I am in my head; not society.
Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am. Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).
My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…
Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum
My favorite adult Museum Exhibits
Maybe more than autism spectrum, “Asperger’s” goes more into Ni dom (which by the way, I was initially diagnosed with, before it went away as a diagnosis, then was rediagnosed with autism spectrum).
I am in my head; not society.
Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am. Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).
My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…
Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum
My favorite adult Museum Exhibits
I do think lsi is also a very autistic type because of Ne PolR and Ti base, but what I meant for what was called Aspergers, is maybe it is a more narrow pool than autism spectrum, so there may be some degree of a correlation for that DX specifically.. Ti base and Ni base maybe, but not as a law.. Autism spectrum is more broad, but I do believe overall with how it is set up, it is more geared towards introversion and ENTx
I am in my head; not society.
Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am. Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).
My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…
Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum
My favorite adult Museum Exhibits
Like your father, I’m an LIE and I can’t tell you how often my task list gets randomly diverted and I end up going down some rabbit hole, completely unrelated to what I started out doing.
It hasn’t reached the level of ADHD yet, but I hate this tendency in myself when I catch myself doing it.
This summer, I worked with an ILE whose function strengths are identical to mine (4D Ne, 3D Ni), and I noticed that he was much, much better than I am, at staying focused on a task and ignoring the irrelevant side paths. I suspect that it’s because, having valued Ne, he’s had to learn how to deal with its consequences.
Or he could just be medicated. When Im on my meds I can go into hyperfocus mode and do an entire days work in 3 hours.
It's funny but for years we’ve been joking that there’s some mystery gene in my family that makes us clumsy. Like I have an aunt who got hit by a bus once and my dad cut off his own thumb. Eventually, I came to the realisation that that mystery gene was just undiagnosed ADHD. thank God for my mother or my dad probably would’ve met death by misadventure ages ago.
@Echo, the ILE was very adamant at taking his “pills” every afternoon. I asked him once what he was taking, and he said they were pills that every person should take to live a long life, but not exactly what they were.
No, Echo. He’d start out brilliant and happy and optimistic in the morning, but as the day wore on (until 6:30 or 7:00 PM), he’d get increasingly tired and disagreeable.
This is pretty normal, IMO, for anyone who works steadily all day, but one thing he would do was to start to go down rabbit holes. We were putting a new CNC control on an old 4-axis milling machine, and he’d get this idea that the original manufacturer didn’t know what they were doing and he was going to improve it. And soon, the machine’s tool changer would have the original actuators torn off, to be replaced by bungee cords, ropes, springs, colored tape, and some very crazy control logic. He has since returned to the country where he was living, and I have to redo that mess.
Don’t get me wrong. The guy is brilliant and a hard worker, and normally, both he and I could stop the other one from going down rabbit holes, but I couldn’t prevent this one.
And even though he and I have been good friends for many years, we both found that working with each other was tiring.
If it was just the job, things went perfectly, but sooner or later, the Quasi-Identical person started to show up, and the values difference became apparent.
Wow. For a moment, I thought, “Enhances Te and suppresses Ne? Maybe I should take that.”
But then I remembered that I have TOO MUCH Te and not as much Ni as I’d like. Lol.
It would be really nice to be able to change the programming at will. Temporarily.
When you think about it, it’s kind of amazing that drugs can do that.
I see 8 results and 8 different uncalibrated detectors each registering one sample.
It would be much interesting to see if all the teachers had evualated the pupils.
Anyway, it looks like they have similar factory settings being exposed to similar external conditions (like over stimuli).
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 01-05-2025 at 09:39 PM.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
Pick a strawman and you'll find a scared crow
The good news in knowing you are wrong is you are right
♦ ♦
Being entrained in all the possibilities, Ne, and Si is a learned program function in a grounding of experience measuring those distances; Se is that other opposite side on clock of time, where the goods are gathered in a singularity with waiting processes. Waiting on what will happen vs. what could be possible.
So you get inaction.
Can't have it both ways.
Pick a strawman and you'll find a scared crow
The good news in knowing you are wrong is you are right
♦ ♦
It seems like you implicitly answered "Yes" to my initial question. The idea of the "circle of life" is understandable by all kids of the world, and all adults know about it, imho.
What you said is reminiscent of the "Fight, Flight, Freeze" stress response though. I just found this article on the subject and I learned about the "Fawn" stress response. This little exchange on a seemingly silly question lead to some insights so it was constructive ! You never know what you'll serendipitously learn !
Intuition of the imaginary kind.
Pick a strawman and you'll find a scared crow
The good news in knowing you are wrong is you are right
♦ ♦
Seeing someone write 'ridiculously feely ethical nonsense' just reads like a bunch of slurs. It's so cringe and disappointingly maladaptive
All types use all the information elements. You wield them in different ways and with differing skill, but they still comprise you
@Decerebrate looks like an N type. from her forum behaviour I think EIE atm
vid was short and shaky, so not much else could be distinguished
seems to type herself Fe for now
@godslave One Punch Man is LSI. Please notice how's he positive and not negative.
I relate to Saitama a lot (and also to "King" to a certain degree). I think it's because he is a 9 like me but to tell you the truth, if I had his powers , I would be behave like him too but with a touch of "anti heroism" cuz my sense of morality in singular, I have my own code. Overall, his personality is very similar to mine. I think his character is written to vibe more like an Ip though. "Silver Fang" is a clear LSI imho.
I find myself very similar to this guy in answers, Ti thru the whole gamut of elements. ( See " here" in link.)
Like how i would parse.
Man here is ILE
* scratches head*
Either it is learned by me, or, or......or, I'm that actually.
Pick a strawman and you'll find a scared crow
The good news in knowing you are wrong is you are right
♦ ♦