anyway I met a girl a few years ago in one of my art classes

she claimed she was an indigo child and that back in the west she'd have regular dreams which revolved around her walking down a spiral staircase into a victorian style dungeon where stuff moved on the walls and she'd have epiphanies pertaining to her purpose and I just nodded my head like, "oh yeah, fascinating stuff" and then she went on to tell me that she adorns her hands with jewelry to dissuade herself from looking directly at her hands because she has chirophobia and then she mentioned auras, of course, before trying to convince me that she owned a popular anime-hosting website and I was just like "yeah haha" but I developed a crush on her anyway. it's funny because the first time I relayed this story to someone else I went on about it for half an hour - I was so enthusiastic about it too, really I took it all the way - before I stopped mid-sentence and went "oh she was fucking with me"

still a damn good story though, I think she was probably IEI or a particularly whimsical ESI, or maybe just insane, who knows, in fact who cares