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Thread: help typing two people

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    Default help typing two people


  2. #2
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    First impressions:

    1. ISFj, believe it or not!
    2. IxTj

    I highly doubt your friend is INTp, but just in case, I'll ask you a question:
    How often does she complain about the "disgusting" state of your living quarters? And does she leave the complaint at that, or does she keep on raising the complaint so that something can be done about the problem?
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  3. #3
    Elro's Avatar
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    Default Re: help typing two people

    Yes, definitely ISFj on the first (at least from what you've said).

    Notice that a lot of what you said points to , too...

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    Default Re: help typing two people

    Quote Originally Posted by Elro

    Notice that a lot of what you said points to , too...
    fi in me?

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    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    "She does not seem to focus on others' feelings, but only in her own actions."
    While this goes against and may point to a logical type as a result, it does not discount in that her focus may be on the subjective righteousness of her actions, which could be backed up with .

    "The sentiment of "why cant you see the proper, best way things should be done" really permeates. I wouldn't say so much that it has to do with "do it my way" but rather "why would you do it a different way"."
    That is my mother, all right.

    "She is nevertheless very quick to correct factually ambiguous things that I might say."
    "She will add on things in what she says, she will correct facts in what she says as well when it doesnt really seem like it matters in the conversation, which is something that I also do."

    Wow, this girl really is a huge fan of .

    "So, I thought she was ISTj because of all that but then I started to consider ISTp because another strong characteristic she has is an emphasis on comfortable surroundings and seems to have a subjective set of moral guidelines.."
    ISTps may care a lot about whether their actions are right -- and across alternate realities, at that -- but they don't seem to have enough confidence in their to impose it on others.

    "I particularly recall one instance where I was telling a news story where a guy's wife turned him in for a mid-level crime and she said that it was "so messed up". I remember on several occaisions she would react like that, mostly to lack of loyalty to a significant other."
    My mother can often be heard crying "This is an outrage!" while watching the news. It's her favourite motto, and it gets dreadfully repetitive. And if you don't chime in with her, she'll berate you for being incompassionate. I myself don't see the point in watching the news and getting yourself riled up over something you can't do a thing about. My friend also criticises people for being lazy, sloppy, smelly, uneducated, dependent, etc. -- but not in front of them.

    "Indeed, the strongest disconnect i feel is her seeming intolerance (i recoiled at her use of "freak" in conversation about someone else). But, as I said earlier, she will not say these things to a "freak"'s face. haha."
    Can't say I didn't feel a stab of discomfort when my friend called a group of people "idiots" just because they wasted every afternoon playing the Xbox, and never read. Best to keep silent, or things could get very ugly.

    the first one could be ISFj, but I am not sure yet. We had another ISFj who worked here that was stereotypical ISFj, she was older, and said i was weird. That was the thing that irked me most with her as well. They were different though.. like the older ISFj had a constant style, nice, classic, no nonsense. I felt like i related more to my young coworker. Though it could just be youth and the IxxJ temperament. Like the same physical stimuli would make us think of the same things sometimes. This is something i also experience with my INFj friend. But i guess it could just go back to being Ixxj. I also remeber thinking she was an introvert because she seems to shrink back, is quiet about herself, she does not always take action even though she is irked. She will talk only to the right audience, and withdraws if i don't join in. But that doesn't mean she is an introvert, i just noticed she looks as if she is doing something behind the behavior.
    I've encountered quite a few ISFjs in real life -- so much that I wonder if I'm biased -- and no, they don't always look or behave alike. Some appear more logical and calm, some are all about the control. Some continually complain about procrastination problems, some get by like they never have problems with it -- I actually thought my mother and friend were ISFPs. So now I just tune into the and . But they are very different from the ISTjs I know. With ISTjs, I feel cold even when they're smiling. Besides, your strained relation would make more sense if she were ISFj rather than ISTj or ISTp.

    She was the household organizer.
    She must have everything organized and clean
    Other tidbits: she is health conscious, but she likes delicious food.

    Having lived with an INTp for so many years of complete disorganisation and lack of concern over health, this strikes me as being anti-INTp, but perhaps there are exceptions. INTj > ISTj, but... ESTj also occurred to me. I used to think my ESTj aunt was INTJ.
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisonpure
    "She does not seem to focus on others' feelings, but only in her own actions."
    While this goes against and may point to a logical type as a result, it does not discount in that her focus may be on the subjective righteousness of her actions, which could be backed up with .

    "The sentiment of "why cant you see the proper, best way things should be done" really permeates. I wouldn't say so much that it has to do with "do it my way" but rather "why would you do it a different way"."
    That is my mother, all right.

    "She is nevertheless very quick to correct factually ambiguous things that I might say."
    "She will add on things in what she says, she will correct facts in what she says as well when it doesnt really seem like it matters in the conversation, which is something that I also do."

    Wow, this girl really is a huge fan of .

    "So, I thought she was ISTj because of all that but then I started to consider ISTp because another strong characteristic she has is an emphasis on comfortable surroundings and seems to have a subjective set of moral guidelines.."
    ISTps may care a lot about whether their actions are right -- and across alternate realities, at that -- but they don't seem to have enough confidence in their to impose it on others.

    "I particularly recall one instance where I was telling a news story where a guy's wife turned him in for a mid-level crime and she said that it was "so messed up". I remember on several occaisions she would react like that, mostly to lack of loyalty to a significant other."
    My mother can often be heard crying "This is an outrage!" while watching the news. It's her favourite motto, and it gets dreadfully repetitive. And if you don't chime in with her, she'll berate you for being incompassionate. I myself don't see the point in watching the news and getting yourself riled up over something you can't do a thing about. My friend also criticises people for being lazy, sloppy, smelly, uneducated, dependent, etc. -- but not in front of them.

    "Indeed, the strongest disconnect i feel is her seeming intolerance (i recoiled at her use of "freak" in conversation about someone else). But, as I said earlier, she will not say these things to a "freak"'s face. haha."
    Can't say I didn't feel a stab of discomfort when my friend called a group of people "idiots" just because they wasted every afternoon playing the Xbox, and never read. Best to keep silent, or things could get very ugly.

    the first one could be ISFj, but I am not sure yet. We had another ISFj who worked here that was stereotypical ISFj, she was older, and said i was weird. That was the thing that irked me most with her as well. They were different though.. like the older ISFj had a constant style, nice, classic, no nonsense. I felt like i related more to my young coworker. Though it could just be youth and the IxxJ temperament. Like the same physical stimuli would make us think of the same things sometimes. This is something i also experience with my INFj friend. But i guess it could just go back to being Ixxj. I also remeber thinking she was an introvert because she seems to shrink back, is quiet about herself, she does not always take action even though she is irked. She will talk only to the right audience, and withdraws if i don't join in. But that doesn't mean she is an introvert, i just noticed she looks as if she is doing something behind the behavior.
    I've encountered quite a few ISFjs in real life -- so much that I wonder if I'm biased -- and no, they don't always look or behave alike. Some appear more logical and calm, some are all about the control. Some continually complain about procrastination problems, some get by like they never have problems with it -- I actually thought my mother and friend were ISFPs. So now I just tune into the and . But they are very different from the ISTjs I know. With ISTjs, I feel cold even when they're smiling. Besides, your strained relation would make more sense if she were ISFj rather than ISTj or ISTp.
    i find it odd you supported your arguments with paragraphs that contained both sides of your point, it seems. anyway, i am now considering isfj because it would tie together some of the observations that i tried to explain as istj or istp. the thing is though, i think the timidness you said the isfj overcomes is what i think she shows .

  8. #8
    le petit prince raisonpure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    i find it odd you supported your arguments with paragraphs that contained both sides of your point, it seems.
    ? I'm a bit confused here. Not sure how to improve my argument style, but I am aware that it revolves a lot around observations and trying to see the other side to the coin.
    “I think, therefore I'll think" - Ayn Rand (ESTp, UR GUARDIAN ANGEL)

  9. #9
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    The first one is ISFj or ISTj, difficult to tell apart from what you described, if having to choose I'd pick ISTj.

    I also see ESTj for the second one.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: help typing two people

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by Elro

    Notice that a lot of what you said points to , too...
    fi in me?
    Nono, in your friend, from your description.

    I will say, though, that the person MIGHT be ISTj. Least sure of T/F.

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