Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
actually my entire point has always been that you look down on ESE which is why you see being typed as one as an insult, not that I look down on them (if you think of benefactor relations it makes a lot more sense as a projection of yours onto me rather than it being true as a function of my actual ITR--in other words, I may be factually wrong, but not intending to insult). it hardly matters at this point though, because I fundamentally agree with your assertion that typing is subjective and not meant to be taken so seriously as to actually get angry over, whether insult or not, in the first place. if you think I was insulting you, you would have to reckon that with the even more clear fact of my distaste for beta [1], from which anything would be a step up. so you can say I don't like ESE, which isn't true, but even if you assume it to be true, its still not really an insult if I'm moving you up in the grand scheme of my internal subjective ranking. in any case, if you prefer to be thought of as IEI i accept that, since if the spreadsheet has shown me anything its that people care about consensus over truth and inasmuch as that is the case its all meaningless anyway

I also think the more I come to like ESE the less you fit my conception of them, so maybe you've been right all along, but inasmuch as that is the case it becomes an insult because I'm essentially learning you're not good enough for ESE. in the end, we're just talking past eachother since what you deem to be the basis for an insult and what I deem to be the basis are two different standards (intent), hence the more I try not to insult you by your own criterion the more I feel guilty internally for doing exactly that. in other words, the nicer I try to be the more you take offense and vice versa. in the final analysis if I concede you being IEI and you and scarper are queen and white knight it does make sense. now both of you would have the world believe its simply because you're just two amazing people who can get along with anyone despite ITR, but I think a quick trip through everyone's posting history shows that to be manifestly untrue

the bottom line is I'm willing to concede we live in two different worlds and our language reflects that and communication is difficult which leads to conflict, which I think neither of us feels all that deeply (as in true bad blood), but from the outside looks pretty bad. ultimately I think we both understand things well enough and we each have our separate circles to tend to and that's perfectly alright

[1] which by the way I don't concede, but let's operate on your perception of me for the sake of argument
Show me where I look down on ESE? It was never a matter of whether you liked or disliked ESE to me. I didn't care if you liked me or not. I cared that you were repeatedly putting a type on me that you said was stupid, more than once. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why.

Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
Yes, total EII, but the volume is so low I can't make much out. Is this an english as a second language situation? cause, and I'm about to demonstrate my PoLR, ESL tends to make people out to be dumber than they are and I associate stupidity with ESE, which would explain my strong (admittedly biased and unfair, possibly evil, definitely morally imperfect) impression
Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
edit 2: oh what the hell, I'll make a list since I'm bored:

  • I hate working with ESEs and they hate me back. They come off as stupid and lazy manipulators who simply marshal social capital in order to make getting them to do anything more costly than simply doing it yourself. It works out though, because even if they did do it, it would probably be worse than if it got left undone. Only injustice is they tend to get paid for being an active detriment to the institution and everyone around them who pulls their own weight.


  • Maritsa gives me a strong ESE vibe--has no one else seen this and pointed it out?--I find this incredibly irritating because she pops up everywhere
You can't see why I felt a little insulted?