Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I never understand why you type a bunch of strangers on youtube or on the forum so it's ok.
I like it. Typing by Ne/Fi is funny proccess for LSE.
And I want to help others understand types better, where examples help.

> Bert has irritated me, sure, but true anger?

ok. "irritated"

> What irritated me about the ESE typing is that it felt passive aggressive because he has said that ESE = stupid in his mind.

well.. I don't exclude ESI possibility for him, which are close type
Gulnara (ESI) said that stoped talking with someone who asked "Are you stupid?". She had very high marks in school and studed ok (but not excellent) in uni on engineering speciality. She's for sure not stupid (though not good in logical confrontation), highly intelligent, knows this, but somehow takes such criticism as meaningful.

> Don't know about you but I don't like being called stupid but if someone is going to do it then just say it outright to me.

Mostly I get interest why, as possibly I or the opponent made a mistake somewhere. I understand that it's more about situation, than my general abbilities which I know relatively. Mb T types take easier such criticism. Seems I'd could to get deeper offence and worse emotions by F regions criticism or relation.

> Don't make a veiled accusation of it that only you and maybe your inner circle will get. I pick up on that stuff.

Fi types prefer to avoid direct or rude criticism.

> Saying someone is stupid is often a way to dismiss another's points with prejudice. Bert will get that reference.

I think he trolls. He may don't think bad about you, but to get fun from your reactions.

> I think a few people caught on to how I get people to reveal themselves by engaging in a little conflict with them.

conflict as the mean to know other one better. for Fi type this would sound as the heresy deserving to burn someone

> I have demonstrative Fi. I think most people do not understand how the demon function can be used as a game. They should look into it.

your demons are funny

> If anyone is unsure about my motives, feelings, thoughts, etc... in relation to my type (or anything else) all they have to do is ask (like sirac did) instead of making up a new type for me

I find it's funny to see new types for me, how differently people may perceive you and how far they are from the reality.

> It is weird when someone is so invested in their typings of others that they don't even bother to ask questions.

People may prefer to keep doubts than to do efforts to get more clear opinion. As they don't take the typing seriously enough for those efforts.

> People on this forum have strange ideas of what anger looks like and would probably be terrified to deal with real anger irl.

It's more a term question: irritation as term for slight anger, for example.

> I have yet to see someone type in a truly objective way.

This needs highly objective method which got objective proof. Socionics has no this still.

> There may be some closer than others but in the end how you feel about someone is going to influence your typing and most people base that on their self typing.

conformism is high in speculative regions like today typing

> Yeah some things that are very real to me...
