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Thread: Subtype matching or not in duality and activity

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  1. #31
    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    have u heard practicing something so deeply it becomes something else? if u think enough ethics u can attain feeling or smth
    I haven't actually. I always thought that Fi ethics and Fe feelings come paired, just like Ni and Ne do within LIEs. So it wouldn't as much be substitution, as switching between what you have already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Yeah he was rude to me and then called me out on being rude even though he was rude to me first. I don't get his logic sometimes. What I do observe is snobbery, and that can be something it takes a while to grow out of. I also observe that he is trying to be polite and decent..but I don't know.. snobbery doesn't generally go hand in hand with decency in my experience. I work with some young people who are more privileged than I and it often takes a while for them to see me as their equal, but they often learn, and it's nice once that barrier is broken down, for both people.
    I believe upbringing has failed when people believe themselves better than others merely because they inherit more. They didn't work for a thing they have, so they never proved themselves. The kid from a poor family earns more respect from me when she passes the entrance exam and attains 7s in university, while doing a side-job to pay her tuition, than the spoiled brat whose parents paid for a new university library wing to let him in and who gets straight 9s and 10s, thanks to all the extra tutoring his parents pay for him. Sadly we live in a society that cares little for honest, hard work, and is instead only interested in shortcuts to wealth, fame, and status. It's sickening.

    If Climate Change will not collapse civilization, then our barbarization will. My Sister works in childcare and she frequently has to care for many, many children alone. The parents of these kids dump them at daycare, so they themselves can work extra hours with the goal to buy their third BMW. In the weekends these parents then want to make up for the guilt they experience for neglecting their children and at those moments want to be "fun parents". They desire to buy off their guilt and don't want crying kids in the sparse free hours they have, so they give their children everything, everything they want. It's a surefire way to raise the most spoiled and nastiest brats imaginable.

    Whenever the teachers try to correct the misbehaviours of such brats they can count on those very "fun parents" to suddenly stand at the school's gates to talk with the principal about how the teacher mistreats their "little angel". I know, because I come from a teacher's family and they all report the children's behaviour to be rapidly deteriorating over the past decades. That's what happens if you lack any real life social interaction with peers and your parents neglect you all week long. It's why there are so many school shootings in the States, not because of videogames, but due to social ostracism combined with easily purchasable guns.

    The grandma of my cousin once mentioned her shock that whenever the child of my cousin cries, my cousin just hands her the tablet to make her go quiet. That's not raising a child, that's making it a brain dead anti-social degenerate! This whole COVID generation is going to turn out into social dejects this way. Instead of ameliorating the damage done to their social skills during the repeated lockdowns, the "fun parents" only reinforce their lack of social skills by stimulating them more and more with digital devices. Give it a couple decades and society only consists of obese neckbeards plugged into VR, because their petty existence is too deplorable for them to face. If anyone still has to watch the movie Surrogates, I heavily recommend it!
    Last edited by Armitage; 03-15-2022 at 02:48 PM.

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