply I took my time with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    By Se paired with Fe I mean valuing aggression/forcefulness with more emphasis on energy/loudness/fun than on kindness/social skills/respect. And by in an Fi manner I mean sometimes I will lock onto one person and totally ignore everyone else in the room (something my SEI ex hated), often sneaking away to do weird shit or have probing, personal conversations.
    I don't think aggression/forcefulness as the term is usually interpreted has anything to do with Fe really. Sounds like you are not into SLE stuff though. The rest of what you are saying is just introversion and maybe sx in Enneagram. I do that too with locking onto one person.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    A couple more reasons I relate to Ti: I love making lists.
    My head is a hiearchy of lists, lol.

    And another weird thing about me is that when I was about twelve years old I invented my own written language/code and I have been improving on it and changing it for years to get it to a point that it is impossible to decipher and looks like a real language instead of just a bunch of symbols like !@#$%^. I write in my own language when I don't want anyone to see what I'm writing and I can write in it almost as fast as I could write normally, though it's often hard for me to go back and read what I've written. I have hundreds of pages of stuff that is in my own language. It's gotten pretty advanced over the years and I'm fairly confident it would take a professional to decipher it. And even then, sometimes I will switch back and forth between old/new style symbols so there isn't enough consistency for others to figure it out.
    Aww lol. I didn't go as far as inventing languages but I invented some encryptions. Not very complex ones but I did focus on them not being too easily decipherable, at least not on first try lol. I did/do use tricks on consistency for that (not the same strategy as yours, bit different). I still use these if I want to be sure no one can easily read what I note down lol. And yeah, I got used to writing fast in that way too. And I would have loved it if any of my friends had not been too lazy to learn at least the simplest one, to use it for writing letters to each other in school.

    I have no idea what you mean by the claim that you made it look like a real language though. You mean you have all the words and grammar needed for that?

    Though I do wish I could perfect it just to say I perfected something, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of making an indecipherable language.
    Perfection doesn't mean indecipherable in this case?

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    In one arc he creates this really detailed (to a ridiculous degree) tabletop game that seems like something I would invent. Then he realized the game was "nothing" and was sad. I never related more to someone haha. And especially to his emotions later when he realized other people had somehow gotten a hold of the game and were obsessed with it. I would love to do something like that. Actually my biggest dream in life is to write a novel that becomes a movie series that people love so much that they write fanfiction about it so I can read the fanfiction people wrote about my own universe. I would feel like a god.
    I just built already existing games. Idk if that's a Ti-Ne vs Ti-Se difference.

    And that is also indicative of how private I am about my own ideas and writing. (The only problem with this system is if I write in a strange looking language at school or work it actually draws more attention to what I'm doing than if I just wrote regularly, so sometimes I'll just intentionally write very sloppy or small so no one can read it.) Once I actually had a kid come up to me after college algebra to comment on what I was doing because he thought it looked cool and he was making a comic book and wanted me to help him invent a language for a race he had created.

    Oh and although I am really disorganized and random in most matters, I do have systems for certain things and I get very annoyed if people do things the wrong way in things that I have my own systems for.
    Ok yeah introversion and Ti.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    That is definitely me, though I'm not a stickler on forums because I think it can water down relevant typing information so I try to write in the same way I think. But I do love to go back and add stuff I missed and I'll fix obvious errors.
    It actually is relevant typing information... just write how you usually write, best for typing, if it includes being a stickler for grammar, then be that.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Yeah EII doesn't really seem right to me either. The main reason I considered it is because I felt like my Polr was more Se than Ti and I assumed I was Fi ego. And since I had typed as IEE for so long it seemed absurd to switch from Ti Polr to Ti base.
    Idk what it is with Base vs PoLR but I had no problem considering SEE for myself, I had a problem with considering ESI tho lol, that definitely didn't seem right. I just don't think I was really aware of what it actually means to have Ti PoLR, or more like, what it actually means to be ExFx and very low Ti.

    I'm curious what about me seems SEE?
    No way you'd be an SEE lol...

    Perhaps this is Ti related in itself that I find it pretty upsetting that I might be the exact opposite type of what I first typed as. Because that means socionics is not as cut and dry as I wish it was and I've probably been working on incorrect assumptions all these years. Logical consistency is indeed very important to me and I have a deep appreciation for descriptive systems that are beautifully complex, specific, symmetrical, and accurate.
    Lol after these statements here, yeah, settle with Ti lead for yourself.

    Also it upsets me a bit when I read old forum posts and see that someone has been making all these assertions about their presumed type and later they change their type to something completely different. An irrational part of me would almost prefer to attempt to morph into the type that I thought I was than admit to myself I was wrong about myself the whole time and everything I've believed has been a lie.

    It's ok though. Socionics is hard to apply for several reasons, a main reason is just that people are complex, so don't blame yourself.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    here's that article on cognitive styles
    Ah yes, I've actually seen this many times. I just read it in its entirety for the first time and it gave me a literal headache. However from what I could actually understand of it, I relate more to Holographic-panoramic. Such as: "In this way, by mentally superimposing multiple projections of the same object, Holographists reach a holistic view. To do this, they look at the image and select a desired angle of examination. Holographic cognition often utilizes the grammatical conjunctives: "or-or", "either-or", "on the one hand, on the other hand". It actively uses the principle of perspective; unrestricted choice in point of view. The holographic approach is a progressive approximation towards the purpose, or away from it, accompanied by changes of perspective. The holographic process is carried out as if calibrating focus."

    I believe my arguments tend to be more "this is what I believe but on the other hand if I'm looking at it the wrong way than it could be this", then I can usually look at it easily from an opposing view and come to a completely different conclusion. I say "however" a lot and do a lot of reframing. I also relate much more to being static than dynamic.

    HOWEVER (lol) I find this particular article very difficult to understand so who knows. I'll probably go back and read it a few more times and hopefully understand it a bit more each time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Thinking ego as a possibility. EII seems off. LII sounds very interesting because you would be very unusual case.
    What would make it unusual?

  5. #85
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    yeah every time I read it I feel like I get something new out of it; there's a lot of stuff going on in there. I doubt anyone has a truly firm grasp on it, but its still super interesting

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I've assumed I was an IEE for a long time. Just wanna make sure. Are you saying I seem delta because you can tolerate me more than if I was alpha? I'm flattered haha. My main reason for doubting ILE is because I have no problems with Fi in other people so it's hard to think that is my Polr. Unless I am just misunderstanding what Fi really is.
    It's hard to explain but i get what ive come to think of as personalized warmth from you, which ive come to equate with Fi. Both ILEs and LIIs are much colder and more detached and analytical- i don't see that in you. You also come across as an extravert on here- im just looking at how much u've written and how u approach the topic as an object. Just food for thought, and from here my suggestion would be IEE

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What would make it unusual?

    Usually LII's tend to be very stiff and quite principled. That is most LII's I have met but my personal experience might be quite limited when it comes to well socialized LII's.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    It's hard to explain but i get what ive come to think of as personalized warmth from you, which ive come to equate with Fi. Both ILEs and LIIs are much colder and more detached and analytical- i don't see that in you. You also come across as an extravert on here- im just looking at how much u've written and how u approach the topic as an object. Just food for thought, and from here my suggestion would be IEE
    I would agree with you for the most part. Except I was talking to this ILE coworker who said I'm not friendly. I was a little offended because I consider myself friendly. Also I have this disturbing feeling that anyone in my life could die and I'd immediately move on. I'm not really attached to people. I just like them or find them interesting.
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    regarding ILE: Were you some sort of technical wonder child/Are you technical wonder these days? You just walk there and know where is the problem and how to fix it. Like people with computer who get stuck. I don't mean anything professional or something you had to study for.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    regarding ILE: Were you some sort of technical wonder child/Are you technical wonder these days? You just walk there and know where is the problem and how to fix it. Like people with computer who get stuck. I don't mean anything professional or something you had to study for.
    Not particularly. I find technology very boring. One of the main reasons I doubt I'm NT. But I'm pretty good at general problem solving or finding novel uses for ordinary objects.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    It's hard to explain but i get what ive come to think of as personalized warmth from you, which ive come to equate with Fi. Both ILEs and LIIs are much colder and more detached and analytical- i don't see that in you. You also come across as an extravert on here- im just looking at how much u've written and how u approach the topic as an object. Just food for thought, and from here my suggestion would be IEE
    You are possibly seeing the "Fi role" thingy.

    Introverts write way more than extraverts lol

    (Stereotype but pretty true)

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Usually LII's tend to be very stiff and quite principled. That is most LII's I have met but my personal experience might be quite limited when it comes to well socialized LII's.
    LII-Ti is. LII-Ne isn't that stuck-up

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I would agree with you for the most part. Except I was talking to this ILE coworker who said I'm not friendly. I was a little offended because I consider myself friendly. Also I have this disturbing feeling that anyone in my life could die and I'd immediately move on. I'm not really attached to people. I just like them or find them interesting.
    I think you are just unaware of your feelings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    You are possibly seeing the "Fi role" thingy.

    Introverts write way more than extraverts lol

    (Stereotype but pretty true)

    LII-Ti is. LII-Ne isn't that stuck-up

    I think you are just unaware of your feelings.
    Yeah that's what I would think too, about introverts writing more. I am highly introspective and eventually I have to let out all my thoughts somehow, usually all at once. I rarely talk about the things I think about because I feel like it will bore people. But if someone expresses an interest in me or something I know a lot about/care about I can talk/write a lottttt. And at the end I usually feel like I've revealed too much or overstepped boundaries.

    I am highly avoidant of negative feelings. Something that drives S/Os crazy. My ex was very upset when our cat died and I didn't seem to care at all. Previous exes have complained that I have no feelings or that I'm uncommunicative or I don't seem to miss them when they leave. Or I'd minimize their problems.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Not particularly. I find technology very boring. One of the main reasons I doubt I'm NT. But I'm pretty good at general problem solving or finding novel uses for ordinary objects.
    Usually LIx types are not typically the best in those things being compared to ILx types. Some may even shy away from those things.

    Possibly so called process types will form better understanding of details as they map out solution.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Usually LIx types are not typically the best in those things being compared to ILx types. Some may even shy away from those things.

    Possibly so called process types will form better understanding of details as they map out solution.
    Interesting...process/result is one dichotomy I struggle to understand. I can see myself in both. For example, if I'm cleaning I'll switch back and forth between rooms and tasks so much that I never really finish. But if I'm cooking something with a recipe or putting something together I follow the instructions to the letter. Usually I read things start to finish because I don't want to miss anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Interesting...process/result is one dichotomy I struggle to understand. I can see myself in both. For example, if I'm cleaning I'll switch back and forth between rooms and tasks so much that I never really finish. But if I'm cooking something with a recipe or putting something together I follow the instructions to the letter. Usually I read things start to finish because I don't want to miss anything.
    To me it is like build up vs result.

    Result types (to me) apparently do not see the structure as connective steps. This is also like artificial (process) vs natural (result). Artificial emotion (acting) vs natural emotion or artificial scenarios (Ne process) natural scenarios (Ne result). I think there is a tendency to extract lots of categorical information from one point in time whereas process types just immerse themselves into a situation. Process types treat outsiders relatively better than insiders (I think it is just result point of view on things as they do not like to work with things inside out).
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    I have to say, I feel like Fe and negativism are clear... I say this because you seem set up to disagree although you do it a polite manner, and you typically lay what I think of as "Fe groundwork" which I associate with Fe creative. Kind of stopping first and being like "how's everyone doing? okay? good." opening post was a good example of that. Ti Ne seeking seems clear. Sensitive to "tension" in a theoretical sense, spots contradictions or problems. Se ignoring would explain a lot in regard to lack of ambition and so forth. Rapport with troll seems clear. all of this seems to build to someone made for ILE--it all centers around keeping things going (non valued Ni), spotting contradictions, but being polite, keeping ILE talking etc. I would bet anything clearly militating toward a decisive answer will be met with displeasure, because it misses the point. with that said this will be my last post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    It's hard to explain but i get what ive come to think of as personalized warmth from you, which ive come to equate with Fi. Both ILEs and LIIs are much colder and more detached and analytical- i don't see that in you. You also come across as an extravert on here- im just looking at how much u've written and how u approach the topic as an object. Just food for thought, and from here my suggestion would be IEE
    To be honest the more you respond to my posts the more i'm doubting you're delta haha It's hard to say, but you really do have this "or or" thing going on, where you will debate against a point and render it null and then move to something else. unless you're bored or something and just wanting to hear various opinions without a need to come to a conclusion. Good luck with the type and all, but i think that was all i had to contribute thus far.

  18. #98
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    why are you doubting IEE?

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    Might be LII or ILE after all.

    Leaning towards LII. That avoidance negative emotions part. Keeping it positive or neutral strikes as LII. Something that ESE does. ILE's tend to enjoy receiving shake up or shaking it up.

    IEE maybe
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-30-2018 at 04:44 AM.
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    The impression I get from videos is ILE. You sound like a constructivist>emotivist, there's really not much voice modulation going on there, you just proceed to explain things in a neutral sounding tone which is a trait I've noticed with 'constructivist' types like ILE. Enneagram: probably 9w1 sx/sp, syn-flow for sure as you feel compelled towards people in your own words.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    why are you doubting IEE?
    I'm not sure if you are asking me (?). But i'll answer as if you were asking haha.

    She(?) seems to have nullified my argument by bringing in a single example from her everyday life, saying that someone told her they don't consider her friendly. Well, how on earth can you argue with something like that lol. Basically, i don't know her irl and have to take in consideration what she (he?) says about herself.

    To me that point alone is not enough to exactly counter my argument, but she seems to want to be nitpicking. So i considered that maybe she just likes to entertain various opinions without coming to a conclusion - i prefer to not be part of that sort of discussional behaviour since to me things have to come to a logical conclusion of sorts.

    Hope this answers your question, if it was addressed at me of course lol

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    Thank you @Delilah, but it was for schwiftyrickty, I mean, since he consistently scores IEE, but nevermind both of you, I already read some of his reasons in a post above. I wasnt reading all the post, lol.
    Last edited by Faith; 04-30-2018 at 05:42 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    To be honest the more you respond to my posts the more i'm doubting you're delta haha It's hard to say, but you really do have this "or or" thing going on, where you will debate against a point and render it null and then move to something else. unless you're bored or something and just wanting to hear various opinions without a need to come to a conclusion. Good luck with the type and all, but i think that was all i had to contribute thus far.
    Why does this disqualify delta in your opinion?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    why are you doubting IEE?
    Honestly I tend to do this every time I am depressed or in a rut. I start doubting everything I thought to be true and this sort of exercise is very useful for self-examination and helps me get outside my head a bit and get outside opinions. The more suggestions I get, especially off the wall ones like SEI, the more I just figure I'll give up soon and go back to IEE. Although I am considering all the options, I still have IEE at the top of my personal list. Originally I doubted IEE because I thought I seemed more introverted. I was expecting to maybe retype as EII, I certainly wasn't expecting all the Alpha NT suggestions, and the Alpha SF suggestions just hit me out of nowhere. I'm still not sure if I should take those seriously or not.

    Also I have always kinda been on the fence about whether I'm ethical or logical but I feel that I lean slightly ethical. It's just that I am very intellectual and can be a bit socially awkward and if you broaden the definition of NT to include subjects outside of math, tech and theoretical science, I fit the NT club quite well. And I'm a nice person but sometimes I feel I lack real empathy. And I actually do relate to Alpha quadra about equally to Delta.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 04-30-2018 at 10:43 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Might be LII or ILE after all.

    Leaning towards LII. That avoidance negative emotions part. Keeping it positive or neutral strikes as LII. Something that ESE does. ILE's tend to enjoy receiving shake up or shaking it up.

    IEE maybe
    How do you feel about Bertrand's final post about me? I actually kind of agree with his assessment of me, but I disagree with his conclusion. He never really gives me any reason that I might be Si base, though I did look at the description of SEI-Fe and it superficially resembled me a lot. And I do feel a pleasant connection with you, however I like pretty much everyone so far that has been commenting, even Bert himself lol.

    I should also point out that my politeness on this thread is not necessarily indicative of my usual behavior IRL. It's more my behavior among polite company/acquaintances. I have definitely been known to shake things up with people I know better. I actually am quite contrary at times and like getting reactions. Preferably laughs, but not necessarily. Here's an example: In high school I was really into politics and for some reason I thought it was hilarious to pretend I was a hard core republican. I wore tons of America gear and had a magnificent belt buckle with a bald eagle on it and I read Ann Coulter and supported John McCain and would argue politics all day long with anyone who would engage me. I especially loved talking to actual conservatives and agreeing with them but going way overboard with it, like saying abortion is wrong, stem cell research is wrong, and we should just bury all the stem cells so no one can use them, etc. I love irony and absurdity and I love to play the devil's advocate. I will argue any point just for fun. I kind of saw myself as a teenage Stephen Colbert. Sarah Silverman was another person I was really into and related to.

    Oh yeah and in Geopolitics we would often discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict and we were supposed to come up with our own ideas on how to solve it and my suggestion was always to blow them all up so we could be done with it. This made our teacher furious (she was a bitch anyway) and I remember her telling me once "have fun flipping burgers your whole life". Joke's on her, I'm folding tacos.

    And I'm starting to remember having quite a hedonist streak and being obsessed with the writings of Marquis de Sade and idealizing the "libertine" lifestyle. It's honestly kind of hard to tell which parts of me were honest and which parts were ironic.

    Also when I am comfortable with people I have a habit of mocking them mercilessly and playing pranks. Trying to scare them and perfect my impression of them and bringing up old stories about them etc. When I was younger I also enjoyed a bit of roughhousing.

    Really I have two distinct personalities. One for when I am comfortable and engaged and one for when I am testing the waters or uninterested. The former can be highly obnoxious and the latter is very polite and diplomatic. So it is really hard to say. Am I truly an extravert who just lacks self-confidence or am I an introvert who comes alive around his close friends?
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 04-30-2018 at 11:02 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    The impression I get from videos is ILE. You sound like a constructivist>emotivist, there's really not much voice modulation going on there, you just proceed to explain things in a neutral sounding tone which is a trait I've noticed with 'constructivist' types like ILE. Enneagram: probably 9w1 sx/sp, syn-flow for sure as you feel compelled towards people in your own words.
    I consider myself so/sx, but on forums people almost always type me as sx first for some reason so maybe there's something to that.

    I actually do relate more to constructivist than emotivist. But the one dichotomy I relate the most to is Obstinate>yielding, which would mean IEE or LII. However I am very skeptical of the validity of most of those dichotomies. A lot of them seem contradictory.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    I'm not sure if you are asking me (?). But i'll answer as if you were asking haha.

    She(?) seems to have nullified my argument by bringing in a single example from her everyday life, saying that someone told her they don't consider her friendly. Well, how on earth can you argue with something like that lol. Basically, i don't know her irl and have to take in consideration what she (he?) says about herself.

    To me that point alone is not enough to exactly counter my argument, but she seems to want to be nitpicking. So i considered that maybe she just likes to entertain various opinions without coming to a conclusion - i prefer to not be part of that sort of discussional behaviour since to me things have to come to a logical conclusion of sorts.

    Hope this answers your question, if it was addressed at me of course lol
    I'm a dude. And if you are unsure you should probably just use gender neutral terminology not say he/she? And then continue to refer to me as female despite the fact that I've given no indication that I'm female. (Not trying to be a dick, but this is probably the most delta thing I've said in the whole thread so I figured I'd leave it in lol)

    And I would've said more but I was at work and typing on my phone.

    Yeah this is basically just an entertaining exercise but it has provided me with many interesting insights. And now I'm starting to wonder if I haven't actually been mistyped all along even though I was honestly 95% positive I was IEE when I started and I thought it was kinda lame to start a thread all about me when I was pretty confident in my typing to begin with. I just thought it would be fun to have everyone analyzing me.

    If you guys are wondering if I'm going to intentionally make this last forever, the answer is no. It's actually kind of bugging me. The real object of this "game" is for someone to convince me that I am not IEE, which so far, I'm still not 100% convinced, especially given the fact that I'm getting very different opinions from people who I respect so it's confusing to say the least. If no one can convince me I'm not IEE soon I will just go back to that assumption probably despite the fact that most of you seem to think I'm Alpha. The main reason I believe I'm slightly Delta over Alpha is because I hate SLEs so much haha. And I have tension with Beta types in general, though I've really enjoyed talking to @Myst and @Olimpia.

    Also no one has really given me any reason that my apparent Fe couldn't be demonstrative.
    Last edited by schwiftyrickty; 04-30-2018 at 10:49 AM.
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    Oh and @Crystal, I noticed you were typing Rick and Morty characters. If it helps I think I'm more of a Morty than a Rick haha. I also commiserate with Jerry quite a bit.

    And can you see me as your dual?
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Honestly I tend to do this every time I am depressed or in a rut. I start doubting everything I thought to be true and this sort of exercise is very useful for self-examination and helps me get outside my head a bit and get outside opinions. The more suggestions I get, especially off the wall ones like SEI, the more I just figure I'll give up soon and go back to IEE. Although I am considering all the options, I still have IEE at the top of my personal list. Originally I doubted IEE because I thought I seemed more introverted. I was expecting to maybe retype as EII, I certainly wasn't expecting all the Alpha NT suggestions, and the Alpha SF suggestions just hit me out of nowhere. I'm still not sure if I should take those seriously or not.

    Also I have always kinda been on the fence about whether I'm ethical or logical but I feel that I lean slightly ethical. It's just that I am very intellectual and can be a bit socially awkward and if you broaden the definition of NT to include subjects outside of math, tech and theoretical science, I fit the NT club quite well. And I'm a nice person but sometimes I feel I lack real empathy. And I actually do relate to Alpha quadra about equally to Delta.
    Oh, ok, good to know. Well, imo you VI more like Alpha NT (LII>ILE), but also you seem kinda ethical. I'd say LII Ne maybe, but again, you seem kinda ethical, idk. SEI is off the mark imo. 0 Si. And childlike.

    Hey, how about quadra complex? Do you identify more with alpha or delta? Maybe that could help you to identify more clearly your quadra values.

    And about Morty, haha yeah, EII> IEE Fi. I think Rick is more like the real self of ILE (the one they doesnt show irl with everyone, lol).

    And could be, though I dont get especific IEE vibes, but could be. I'm perfectly fine with you typing yourself as IEE, though.
    Last edited by Faith; 04-30-2018 at 01:30 PM.

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    Lol funny how the Se/Fi valuer gammas @Bertrand and @Delilah checked out already having reached their limits with the Ne option finding and Ti nitpicking.

    I personally also don't really see the point in the option finding but I'm totally fine with the Ti so still here a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I should also point out that my politeness on this thread is not necessarily indicative of my usual behavior IRL. It's more my behavior among polite company/acquaintances. I have definitely been known to shake things up with people I know better. I actually am quite contrary at times and like getting reactions. Preferably laughs, but not necessarily. Here's an example: In high school I was really into politics and for some reason I thought it was hilarious to pretend I was a hard core republican. I wore tons of America gear and had a magnificent belt buckle with a bald eagle on it and I read Ann Coulter and supported John McCain and would argue politics all day long with anyone who would engage me. I especially loved talking to actual conservatives and agreeing with them but going way overboard with it, like saying abortion is wrong, stem cell research is wrong, and we should just bury all the stem cells so no one can use them, etc. I love irony and absurdity and I love to play the devil's advocate. I will argue any point just for fun. I kind of saw myself as a teenage Stephen Colbert. Sarah Silverman was another person I was really into and related to.
    This is really weak Fi.

    All that arguing for different sides and getting reactions is so alpha NT, Ti+Ne and Fe seeking (HA or DS).

    Let me note here that "being ethical" isn't the same as being an Ethics type in Socionics. Ethics types are very tuned into how they feel about things, you don't seem to be. They are not "more ethical" otherwise than Logical types. And LxI can show a pretty nice polite side (called the "Fi role" though I disagree with that explanation for it specifically) that's "ethical" yeah, and they are often concerned with questions of ethics in general, but it doesn't make them an Ethics type in Socionics.

    Oh yeah and in Geopolitics we would often discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict and we were supposed to come up with our own ideas on how to solve it and my suggestion was always to blow them all up so we could be done with it. This made our teacher furious (she was a bitch anyway) and I remember her telling me once "have fun flipping burgers your whole life". Joke's on her, I'm folding tacos.
    Yeah more weak Fi and Fe valuing.

    Really I have two distinct personalities. One for when I am comfortable and engaged and one for when I am testing the waters or uninterested. The former can be highly obnoxious and the latter is very polite and diplomatic. So it is really hard to say. Am I truly an extravert who just lacks self-confidence or am I an introvert who comes alive around his close friends?
    Not hard to say. This is typical introvert behaviour. I'll tell you why - even extraverts that lack some confidence (say lack of confidence in Fe HA) are able to come alive around more people than just close friends. That is a very very introvert thing to say, that you become extraverted in behaviour around the close friends.

    Also no one has really given me any reason that my apparent Fe couldn't be demonstrative.
    The Ti is too strong and Fe is too weak to be demonstrative, lol. In your video too. I mean I'm not sure what you called "apparent" Fe, I don't see it as really visible anywhere and it was one of the main reasons why I didn't think ILE for you. But tell us, what exactly it is that you see as 4D (!!) demonstrative Fe in yourself.

    PS: Did you see this post of mine (#82), you could've skipped it accidentally because you were posting right after.
    PS2: Glad you enjoyed the talking.
    Last edited by Myst; 04-30-2018 at 01:00 PM.

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    Yeah. Visually LII>ILE. You seem to have some problems with Se and Te (determination, hanging on) which is something that I have seen in some LII's.

    Not terminating subtype + ignoring and PoLR problems, I think.
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    Let's get some dual steam rolling in here .
    Schwifty, you seem Ne ego to me for sure. Online personnae actually exist, and that's what a lot of people on this forum don't take into consideration when typing people off their posts, so I'm reserved about your type honestly.
    Being someone who is a bajilion times more jumpy and extraverted in text than they are in real life, I can understand you perfectly.

    I'm a manic pixie dream boy, but without the "pixie" and replace "dream" with "depressive".
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Let's get some dual steam rolling in here .
    Schwifty, you seem Ne ego to me for sure. Online personnae actually exist, and that's what a lot of people on this forum don't take into consideration when typing people off their posts, so I'm reserved about your type honestly.
    Being someone who is a bajilion times more jumpy and extraverted in text than they are in real life, I can understand you perfectly.

    I'm a manic pixie dream boy, but without the "pixie" and replace "dream" with "depressive".
    This is true. The online personality thing. Introverts speak and ppl in general can speak their mind in forums 80% more than irl. Which is very notorious to me is that extroverts seem to not enjoy so much online communication, since seems to be an indirect and introverted channel.

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    EDIT: argh, I forgot the agreement

    As for the topic on introvert-extravert differences online, I do think writing a lot is a stereotypically introverted thing lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    Oh, ok, good to know. Well, imo you VI more like Alpha NT (LII>ILE), but also you seem kinda ethical. I'd say LII Ne maybe, but again, you seem kinda ethical, idk. SEI is off the mark imo. 0 Si. And childlike.

    Hey, how about quadra complex? Do you identify more with alpha or delta? Maybe that could help you to identify more clearly your quadra values.

    And about Morty, haha yeah, EII> IEE Fi. I think Rick is more like the real self of ILE (the one they doesnt show irl with everyone, lol).

    And could be, though I dont get especific IEE vibes, but could be. I'm perfectly fine with you typing yourself as IEE, though.
    I do heavily identify as childlike. I can relate to Rick in some ways. I can be cynical and nihilistic at times, but I have a distinctive softness to me, and a desire to do the right thing and be a good person when I can. The only ways I relate to Si are love of pleasure and sensual variety. I enjoy wine tasting and craft beer and never get the same drink twice. And I'm pretty sexual, though I prefer to keep that to myself. I don't really like the way beta types talk about sex.

    Those articles are tough for me to get through, but if I had to choose I'd probably say Alpha. My main concern is that I won't get my point across fully.

    It's interesting that people keep saying I VI as LII since I always thought I looked very IEE, at least in photographs. I smile easily in a kind of submissive way.
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    I find that people want to type me C sub.

    My self-submersion is serious matter also lack of external impulsive behavior is something that I tend to have while not being orderly. I seriously think that my intuition is running amok in both directions.

    Anyways, there i large agreement over my ILE typing in spreadsheet and D&H are the closest ones to actual type descriptions.

    So. I believe that @Feathers forum behavior is bit different from his actual behavior.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    I do heavily identify as childlike. I can relate to Rick in some ways. I can be cynical and nihilistic at times, but I have a distinctive softness to me, and a desire to do the right thing and be a good person when I can. The only ways I relate to Si are love of pleasure and sensual variety. I enjoy wine tasting and craft beer and never get the same drink twice. And I'm pretty sexual, though I prefer to keep that to myself. I don't really like the way beta types talk about sex.

    Those articles are tough for me to get through, but if I had to choose I'd probably say Alpha. My main concern is that I won't get my point across fully.

    It's interesting that people keep saying I VI as LII since I always thought I looked very IEE, at least in photographs. I smile easily in a kind of submissive way.
    The smile is LxI Fi role smile. If Fe demonstrative is this smile to you, yeah, don't type IEE imo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol funny how the Se/Fi valuer gammas @Bertrand and @Delilah checked out already having reached their limits with the Ne option finding and Ti nitpicking.

    I personally also don't really see the point in the option finding but I'm totally fine with the Ti so still here a bit.

    This is really weak Fi.

    All that arguing for different sides and getting reactions is so alpha NT, Ti+Ne and Fe seeking (HA or DS).

    Let me note here that "being ethical" isn't the same as being an Ethics type in Socionics. Ethics types are very tuned into how they feel about things, you don't seem to be. They are not "more ethical" otherwise than Logical types. And LxI can show a pretty nice polite side (called the "Fi role" though I disagree with that explanation for it specifically) that's "ethical" yeah, and they are often concerned with questions of ethics in general, but it doesn't make them an Ethics type in Socionics.

    Yeah more weak Fi and Fe valuing.

    Not hard to say. This is typical introvert behaviour. I'll tell you why - even extraverts that lack some confidence (say lack of confidence in Fe HA) are able to come alive around more people than just close friends. That is a very very introvert thing to say, that you become extraverted in behaviour around the close friends.

    The Ti is too strong and Fe is too weak to be demonstrative, lol. In your video too. I mean I'm not sure what you called "apparent" Fe, I don't see it as really visible anywhere and it was one of the main reasons why I didn't think ILE for you. But tell us, what exactly it is that you see as 4D (!!) demonstrative Fe in yourself.

    PS: Did you see this post of mine (#82), you could've skipped it accidentally because you were posting right after.
    PS2: Glad you enjoyed the talking.
    I did find that kind of off-putting. To me Bertrand was saying this is my opinion and I know I'm right but I am unwilling to prove it, which to me really said that he was unable to prove it and he was going entirely on an arbitrary hunch. That could point to Gamma as opposing quadra I suppose. I have a lot of Gamma friends, plus my mom, and although I love them I find it impossible to have a theoretical conversation with them. They will argue for a while and then get either mad or lose interest and just drop it as if they are right and there is no point continuing, but they still haven't really proven their point. I like to argue until we've exhausted all options.

    And I do find you truly pleasant to talk to, so assuming you are correctly typed it is hard to imagine you as my conflictor. I've not known a lot of LSIs IRL so I've never been able to confirm that particular ITR. SEE on the other hand does make sense for my conflictor. I find them kind of intellectually dull and impossible to have a meaningful/constructive conversation with, no offense to any SEEs that might actually be reading this lol. I do know some SEEs I like and I value your generosity and loyalty.

    If what you are saying about ethical types is true, then that actually makes a lot of sense. I have an ethical focus and in some ways I consider myself an ethical person (though not really in reality...) I am very very disconnected to my feelings. Partly because I am able to look at things from all sides so it's difficult to know how I truly feel about anything. It's too subjective.

    I actually know quite a lot of ILEs. And very few other NT types. I have found them to generally be more willing to engage strangers than me. I absolutely DESPISE doing this unless I'm drinking or have a reason to talk to them, like customers. I'm very kind and friendly to customers because that is my job, but I hate to approach strangers for no reason. My mom does this a lot and I can't stand it. I'll personally go way out of my way to avoid it and I don't even like talking on the phone. The main reason I consider myself an extravert is the stereotypical MBTI descriptions of extraversion vs. introversion that describe extraverts as gaining energy from interaction and introverts needing time to recharge. At a good party I usually am the last one awake trying to keep it going. Maybe this is just Fe valuing?

    Actually one of the main reasons I originally doubted I was IEE is because I didn't think my Fe was strong enough to be 4D, but everyone who watches my videos immediately points out the obvious Fe, and I can see it. I smile a lot, often gesture, and get visibly excited. However my control over Fe is weak IMO. It is like I get swept away in it and can't do anything about it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
    Why does this disqualify delta in your opinion?
    IMO, although you didn't ask.
    It most certainly disqualifies you as EII but IEE's tend to have SLE-ish way of ruffling someone's @Feathers.
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    Based on the video evidence, you're a member of one of the Fi-valuing quadras. Judging type, with judging subtype. You strike me as Gamma J. So LIE perhaps.

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