I decided to write this after a thread in one of the discussion topics began to strike fear in me about the potential dangers of a science that seeks to categorize people based on (imo) mostly pre-determined psychological activity. The thread was essentially an attempt by a self-described ENTj to create mathematical formulae for predicting the actions of individuals. While an interesting proposal, he/she was not using just the socionics model to do this, but rather multiple personality theories (MBTI, Enneagram, etc...) in order to accomplish this goal. Since those familiar with both Myers-Briggs and Socionics know that their models are NOT compatible, and in fact contradict one another, this in itself prompted me to respond to this endeavor as being "hasty." Well, that was not received well, and was essentially taken as an assualt on the poster's very being despite the obvious lack of personal attacks in the post. And so, as the back and forth became more and more hostile sounding, I finally lost my temper somewhat, and stated that this individual (clearly seperating him from his self-described trype), because of his lack of objectivity, is the last person that ought to be creating methods for determining people's behavior. Of course, I backed this up with some choice quotes of his from other discussions on the forum. And as I was collecting 10 or 12 of these choice comments of his, I started to feel uneasy. I saw a lot of references to "alphas (those members of the alpha quadra INTj, ENTp, ESFj, ISFp)" vs. "gammas" and various other "us vs. you" comments that made me think back to events in history, specifically the "cultural revolution" in which people will targeted for persecution, similarly, for the type of thinking they did. Well, fortunately, at this stage in the game, socionics and personality theory is still in its adolesence, and one does not have to worry about similar persecutions on the internet.
But, a unified and universally accepted personality theory is not far off in my opinion. Socionics, while not perfect, is damn near close, and with a fair amount of refining by psychologists from all branches of study, it will eventually be perfected. Then what? A science now exists that can explain human society, human relationships, potentially answer questions from "why do people get divorced" to "why do people feel depression?" Those people who spent all their time perfecting the theory and understood all of its complexities, now, no longer have control over it. It is now in the hands of those who wish to see it woven into society's fabric. Now the danger arises, for understanding socionics means removing your personal biases and values from your perspective on those types that are not your own. This, is very difficult to do, if not impossible to do completely. And the INTjs or ENTps that have spent years attempting to do this in the name of scientific objectivity now are faced with people who will not attempt the same. What this results in, is what I have gotten a thorough taste of on this forum, and outside this forum. The result is a division between humanity. A division between those that think one way, and those that think another. It is no new phenomena, but now, there is no longer a way to hide your thoughts, for your personality type "presumably" reveals them for you. Essentially, a more efficient cultural revolution, dictated by those that are able to hold power. Ok, short of rewriting "Brave New World" I will simply end by saying consider both the benefits and evils of any new science. Einstein did this concerning the splitting of the atom, but he was already too late, as those with differenct agendas had their own plans for the new science which gave us the ability to destroy ourselves one million times over. Consider the dangers before release, and perhaps many of them can be avoided.