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Thread: Your typing of forum members

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Default Your typing of forum members

    I'm curious.
    Here's mine:

    07490 IDK
    1981slater (ILE) ENTp Confirm
    Absurd- (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Agarina -(SEI) ISFp Confirm
    Airborne (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Aiss IDK
    aivonua nainini (SEI) ISFp Confirm Final.
    aixelsyd (SEE) Fi-ESFp
    ambivalent existence (SLI) ISTp confirm
    ananke (SLE) ESTp Confirm
    Anglas - (LIE) ENTj thus far
    anndelise - (SEE) ESFp Confirm - very official..
    as per the post in the Languages of Love thread. @applejacks - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
    April (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Ashton (SLI) ISTp Confirm @Aster- SEE final type
    Aylen - (IEI) INFp for now
    Azeroffs (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Bardia IDK @Becca (EII) INFj
    Bionicgoat - (SEE) ESFp
    blackburry - (ESI) ISFj Confirm
    Blaze (ILE) Ne-ENTp
    bluehenrybob- who is this?
    Brilliand -LII or ILI
    BulletsAndDoves- (IEE) ENFp
    Cardinal -(SEI) ISFp Confirm
    Cat King Cole - (ESE) ESFj Confirm
    Cerise Sauvage‎ - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
    Christian Bale -
    CILi ENFp
    CPig (ILI) Te-INTp or SLI ISTp
    cps - (SLI) ISTp confirm
    cracka (ESE) Fe-ESFj - so easy to type Confirm
    crazedrat IDK - IEI
    Crispy- (LII) INTj Confirm
    Crow - (EII) INFj
    @Daft21 (SLI) ISTp Confirm @darya (IEI) INFp Confirm and Final
    DeAnte (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
    @Destroypuppy (SLI) ISTp Confirm @Deestructor (SEE) ESFp Final
    DJ Arendee - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
    Diaphanous - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Director Abbie SEE Confirm
    Director Kam SEI Confirm
    discojoe (LSI) ISTj Confirm Final
    dolphin (SEE) Fi-ESFp Confirm
    Eliza Thomason - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
    EmotionsFroze - a spontaneous type
    EyeSeeCold-(ILI) INTp Confirm
    Ezra- (LIE) ENTj Confirm
    ephemeros/Bolt (SLI) ISTp - GF Parasite is (IEE) ENFp confirm
    Erk/Tov IDK
    esper (IEI) Ni-INFp @Etar - LSE final type
    eunice (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    expat (ESE) ESFj @Fay - (IEI) INFp
    fairylight(s) - (SEI) ISFp Confirm @FDG - (SEE) ESFp Confirm - oh I have added you oops
    fenryrr - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Fireyed - (SEE) ESFp Pretty sure of this change. @FoxOnStilts - (ILI) ENTP
    Galen (IEE) Fi-ENFp
    glamourama (IEI) Fe-INFp Confirm
    Golden (IEI) INFp Confirm
    GrandPa Rob - (LSE) ESTj Confirm
    Gravolez - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    @queentiger- ESE ESFJ final type
    GuavaDrunk - (ESE) ESFj Confirm
    HandiAce - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
    HaveLucidDreamz (LSI) ISTj Confirm
    Haley (IEE or SEE) ENFp or ESFp husband ILI or LSI - either way they are duals.
    Heath (SLI) Te-ISTp
    Hemoglobin - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
    Herzy (SLE) Ti-ESTp
    Hitta - (SEE) ESFp
    hkkmr (ILE) Ti-ENTp
    InkStrider - (
    InvisibleJim -(???) Annoying type
    Do not add back

    Jarno- (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Jennifer - (IEE) ENFp Confirm
    jessica129 (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
    Jimbean (LSI) Ti-ISTj
    Jinxi - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
    Jonathan - (ILI) INTp
    Jason_M - LII
    Johannes Kenneth Sherlock Huxley - (IEE) ENFp Confirmz
    JRiddy (ILE) Ne-ENTp
    JWC3 (SLE) Ti-ESTp Confirm
    jxrtes - don't know
    @Kada1212 -(IEI) INFp confirm
    k0rps3y (SLI) ISTp - close to confirming.
    Kamangir IDK
    Kassie/Lungs - (ESI) ISFj Confirm
    Khola IEI (maybe) @Kim- (SEE) ESFp Confirm and @kingslayer -LSE final
    @Kray ISFp final type
    Kingsley - (SEI) ISFp Confirm @Kirana - (LII) INTj confirm final
    KMFDMfan - (SLE) ESTp Confirm
    krae (LSE) ESTj Confirm
    Krig The Viking - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    labcoat IDK
    laghlagh- (SEE) ESFp Confirm @leckysupport - (LSE) ESTj Final @Legerdemain-(SLI) ISTp Confirm and Final
    Lemon - SEI or ESE; lately, I've been leaning towards ESE.
    Loki IDK
    Marie84 - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Maritsa33 (EII) INFj Confirm
    marmite (ESI) Se-ISFj
    MatthewZ (LII) INTj
    Mechman- (ESE) ESFj, Pretty sure on this and only second to that I would say LSE but at a long shot according to VI
    mercutio could be SLE; I need a VI
    MegaDoomer-(ILI) INTp
    Mikemex- (IEE) ENFp Confirmado
    Mikesilb - (ESE) ESFj Confirm @Minde - (EII) INFJ Final
    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Then again, I've also been told that I have a very expressive face.

    For my pleasure I'm going to add this under her type:

    INFJs have a very characteristic dispassionate facial expression. Gulenko

    MindHunterINFJ - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Mirrorsoul - (SEI) ISFp Confirm
    Miso Soup - (LSE) ESTj Tentative Confirm
    MisteryNi - (ILE) ENTp Confirm
    Moredhel- (LSE) ESTj Confirm
    Morcheeba (EIE) Fe-ENFj - I wonder if Morcheeba is SLE
    Mountain Dew (LSI) ISTj Confirm
    MrRTR - (SLI) ISTp
    My Moosey Moose - (SLI) ISTp Confirm...keep playing music.
    MysticSonic (LII) Ti-INTj @Name13 (SEE) ESFp confirm and final
    nanashi (ILI) Te-INTp Confirm
    NewBorn STAR (LII) INTj Confirm
    Octopuslove - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Olga (ESI) Se-ISFJ @ooo -SEE ESFp final @Olimpia- SEE ESFP final type

    Pauluch aka Ver -(SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Peteronfireee- (LSI) ISTj Confirm
    pianosinger SEI
    pinkcanary (SEI) Si-ISFp
    Pirate - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    polikujm (LIE) ENTj For a while
    Cookie - (IEI) INFP for now

    @quaz00 - ESTp SLE final type
    Radio - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Raver - (IEE) ENFp confirm
    @robobot14- ISFp final type
    Ryene Astraelis -(ESI) ISFj Confirm and final
    redbaron- SEE ESFP final type.
    Rasputin - (LSE) ESTj Confirm
    Rick (IEE)-ENFp Confirm
    Ridella-(SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Rim - (
    rowdyness - () ???
    Ryene Astraelis (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    RYU- (SLI)-ISTp Confirm @Saberstorm - (SLI) ISTp Final
    sarinana (SEI) ISFp - looking for ideas on her hair style; needs a change (Ne DS) Confirm
    Scapgrace (IEI) INFp Confirm
    ScarlettLuxx - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    shindaiwa21 (ILE) Ne-ENTp
    silverchris9 (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Siuntal - (IEI) INFp Confirm
    Slacker (IEE) Fi-ENFp Confirm
    Smilingeyes - @Smilex LSE Confirm
    Snegledmaca - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    squark (LSI) ISTj Confirm
    Somavision (SEE) ESFp - Confirm
    Somewhere - (SEE) ESFp - Confirm
    Spasm -
    squirreltual - (SLI) ISTp Confirm and Final
    Ssmall (IEE) Fi-ENFp Confirm Wife is his dual (IEE) ENFp Confirm
    Subterranean @Subteigh -EII
    thehotelambush (LII) Ti-INTj - IDK I was also considering ESE
    Taknamay -(SEE) ESFp Confirm
    thePirate- being mean is not type related just as crazedrat
    Ticaud - (LII) INTj Confirm
    Timeless (ILE) Ti-ENTp
    timewaster (SEI) ISFp Confirm
    tiny_dancer (IEE) Fi-ENFp
    Trevor (LII) Ti-INTj
    Typhon - Aristocratic, Serious type.
    Twitch IEI or SEI
    Uniden - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Uwace - (SLI) ISTp Confirm
    Vero (ESE) ESFj Confirm
    Vois - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    warrior-librarian (LII) INTj
    Wittmont (IEI) Ni-INFp
    Woofwoofl- (LIE) ENTj Confirm
    Words (SLI) Te-ISTp Confirm
    WorkaholicsAnon (SEE) ESFp Confirm @zbrobins (SLI) ISTp
    Ezra (LIE) ENTj Confirm
    Gulanzon (ESE) ESFj Confirm
    Jenna- (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    Joy - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    JuJu - (SLI) ISTp
    Khamelion (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    niffweed17 if the person is the same as aestrivex than this person is (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    ragnar (ILI) INTp - no doubt in my mind an ILI Confirm
    tereg - (SEE) ESFp Confirm
    walker31- (SEE) ESFp confirm
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 01-27-2023 at 02:18 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  2. #2
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Default Your typing of forum members 1

    Sol is LSI. I have played with his self-typing pretending that he is LSE. Sorry!

    Pretty clear supervision. Furthermore I'd say that supervision might manifest bit differently where personal strengths reside since there is lots of variation. In Sol's case his particular strong logic and wanting to 'feel' the type as while still wanting great deal of environmental feedback and lack of abstraction in terms of viewing things from different perspectives ( PoLR).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Sol is LSI. I have played with his self-typing pretending that he is LSE.

    Pretty clear supervision. Furthermore I'd say that supervision might manifest bit differently where personal strengths reside since there is lots of variation. In Sol's case his particular strong logic and wanting to 'feel' the type as while still wanting great deal of environmental feedback and lack of abstraction in terms of viewing things from different perspectives PoLR.
    Haha is this revenge for his IEI typing of you?

    Well he might be LSI, I don't know it's a strange one to judge. LSE's are apparently rare on a socionics forum, rarer still to me that an extravert would spend so much time here over so many years. Anyway he's difficult to talk to, he has his own system for sure. No opinion on his type though, except LSX, he's just one of those consistent regular forum guys.

    Edit: I did think LSI before, but it's too weird for me to seriously question his type since he's been here for nearly 10 years.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Sol is LSI. I have played with his self-typing pretending that he is LSE. Sorry!

    Pretty clear supervision. Furthermore I'd say that supervision might manifest bit differently where personal strengths reside since there is lots of variation. In Sol's case his particular strong logic and wanting to 'feel' the type as while still wanting great deal of environmental feedback and lack of abstraction in terms of viewing things from different perspectives ( PoLR).
    You type everyone u find retarded lsi lol. "Clear supervision" my ass. U even typed Chae lsi lmao cmon

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    Haha is this revenge for his IEI typing of you?

    Well he might be LSI, I don't know it's a strange one to judge. LSE's are apparently rare on a socionics forum, rarer still to me that an extravert would spend so much time here over so many years. Anyway he's difficult to talk to, he has his own system for sure. No opinion on his type though, except LSX, he's just one of those consistent regular forum guys.

    Edit: I did think LSI before, but it's too weird for me to seriously question his type since he's been here for nearly 10 years.

    I just wanted to settle this. @Sol, it is OK. I can be F in your system (even if I don't give F about it). I think could be EIE in Sol's system of socionics but I acknowledge that he wants confirmation for it.

    He has superb ability compared to me in sensing. I admit that fully. I also think that he can be very excellent in formal logic as he has claimed to finish first entrance examination with best scores in math. is his HA wanting to get some sort of 'feel' if I have understand it correctly.

    Anyways, IEI as mirage to me is bit repulsive on deeper metal level while we can interact superficially quite well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    You type everyone u find retarded lsi lol. "Clear supervision" my ass. U even typed Chae lsi lmao cmon
    No, I don't. In fact there's been very little supervision in my part.
    You two are very different LSI.

    You asked for it:
    Do you think that I seriously typed @Chae as LSI

    I think she is IEE.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    No, I don't. In fact thre's been very little supervision in my part

    You asked for it:
    Do you think that I seriously typed @Chae as LSI

    I think she is IEE.
    Yeah i do. Not the first time u said sth retarded and meant it lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yeah i do. Not the first time u said sth retarded and meant it lol
    Ooh. I'm not that serious most of the time. Sometimes I just say something to get reactions and gather them to my personal data bank. This leads to following point: Sometimes I just know it beforehand what kind of mental game I can play with people.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post

    I just wanted to settle this. @Sol, it is OK. I can be F in your system (even if I don't give F about it). I think could be EIE in Sol's system of socionics but I acknowledge that he wants confirmation for it.

    He has superb ability compared to me in sensing. I admit that fully. I also think that he can be very excellent in formal logic as he has claimed to finish first entrance examination with best scores in math. is his HA wanting to get some sort of 'feel' if I have understand it correctly.

    Anyways, IEI as mirage to me is bit repulsive on deeper metal level while we can interact superficially quite well.
    He seems to get on well with bertrand, or rather bertrand leads him about and sol doesn't realize. Could be supervision. Bertrand is ILE IMO. Anyway mostly ITR on here involves who was nice to you first. I could mentally masturbate to type Sol as LSI, but I can't seem to care enough. I'll read your debate with interest if it ever happens. I don't think Sol is much for listening, which makes me wonder how he'll get on with an EII dual who needs to be listened to - they're not emotionally brazen enough like EIE to beat it into their LSI duals.

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    OK, I think he has made few non-delta-ish comments.

    There are always less stereotypical people in everybody's quadra. And for unusual people quadra may be total failure. Cultural manifestations in quadras also differs as well as your background. Furthermore regarding cognitive styles certain styles are more susceptible to influences they have experienced in their childhood [I can definitely subscribe to this. I have been heavily influenced by my background when I compare myself even to my siblings]. Beta descriptions are bit too heavy in terms of irrationality if we assume that every rational type can show hyper rationalism. In fact quadras might not be so good if you generalize they behavior beyond ITR due differences in rationality vs irrationality.

    But yeah it would be kind of beta behaviour to be territorial about quadras.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 01-03-2018 at 06:08 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fox View Post
    Let's not get too hasty now, I think Sol is fine staying in Delta...
    Why do people care whether someone is the same quadra as them?

  12. #12
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    haha is this a battle to see who cares the least? how beta

    bro bro bro, I don't even care, bro

    am I cool yet bro? tell me I'm cool



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    first of all, what quadra am I

    second, I don't care whether people are in my quadra so much as we're all in the right quadra, because that is a precondition to being typed accurately and I care about that. to put it another way, you cannot be typed correctly if you're in the wrong quadra

  14. #14
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    If somebody is pretty universally disliked then it's kind of funny to me watching their type being batted around and I'm not so invested myself. But if somebody is consistently disliked only by certain types and defended from them by other types it seems to render the premise of the system invalid and it irks me. I know online interaction isn't the same, but when there's a consistent pattern and it's just ignored it seems like people are fine with a broken theory and I wonder why they even bother.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    first of all, what quadra am I

    second, I don't care whether people are in my quadra so much as we're all in the right quadra, because that is a precondition to being typed accurately and I care about that. to put it another way, you cannot be typed correctly if you're in the wrong quadra
    Well, if you care that they're in the right quadra, then you should pay attention to what IEs they are using, and not just go by how you personally feel about the person. Because putting @Adam Strange in beta and typing him SLE makes zero sense whatsoever - you think this guy uses Se? Or you want to go with EIE, you really think he's Fe lead? None of that makes any sense. The only IE he routinely uses is Te, though Fe role plays a part too. Typing him LSE if you want to retype him would make much more sense. . . but see, then he'd have to be in one of your precious Fi quadras which bothers you, because you're very protective of them. Why not go with ILE as an alternative? But no, if you don't like someone and you think they're retarded they must be beta. It's all personal feelings, none of it has any objectivity whatsoever.

    You're imo trying to deceive yourself into believing that you are actually trying to get the right quadra, but are really just going all on the feels and justifying after the fact. You want the right quadra? Put your personal feelings aside and look at what IEs he uses, objectively, not squishing things in to justify a typing - don't think about quadra or type at all, just look at his thought process as much as you can see it - where does he focus? And if after looking objectively you don't see Te/Fi . . . then okay. But that's what I see. (And I also see @Sol as Te/Fi quadra btw)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Sol, it is OK. I can be F in your system
    There is no my system, there is Jung's typology. You look closer to F type by forum's messages. I'm not sure without video.
    Also there was the case when the dude behaved as F on the forum and I've perceived him closer to T type by video. As the result I've kept the doubts.

    > I think could be EIE in Sol's system

    and in Milky Way, in general. or IEE, IEI, etc

    > I also think that he can be very excellent in formal logic as he has claimed to finish first entrance examination with best scores in math.

    The remarkable is that I was the 1st who finished the exam's tasks among all in the room (>30 people). The exam was not so difficult, as the tasks in the provincial uni were boring school program without any creative part. I knew what kinds of tasks to expect and have prepared.

    > is his HA wanting to get some sort of 'feel' if I have understand it correctly.

    I'm using Ne as the main typing function. LSI would avoid this. While for me it's the entertainment during years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    If somebody is pretty universally disliked then it's kind of funny to me watching their type being batted around and I'm not so invested myself. But if somebody is consistently disliked only by certain types and defended from them by other types it seems to render the premise of the system invalid and it irks me. I know online interaction isn't the same, but when there's a consistent pattern and it's just ignored it seems like people are fine with a broken theory and I wonder why they even bother.
    Well with @Adam Strange you have @Bertrand accusing people who have actually said things against him in support of you (@Aylen, @starrangel, and myself) being accused of "liking him" just because they don't continually attack him. I don't attack him because man, enough is enough already. The point was made, move on. Idk, maybe that seems harsh or not respecting your feelings too, but it's just how long must the dead horse be beat? At what point do you stop? He's not evil, he's just another one of us humans and we all have done crappy things from time to time. He is how he is, I think everyone can see it and it doesn't have to be constantly pointed out.

    The people who actually defended his actions as not being all that bad were who? @Olimpia was one of them, but she's just a naïve kid. And @Scarper after the fact and he types himself as SLI so what does that say about the types of the people who are defending him exactly? Idk what it says, but suggesting that "Fe types" are defending him is bullshit, which is what @Bertrand keeps doing. They're not defending him or his actions, it's not a matter of "liking" and trying to spin it into that is just crazy imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I mean, beta gets ****** and Stalin and that's fine
    Stalin was not so bad as was described in USA's propaganda. There was recent civil war with the consequences, there was sabotage controled by copmetitor states, the need to press to do industrialization quickly, and he've successed in the main. No one is perfect to blame and fantasy about him so much like western propaganda does. Communism was excellent idea, beta just did not developed it further, have frozen in the middle and this have ruined all. They've stopped befor the need to change the human, to create the new human basis for new production relations. Instead they've tried to make better western socium model, while that model had no advanced humans at all.
    ******... the idealist which was possessed by direct antihumanistic ideas, unlike today liberals (new term "technocrates" - wich is closer as having antihumanistic tone) which hide this by demagogy about freedom.
    Both were very opposite in cores of the ideologies they've followed. Communism was humanistic ideology in its core, unlike ******ism. Communists like Stalin never said the other people should be treated like slaves, like nohumans - instead he tried to make people equal, to allow everyone to live fuller on their abbilities. Liberal capitalism is what is close to ******ism as ideology, not communism like some try to show today to press Russia and steal what was gotten by us after the victory in WW2.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There is no my system, there is Jung's typology. You look closer to F type by forum's messages. I'm not sure without video.
    Also there was the case when the dude behaved as F on the forum and I've perceived him closer to T type by video. As the result I've kept the doubts.
    As we see here: enforcing the the structure that exists.

    I have nothing else to say.
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    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    I did think LSI before, but it's too weird for me to seriously question his type since he's been here for nearly 10 years.
    This would not be weird for T type. You are showing the conformism higher than T types do. I saw such at E-9 and F types "who am I to doubt in what [the most think here/thinks the one for years/etc]". It's not bad for to be "good dude", and F types are more pleasant to deal with. But it's bad to find and know the truth, while the truth is often more important.
    The base to be sure should be facts and thoughts, but not the agreement with others. This is about T types. At least, when they are not in the "making the relations" mode... especially with women *sigh*

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Well with @Adam Strange you have @Bertrand accusing people who have actually said things against him in support of you (@Aylen, @starrangel, and myself) being accused of "liking him" just because they don't continually attack him. I don't attack him because man, enough is enough already. The point was made, move on. Idk, maybe that seems harsh or not respecting your feelings too, but it's just how long must the dead horse be beat? At what point do you stop? He's not evil, he's just another one of us humans and we all have done crappy things from time to time. He is how he is, I think everyone can see it and it doesn't have to be constantly pointed out.

    The people who actually defended his actions as not being all that bad were who? @Olimpia was one of them, but she's just a naïve kid. And @Scarper after the fact and he types himself as SLI so what does that say about the types of the people who are defending him exactly? Idk what it says, but suggesting that "Fe types" are defending him is bullshit, which is what @Bertrand keeps doing. They're not defending him or his actions, it's not a matter of "liking" and trying to spin it into that is just crazy imo.
    Adam definitely has a core of active support on the forum in a way that maritsa, cuiv, or bertrand don't, and they're often criticized as well. The sticky for awhile was mocking Bertrands writing style and if it were mocking Adam there would be a handful of outraged people. I don't really care if that's unfair or whatever, it is what it is, but I see Adam as somewhat popular. Anyway I haven't said anything about him in awhile.

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    Well with @
    Adam Strange you have @Bertrand accusing people who have actually said things against him in support of you (@Aylen, @starrangel, and myself) being accused of "liking him" just because they don't continually attack him. I don't attack him because man, enough is enough already.
    So much word. Adam has definitely has annoyed me in the past with his condescending attitude (that's annoying because it's condescending- not because it's 'Fe') but I have learned to let shit go. Well especially internet stuff. People in general hold too many grudges. Now I'm sure it will be twisted by some people that I can only forgive him so easily because he's a Fe valuer like me, and all of us smelly Fe valuers deserve to be put in concentration camps. It's so ridiculous. And it's beyond rational at this point- it's just some sort of venom that they are twisting to also try to make sense, which makes it pretty ethically despicable if you ask me. I understand that venom can feel like it's for a good reason- but venom is venom and you aren't going to make him see the light by hounding him that way. This is interesting though because it's not like people in meatspace behave any better.

    And you're exactly right, it's not even defending him- it's just not caring enough to always be at his throat about it.

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    Ah, I see sol quoted me, I don't normally see your posts except if I'm offline: you're on ignore. For questioning your type, I don't care what your type is to invest myself. Also as I feel no desire to assist you, and if after 10 years + your type is still wrong, you're not going to listen. So it's not for weird reasons you imagine, it's mostly because it's pointless (Te inefficiency) and I don't care (low F plus other priorities.) Personally I think it's weird that anyone of any type would be so obsessive over this subject - socionics, but maybe you've got issues I won't surmise that makes you such a zealot for fitting into your limited system.

    @Troll Nr 007 I notice sol describes himself as using Ne. As I recall he has a blind spot for this: He says it's impossible for T types to use F. If you're ILE you can and should be using your mobilizing function Fe. Disregard him or have fun, but looks pretty boring to me.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 01-03-2018 at 01:37 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    If somebody is pretty universally disliked then it's kind of funny to me watching their type being batted around and I'm not so invested myself. But if somebody is consistently disliked only by certain types and defended from them by other types it seems to render the premise of the system invalid and it irks me. I know online interaction isn't the same, but when there's a consistent pattern and it's just ignored it seems like people are fine with a broken theory and I wonder why they even bother.
    You can agree with some aspects of theory and not with others. Quadras and intertype relationships that result from them are the less exact part of the theory imo - dependant on way too many other factors.

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    Quote Originally Posted by starrangel View Post
    So much word. Adam has definitely has annoyed me in the past with his condescending attitude (that's annoying because it's condescending- not because it's 'Fe') but I have learned to let shit go. Well especially internet stuff. People in general hold too many grudges. Now I'm sure it will be twisted by some people that I can only forgive him so easily because he's a Fe valuer like me, and all of us smelly Fe valuers deserve to be put in concentration camps. It's so ridiculous. And it's beyond rational at this point- it's just some sort of venom that they are twisting to also try to make sense, which makes it pretty ethically despicable if you ask me. I understand that venom can feel like it's for a good reason- but venom is venom and you aren't going to make him see the light by hounding him that way. This is interesting though because it's not like people in meatspace behave any better.

    And you're exactly right, it's not even defending him- it's just not caring enough to always be at his throat about it.
    after the big blow-up in the derail thread, he started leaving me alone more and I started simmering down. so it was effective, even if it made some people think I'm an asshole and even if I'm still being criticized for it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    As we see here: enforcing the the structure that exists.
    We see your preconceived speculation and ignoring of the wider context.

    I'd was LSI in case my base Fi examples were base Fe. You may look them in any time. I feel much more sympathy to my base Fi examples, than base Fe ones.
    Also either you think to "feel" qualities of people in the current moment is Ni, but not Ne, what is clear nonsense. Or you you seriously assume LSI will prefer to type by porl as the main method for 15 years for own fun, populatizes this method, researches it. Talkes a lot about _unconditional_ love (Fi) as the core need of people and the way to advance their psyche (check my IR test theme).
    On my 1st date in the life I've brought a cake and tea, - that was my initiative, without concurrence. Because Si is what I may give to girls and it's my natural courting program, which I followed unconsciously. I like to be picky in the food, to seek among new variants (Ne) - just to test them. I don't like physical excercises as it's not pleasant process, though understand I need them for the health. I do not like to use harmful force on people, - I may become angry in my mind but the 1st hit/touch will not be mine. I do not like math (Ti), though it never was among hard for me. I hate rules' (Ti) limitations and always seek the ways to overcome them as rules are bad for many concrete situations. I don't care about gaining money (Se) when have no clear reason for this, as this needs more physical efforts (Si). I don't care about my formal status - the post, certificates, etc (Ti/Fe) - I take into account only practical use of them (Te). I mosty annoyed by drama emotions (Fi), and prefer when people quietly smile me showing their sympathy (Fi) and mb compassion like to other human. I prefer quiet and shy people, extraverts agitate me while I seek to be calmed. I tend to remember anything without system - the quality of people with an erudition (Te related) - so I have wide but surface knowledge.

    I understand that it's not easy to distinguish between LS* types by forum's messages. Check and type my types examples, as I offered before, - they show which people are comfortable for me, as in typing I'm taking into account IR effects also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    @Troll Nr 007 I notice sol describes himself as using Ne. As I recall he has a blind spot for this: He says it's impossible for T types to use F. If you're ILE you can and should be using your mobilizing function Fe. Disregard him or have fun, but looks pretty boring to me.
    Yes, as for well there is certainly some sort drama in the air. I find that with LSI's I'm the one who is pointing out all sorts of problems or alternatives to their closed system. Well, I see socionics something to be further developed. Hanging on past where it starts to collapse under its own weight. It is laughable to treat this kind of system as exact truth. Furthermore how on earth I could fully understand his gut reactions that are formed from extreme visual scrutiny (see his rules for video). Regarding his typings I can't agree with them. Maybe there is something happening on physiological level that I can't really understand and how it reflects directly to thinking. Sounds NLP like stuff. It lacks intermediate links and furthermore different mechanisms might produce similar results. Requires extraordinary evidence.

    It would be stupid to call LSI as physical abuser. It should be only used in context of jokes.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 01-03-2018 at 04:13 PM.
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    so it was effective, even if it made some people think I'm an asshole and even if I'm still being criticized for it.
    Sorry. I wanted to say that do not take what I said personally because I know you simmered down about the Adam stuff. Even when you were criticizing him I felt he definitely deserved it - it was just going on for too long. I was mainly talking about Bertrand and... is there anybody really doing it besides him lol.

    I just think it's annoying for other people to think you are #TeamAnybody just because you aren't hannibal-ishly tearing into them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    after the big blow-up in the derail thread, he started leaving me alone more and I started simmering down. so it was effective, even if it made some people think I'm an asshole and even if I'm still being criticized for it.
    I think calling him out was good. It probably needed to be done. Generally I think bringing things into the open where they can be resolved is good. Bring it out and deal with it, resolve the issue and then move on is also how I like to handle things. And I don't think you're the one who's been harping on things or bringing him up - that would be @Bertrand.

    Adam definitely has a core of active support on the forum in a way that maritsa, cuiv, or bertrand don't, and they're often criticized as well. The sticky for awhile was mocking Bertrands writing style and if it were mocking Adam there would be a handful of outraged people. I don't really care if that's unfair or whatever, it is what it is, but I see Adam as somewhat popular. Anyway I haven't said anything about him in awhile.
    Well okay, I was not aware of that. He's more diplomatic than the others you mentioned, maybe that's why idk. I don't know how these things work, and in disputes find myself probably ending in the disliked camp too because of it. Regardless of the things I say and have said about them, I do have respect for @Bertrand and @maritsa though because they speak their mind and are able to take any fall-out from it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    I notice sol describes himself as using Ne.
    The method is such which I describe, but not me.

    > As I recall he has a blind spot for this: He says it's impossible for T types to use F.

    It's the lie. I said the types are the balance of functions in the consciousness, it's how Jung describes them. The balance means that one of the functions the more of time is there, but not the total absence of the other function. T types lesser use F than F types. Beyond some border the human will be typed as F as showing too much of it in some context compared to T types, also he should to have not good T working. Such example is you which makes logically awful discussions and who has the behavior common for F types, including high conformism tendency.

    > If you're ILE you can and should be using your mobilizing function Fe.

    Can. The problem is he used it too much compared of expected for T types. To understand or repeat correctly what I say in logic region is hard for you, what is expected for F type.

    > Disregard him or have fun, but looks pretty boring to me.

    yes. just switch off the mind like F types like to do when dislike something. though this leads them to stupid lieing like the above from you. this would add arguments to his F type Scraper is "our guy"

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    Hmmm... how do you know that was F reaction? It could come from other sources. Like remembering snippets and using them. You can still access your memory. Should I say that your N function is too active for S type as you talk about how you come to decision? Ne is external integrity according to Reinin, mental wandering according to mr Gulenko. I'd say that is combination of both. In a way conscious function wants to act like unconscious so LSI would use to achieve agendas. I also already know (since I have habit of building on other people's thinking patterns and statements to the extent they give it off) that you do not approve previous statement. Also your thinking seems to be quite linear which excludes LSE but includes LSI. This is also something you disapprove which seems to me that you think that you know the holy truth which points towards valuing which is something you also tend to disapprove. This much of logic (that I just wrote) would make ambiguous type regarding T/F dichotomy aka typeless type. This sort of logical juggling also points towards logical type but since there exists very little outliers in your world meaning that the first out-lier you can usually catch excludes the other possibility which might sound logical at first but if we randomized the statements it would mean that there is a possibility that you can also get opposite result. I might want say that you are ESI but I reckon that even logical types make emotional choices especially when under certain type of pressure.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Hmmm... how do you know that was F reaction? It could come from other sources. Like remembering snippets and using them. You can still access your memory. Should I say that your N function is too active for S type as you talk about how you come to decision? Ne is external integrity according to Reinin, mental wandering according to mr Gulenko. I'd say that is combination of both. In a way conscious function wants to act like unconscious so LSI would use to achieve agendas. I also already know (since I have habit of building on other people's thinking patterns and statements to the extent they give it off) that you do not approve previous statement. Also your thinking seems to be quite linear which excludes LSE but includes LSI. This is also something you disapprove which seems to me that you think that you know the holy truth which points towards valuing which is something you also tend to disapprove. This much of logic (that I just wrote) would make ambiguous type regarding T/F dichotomy aka typeless type. This sort of logical juggling also points towards logical type but since there exists very little outliers in your world meaning that the first out-lier you can usually catch excludes the other possibility which might sound logical at first but if we randomized the statements it would mean that there is a possibility that you can also get opposite result. I might want say that you are ESI but I reckon that even logical types make emotional choices especially when under certain type of pressure.
    Why would you bother? He types bertrand ILE as likely Fi base. Such typings and arrogance with total lack of understanding of application, he is too busy listening to himself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    Why would you bother? He types bertrand ILE as likely Fi base. Such typings and arrogance with total lack of understanding of application, he is too busy listening to himself.
    OK, I'm not proud of this:
    To get reactions. My guilty pleasure and hidden agenda. Also flexing is kind of funny past time for me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    OK, I'm not proud of this:
    To get reactions. My guilty pleasure and hidden agenda. Also flexing is kind of funny past time for me.
    I get that, bertrand is similar with Fe HA, it's one of the reasons he acts as he does, to feed his need for attention.

    With sol, nothing is off bounds for him. I've seen him persist in non - truths about people character before to the point of causing anger. He's too dangerous for me to entertain, stuff like that is abuse and could only be tolerated online.

    At work he'd have everyone fighting over gossip, or be fired. Weirdly all he does is compose ethical assessments of people and tries to make them believe it. I don't think it's Se, I think it's just a wicked character.

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    As an e8, my normal reaction to real or imagined offenses is immediate rage and a drive for revenge. Lol. Or not Lol.

    This reaction not very useful in the modern world. Certainly it does not contribute to me being effective in the way that I'd like to be, to say nothing of making me a better person. This forum has gone a long way toward making me moderate those feelings through a better understanding of others, and I'm grateful for being a part of it. I'm also glad there are people here who are very, very different from me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    As an e8, my normal reaction to real or imagined offenses is immediate rage and a drive for revenge. Lol. Or not Lol.

    This reaction not very useful in the modern world. Certainly it does not contribute to me being effective in the way that I'd like to be, to say nothing of making me a better person. This forum has gone a long way toward making me moderate those feelings through a better understanding of others, and I'm grateful for being a part of it. I'm also glad there are people here who are very, very different from me.
    Avoiding it is a great tool for me. Avoiding the offensive things that is. I'm not 8 except maybe 9w8, at least as far as enneagram and fitting into it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Well, if you care that they're in the right quadra, then you should pay attention to what IEs they are using, and not just go by how you personally feel about the person. Because putting @Adam Strange in beta and typing him SLE makes zero sense whatsoever - you think this guy uses Se? )
    Yes, i do, i've put Adam in Beta as SLE, even if this wasn't addressed at me. I've said before he displays bullish behaviour towards *certain* members only it seems (or is it that only some people see it as such i dunno)

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    The overall point of this thread is, or has become, to ascribe personality traits to people that do not exist, and then to enforce those traits under the guise of 'psychology', which is really a shallow guise for abuse, perpetrated by a minority of posters, specifically two, but it's enough to influence the flavor of the thread and others too. For this reason, I'm out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Hmmm... how do you know that was F reaction? It could come from other sources.
    This magic is called as reasonable thinking. Which is probably hard for you like for Scraper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    As an e8, my normal reaction to real or imagined offenses is immediate rage and a drive for revenge. Lol. Or not Lol.
    I'd relate this to choleric temper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Yes, i do, i've put Adam in Beta as SLE, even if this wasn't addressed at me. I've said before he displays bullish behaviour towards *certain* members only it seems (or is it that only some people see it as such i dunno)
    No he does it to most females (not just the self typed ESIs). With him it doesn't matter the quadra because he does not consciously choose to harass people based on quadra like some other people here. For some reason he truly believes those he types his duals will accept and forgive just about anything from what I can tell, because "duals". It is a naive way at looking at duality. It is also a generational thing most likely, not a cognitive thing. Times have changed but he is slow changing with them. I ain't even mad at Adam btw. I just call out what I see and have been for a long time but I guess some people don't see it...idk.

    I think saying that displaying "bullshit behavior toward "certain" members" = SLE is nonsense because I could point this out in a variety of people who show a lack of "other" awareness when dealing with other members. Probably someone you even like and I have no real use for. Adam has said some pretty dumb things to me too but I am convinced he is operating from the same 1950s perspective as many of the people who write a lot of those socionics articles.

    I have not defended Adam's dumb comments but still get labeled his supporter when we barely know a thing about each other that wasn't read on public threads. I rarely comment on his posts because it looks like I am nitpicking him which I probably am. I don't think Adam is a bad person. He is just lacking some self and other awareness and I think it is good when people point it out. It might help him learn. Being the bitch always going after him is not how I want to come off but I am sure some people saw it that way.

    I have defended women in general when I think he makes stupid comments. I got typed ESE using my strong Se for it but the others who said something about it are supposedly all gammas. This idea of me being ESE for saying something about Adam was expressed in a twisted way ftr to suit the narrative of the person whining about it. That is "bullshit behavior" imo and also shows the same lack of "other" awareness that Adam shows. Maybe both are Fi polr, except the thing is Adam clearly values and uses Te. Is he my supervisor or conflictor? I have no idea anymore but either way. I am adult enough not to let someone disrespect me and open minded enough to take a joke. Other forum members have said worse to me and I didn't bat an eye. At least Adam never told me to "suck his dick". There was no outrage over that situation and truth is I stood up for myself and didn't care if anyone else supported me. I didn't even report it. Of course in some people's eyes I am clearly not victim enough for my self typing and if I defend anyone or say I am sensitive to the psychological states of young minds, I get typed "caregiver".... more "bullshit behavior".

    SLE does not = caveman attitudes and lack of awareness of progressive times. Like seriously people type Trump SLE because he comes off as an aggressive moron stuck in the past. I don't find Adam aggressive. I have seen aggressive men and from what he says about himself he is not one of them. Anyway I typed Trump SEE from the start since he is clearly an overly emotionally expressive man with strong Fi and demon Fe. Apparently Gulenko agrees with me. Not that that means anything at all since everyone is seeing what they want to see anyway. Like I said in Trump thread, does anyone actually know SLE irl...

    This is not because I am in the "not my dual" frame of mind. Adam just isn't SLE. I don't even like some of my duals but I don't deny that they are.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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