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Thread: Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

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  1. #11
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Midwest, USA
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    My waitress for lunch today was SEE. After observing her for a while and finishing the meal, I asked her if she was married. (We are Activity partners and share the same quadra, so she is less likely to react badly to questions like this. )

    She said No, she wasn't.

    I asked her if she would be interested in knowing what type of person she might get along with best, for marriage?

    She said, Absolutely.

    I said, "First, let me say that I belong to a cult that believes people have certain characteristics and that there is a "best" romantic match for each person. For example, you are a very moral person, sexually aggressive, extroverted, and are not that good with money or with knowing what the future holds."

    She looked at me and laughed, and said, "That's right. Could you tell that by the fact that I'm wearing all the wealth I own as jewelry?" and pointed to the many rings and arm bands she was wearing.

    I said, "No, I could tell by your face. Your personality shows up in your face."

    "So who should I marry?"

    I proceeded to describe an INTp (ILI). She said, "That sounds like my best friend. But I don't feel any sexual attraction for him."

    "There are two types that look almost identical to each other. From an external standpoint, they look almost exactly alike. The only difference is that one is sexually compatible with you and the other one isn't. So you're close, but there's a better match out there, if you look."

    "Where can I find out more about this stuff? Is there a book? Can I look it up on the web?"

    So I wrote down Stratiyevskaya's name, "SEE & ILI", and "Duality", and left her with that.

    My lunch companion was looking at me with amazement. IDK if they were shocked at my brazenness, or shocked at discovering that I'm in a cult, or what, so I decided to give them a bit more proof. I called the waitress back and said that there was a person whom she resembled.

    The waitress asked, "Who?"

    "Elvis", I said.

    The waitress laughed out loud and said "You got that exactly right!" and walked off, smiling.

    I nudged my companion and said, "What are the odds?"
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-01-2019 at 02:31 PM.

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