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Thread: Your Color Palette & Body Type.

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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    To identify types is used nonverbal behavior. From visual quality part are needed good light to see nonverbal data, common settings for closely situated camera and acceptable resolution. Other is not significant.
    As about photos, - except physiognomistic heretics, the majority prefers to use videos and not photos.

    "makes me look wide"

    The common problem with close distance is barrel distortion. The camera should be situated farther, be used other camera settings (reduced angle by optical zoom, lenses for close distance, macro/selfie modes) or be fixed then by a software. People should read manuals.

    > you sound pretty settled on type

    She mistakes in it for years, despite knowing alot against it.
    I guess you take the chance to use visual tech x typing insights for socionics VI. That's one guess dhtdthdhtfhtfhgdhdngfnyfnyfny
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 12-12-2023 at 11:03 PM.

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