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Thread: Your typing of forum members

  1. #8201
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicCat View Post
    @Irene Add From the shout-box: "Yeah, Cos said LII, but I'm external". Yes. Carl Jung was an asshole. That's why wikisocion says is externally-oriented.

    I/E do not mean "internal/external". The best idea for I/E is "one-to-many" and "many-to-one" from the language of system analysis.

    Don't let anyone fuck you over by typing you E. It is the skeevyist of all the Reinin dichotomies.
    She's an extravert, she pushes out ideas one after another from the collection net.

    And uninhibited unlike LII. Face value, what you see is what is and is collected.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    When slicing the pie, 22/ 7 is your true bread from heaven

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  2. #8202
    Namco: The Game Creator CosmicGenis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    She's an extravert, she pushes out ideas one after another from the collection net.

    And uninhibited unlike LII. Face value, what you see is what is and is collected.
    The LII prototype in socionics is dank.
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
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    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
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    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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  3. #8203

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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    She's an extravert, she pushes out ideas one after another from the collection net.

    And uninhibited unlike LII. Face value, what you see is what is and is collected.
    hospital worker flirted with me today. Some introvert from a democratic quadra. (Like the kids' gay panic) NT hormone-fueled panic ensued. Might not recover. (St. Motel song) 'They're just my tyyyype'

    Ugh. NTs are such nerds. I forget

  4. #8204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irene Add View Post
    hospital worker flirted with me today. Some introvert from a democratic quadra. (Like the kids' gay panic) NT hormone-fueled panic ensued. Might not recover. (St. Motel song) 'They're just my tyyyype'

    Ugh. NTs are such nerds. I forget
    You talk (write) like an ILE(-Ti) friend of mine. Using linguistic styles is the easiest way for me to type in online interactions. The content of what someone writes can be a lie, but the style always gives them away.

  5. #8205

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    You talk (write) like an ILE(-Ti) friend of mine. Using linguistic styles is the easiest way for me to type in online interactions. The content of what someone writes can be a lie, but the style always gives them away.
    I am some ENT-

    And thanks for distracting me from my life. It helps

  6. #8206

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    Quote Originally Posted by BrainlessSquid View Post
    @Alive, Do you think people like @Kill4Me, @Lolita, @Number9Large, @nanashi, @myresearch, @Eudaimonia are IEI?
    Here, user nanashi is getting evaluated for being NF, and Northstar was saying earlier how I am IEE like nannashi..

    I am not NF. I am certain

  7. #8207
    Namco: The Game Creator CosmicGenis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irene Add View Post
    I am some ENT-

    And thanks for distracting me from my life. It helps
    Bah, I warned you not to choose E. It's the black sheep. They want to railroad all E's into Joseph Campbell's journey!

    So who will it be? ENTp Philo Farnsworth or ENTj the Doctor?
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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  8. #8208
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    I once asked the forum for a PoLR take, really a type take from that, that was last year, and CosmicCat, in his quiz-master forum array came forth with: Si. What i don't see is Si in your posts.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    When slicing the pie, 22/ 7 is your true bread from heaven

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  9. #8209
    Namco: The Game Creator CosmicGenis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I once asked the forum for a PoLR take, really a type take from that, that was last year, and CosmicCat, in his quiz-master forum array came forth with: Si. What i don't see is Si in your posts.
    The Doctor when he fixes things doesn't have . His Sonic screwdriver is the prototype. Wibbly wobbly timey winey.
    Last edited by CosmicGenis; 10-31-2024 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Topsy turvy ergodic theory.
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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  10. #8210
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicCat View Post
    The Doctor when he fixes things doesn't have . His Sonic screwdriver is the prototype. Wibbly wobbly timey winey.
    Thank God for extraverts.

    The true spark of life.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    When slicing the pie, 22/ 7 is your true bread from heaven

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  11. #8211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I once asked the forum for a PoLR take, really a type take from that, that was last year
    You really do worship me and my old methods. Wow. No wonder you were butthurt I put you on my ignore list.

  12. #8212
    A turn of the phrase Distance's Avatar
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    Like HSG on the forum.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multiplies

    When slicing the pie, 22/ 7 is your true bread from heaven

    ♦ ♦

  13. #8213
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    I love my fans.

  14. #8214
    Doctor of Socionics First Class Socionics Is Not A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irene Add View Post
    Here, user nanashi is getting evaluated for being NF, and Northstar was saying earlier how I am IEE like nannashi..

    I am not NF. I am certain
    You are certain, therefore thou art LSI.

  15. #8215

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socionics Is Not A Cult View Post
    You are certain, therefore thou art LSI.
    Impeccable forced dichotomy

  16. #8216
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    New Additions: Necrorosebud, Dae, Awake, Vewy Scawwy Nawcissist, InaLim, End, Hermes Trismestisu

    ILE-Ti: Myst, Transkar, LuchoisLurking, JWC3, MadCity, Troll NR 007, Falsehope
    ILE-Ne: Geneiouws, Lagerdemon, Cubazoan, Nickelslick, Hitta, dangerbird89

    ESE-Fe: Chipsnunderwear, Suz, Inumbra/Marooned, Subteigh, Kalinoche, FlutteringShyx, Mrrrmaid, Fardraft
    ESE-Si: Mu4, Wacey, Xerx, Esaman, KrigtheViking, Hacim, Little Timmy, InaLim

    LII-Ti: N0ki/Zap, Muddy, Reactance, User Name, Bertrand, Etar
    LII-Ne: Kimuchi/kimu, Zero, Vers, Vesstheastralsilky

    SEI-Si: johannesbloem, chriscorey, the whole English, lelelewomanwomanwoman, Megatrop, Emily, Dae
    SEI-Fe: BnD, crazedrat, dinky, Neokortex, Pallas Athena, Coeruleum, gammavsbeta, Vewy Scawwy Nawcissist

    SLE-Se: herzy, mercutio/satan, ananke, idontgiveaf
    SLE-Ti: agee, kill4me

    LSI-Se: Spider, Missbabydoll, Pole, Aramas, Karatos, Northstar
    LSI-Ti: Rocky, Hamouchou

    IEI-Fe: Allie, Pink, SisofNight, Cassandra, Fay, Summer Princess, Xiavay
    IEI-Ni: Starfall/Fox, Glam, Elina, Strrrng, Velvet, Penny Dreadful, Beamerboy

    EIE-Fe: Cuivienen, Alonzo
    EIE-Ni: Gilly, Darya, Bain, Sarinana

    SEE-Se: Woofwoofl, Handjob, Number9Large
    SEE-Fi: Lucas, Aquagraph, Chae, Vogue Paris, Totalize, Schwiftyrickity, Niko

    LIE-Ni: Ineffable, Moonraker, Avebury
    LIE-Te: Ashton, FDG, Expat, Invisiblehim, Narc, Anglas

    ESI-Se: DiscoJoe, EJArendee, Jet City Woman, MisterNi, Scarletluxx, Amber/Rosewood, Strangeling, Oppai Anschluss, Alive/Awake
    ESI-Fi: Lungs, Golden, Ouronis, Radio, Suedehead, Galen, Kore/Persephone, Delilah, the Locust, Saiorse, Hag, Hermes Trismegistus

    ILI-Ni: Scapegrace, Korpsey, Krieger, Cpig, InvisibleJim, Floozy
    ILI-Te: Marie, Mensupermateriam, Aestrivex, Crispy, Soupman

    SLI-Si: Words, Stray, Scarper, LuminousLynx, Lord Pixel
    SLI-Te: kim, daft punk, directorabbie, pookie, Jessica, may, supremacist, plasmatorpedo1043, Araz, Khcs

    LSE-Te: Absurd, JimBean, QueenTiger/QueenTiger666
    LSE-Si: William, JackOliverAaron/Echidna1000, BurningIce, Timmy, Smilingeyes, Laurie’s Crusader, Viktor, Kingslayer

    IEE-Ne: Elizathomason, UDP, Sapphire, Syrup De Gem, Pinoline, Azbestos, Nanashi, VenusRose, End
    IEE-Fi: Finale/Finaplex, Airman/airborne, Adam Strange, Prince Andrei, Niffer, Eos, Sbbds

    EII-Ne: Aylen, Epheme, Wasp, Tpaduan, User123, Necrorosebud
    EII-Fi: maritsa/beautiful sky, mikemex, IBTL, contra, sol, suintal/silke, tela/arachne, Olimpia, thehotelambush, Yaaroslav, Safsom2
    I like that you don’t over-type eie and are sparse in its giving..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  17. #8217
    Namco: The Game Creator CosmicGenis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Thank you for using a word from Linear Algebra.

    Innocence belongs to the set intersection of ILI and ILE (Symbol: ILI ∩ ILE). Because both ILI and ILE are tactical, it therefore follows that innocence is always tactical and never strategic.

    “Fear Is Freedom! Subjugation Is Liberation! Contradiction Is Truth! These Are The Truths Of This World!” - Satsuki Kiryūin
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

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  18. #8218
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    It's kind of funny that I've had multiple old accounts I lost the email and password to that Kill4Me has typed differently. Not saying that means he's a bad typer because I had my own mental problems at different times and probably acted different for each account, but it's still kind of funny to see that.
    From the moment a person is born, is there ever a point where they actually tell the truth?

    Socrates, upon realizing the axiomatic nature of knowledge, was famously credited as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing". And so he would probably say no, but then paradoxically he actually tells the truth.

    Everyone else would say yes, because they don't understand how they are lying. And so by believing they are telling the truth, they also, paradoxically, actually tell a lie.

    The truth is a lie and the lies are the truth.

    Long live insanity.

  19. #8219
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    Actually I might have said this under another account at some point. I feel deja vu, like the Trump stuff before I told everyone to "eat shit".
    From the moment a person is born, is there ever a point where they actually tell the truth?

    Socrates, upon realizing the axiomatic nature of knowledge, was famously credited as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing". And so he would probably say no, but then paradoxically he actually tells the truth.

    Everyone else would say yes, because they don't understand how they are lying. And so by believing they are telling the truth, they also, paradoxically, actually tell a lie.

    The truth is a lie and the lies are the truth.

    Long live insanity.

  20. #8220
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    Quote Originally Posted by CosmicGenis View Post
    The LII prototype in socionics is dank.
    Dank like my crotch rot. It smells like pizza.

    Oh yeah, I got some cream from the doctor. I should probably start using that.
    From the moment a person is born, is there ever a point where they actually tell the truth?

    Socrates, upon realizing the axiomatic nature of knowledge, was famously credited as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing". And so he would probably say no, but then paradoxically he actually tells the truth.

    Everyone else would say yes, because they don't understand how they are lying. And so by believing they are telling the truth, they also, paradoxically, actually tell a lie.

    The truth is a lie and the lies are the truth.

    Long live insanity.

  21. #8221
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cultis View Post
    It's kind of funny that I've had multiple old accounts I lost the email and password to that Kill4Me has typed differently. Not saying that means he's a bad typer because I had my own mental problems at different times and probably acted different for each account, but it's still kind of funny to see that.
    He typed me as an eii in unofficial member’s thread by VI.. Sounds like he bases on behavior too.. But if he typed you things that follow a shadow or grip pattern, this can be insightful.. what has he typed you as? Looks like you may self-type lii (unless the above is just random, which seems like it can be with your patterns)
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  22. #8222
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    LII and ESI, LOL.

    In defense, I think the LII typing was mainly because I was in try hard mode because people felt obfuscating and unhelpful and so I was basically trying to Ti the shit out of everything out of frustration. I think I was kind of a douche in the process, lol, so everyone kind of got mad at me and I wasn't prepared for the backlash + mental problems. BUT he did technically type me right. But meh,

    The ESI typing I returned and was being standoffish and prickly because people here are not always great to each other (though it was definitely worse back then and I guess now is pretty tame or maybe that's just my memory) and there's not many places to discuss Socionics at a high level (Reddit is just stereotyping for example). And I could see how that can be seen as ESI.

    So I'm not saying he's bad at typing. But it is kind of funny, that disparity. Probably says more about me, but fuck it whatever, I got electrolytes and it's what I crave now.
    From the moment a person is born, is there ever a point where they actually tell the truth?

    Socrates, upon realizing the axiomatic nature of knowledge, was famously credited as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing". And so he would probably say no, but then paradoxically he actually tells the truth.

    Everyone else would say yes, because they don't understand how they are lying. And so by believing they are telling the truth, they also, paradoxically, actually tell a lie.

    The truth is a lie and the lies are the truth.

    Long live insanity.

  23. #8223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Cultis View Post

    LII and ESI, LOL.

    In defense, I think the LII typing was mainly because I was in try hard mode because people felt obfuscating and unhelpful and so I was basically trying to Ti the shit out of everything out of frustration. I think I was kind of a douche in the process, lol, so everyone kind of got mad at me and I wasn't prepared for the backlash + mental problems. BUT he did technically type me right. But meh,

    The ESI typing I returned and was being standoffish and prickly because people here are not always great to each other (though it was definitely worse back then and I guess now is pretty tame or maybe that's just my memory) and there's not many places to discuss Socionics at a high level (Reddit is just stereotyping for example). And I could see how that can be seen as ESI.

    So I'm not saying he's bad at typing. But it is kind of funny, that disparity. Probably says more about me, but fuck it whatever, I got electrolytes and it's what I crave now.
    He thought IJ democratic result.. What do you perceive your own type to be?
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

  24. #8224
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    "He thought IJ democratic result"

    My first reaction is to say "I don't he thought that; let's not give him that much credit". But I guess in a way, even if that's not what he was thinking about, yeah maybe I guess so. Shit, he sometimes has a big ego, but at least he seems to know shit. So whatever I guess. Though infinitely better than Alive living in a bizzarro world where somehow everyone is IEI. I'm so done with that guy. I don't like insulting people's intelligence or calling them dumb, but he's a hopeless moron. He just is. You can't fix actual dumb.

    "What do you perceive your own type to be?"

    Look um, I've going to answer in dumbed down superficial terms because that's all most people seem to care about. I'd probably be considered to have high values or some shit and strong feelings about stuff, so in MBTI people would probably stereotype me as INFP, as if that really means jack shit to me though.

    Enneagram I think I've settled on 594 or 954. In stupid superficial terms, that probably implies (stereotypically to most people) that I'm some NF.

    Stereotypically in Socionics, I would be ILI because I rely on intuitive feel about everything, backed up by as much external supporting information I can find and rigorously formed in my mind to something logical or reasonable. This would make me look ILI, probably, superficially.

    But for people that can get their heads out of their asses, in positive one-on-one interactions I act more like an ILE, kind of like Ethan Klein or Asmongold. But I'm more introverted. The few ESI I've interacted with in my life felt kind of mean at times when they weren't trying to be. But the SEE aren't as bad. I've had bad interactions with ESE, but they had all the bad qualities that ESE can have. All types are awful if their ego is out of control, but usually can get along with everyone if they have some fucking self-awareness, which NEEDS to be a part of Socionics. Socionics really needs to be updated to 2.0, but I'm not doing it. I'm not wasting my time writing any books when people can't get passed superficial generalizations and stereotypes (no one would read it and I'd be wasting my time anyway lol). Maybe I'm an emotionally stunted ILE or something. But let's instead say LII-Ne or ILE-Ti (Asmongold), rather than ILE-Ne (Ethan Klein). I think AB on H3 'Show' (or rather podcast lol) is LII-Ti for contrast.

    I don't remember where I was going with this. I'm not going to proofread this and logging out for awhile. Just wanted to respond. I'm trying to finish building a 500x500x500 3d printer so I can print large scultures and 3D foot scanned TPU shoes lol. I can experiment with different TPU flexibility, but should be pretty cool. One day I'd like to get a metal 3d printer, but only people with large pockets can afford them right now. I'll have to come back and deal with Alive's bullshit some other time.
    From the moment a person is born, is there ever a point where they actually tell the truth?

    Socrates, upon realizing the axiomatic nature of knowledge, was famously credited as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing". And so he would probably say no, but then paradoxically he actually tells the truth.

    Everyone else would say yes, because they don't understand how they are lying. And so by believing they are telling the truth, they also, paradoxically, actually tell a lie.

    The truth is a lie and the lies are the truth.

    Long live insanity.

  25. #8225
    Your family thinks I'm a criminal
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    @Kill4Me -

    I do not suffer fools gladly.

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