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Thread: Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

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    I'm in a group chat with an LSI, IEI and an SEE>EIE that I met at a work conference

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    I notice it's alot easier to type people when you have to solve a problem with them. Me and my family are taking care of my dad after his stroke, there's alot of new things to learn so it gets stressful. People's types and the ITR is alot easier to see when we are dealing with these problems.

    I see how my SEI stepmom and I fail to have clear communication. When she speaks it's like my mind goes on autopilot and is just waiting for the key words to get the gist of what she is saying, but she speaks in an Si sort of lazy and Ti specific way and it's like my mind is a fish net and all her words go through the holes and cracks and nothing is ever caught. To me when she speaks it sounds like "So, yea we have to like find out when and how the way he you know, the coughing, and stop when he's doing the you know, btw that's how when we are going to do it then." Like......I don't catch any clear instructions or key words to get any kind of gist of what she's saying, this comes off to me as a Te PoLR sort of thing, talking around the point. And I see alot of times she expects me to read her mind in a way, like she's trying to trigger thoughts in my head by constantly saying "you know" like I already have the information about what she's talking about in some sort of Ti way, which I do not. And I see how how she expects me to provide her a Ti opinion but my Te constantly defers to experts. My dad has to eat liquid food through a tube, she asks me "So what do you think we should feed him?" I have absolutely no opinion about that, how would I know, what do the doctors say?! She thinks I have some kinda well thought out opinion about something I know nothing about, and that constant expectation gets exhausting. When things get real stressful she is even less clear, like if she needs atowler because my dad might vomit his food, instead of saying "TOWEL!" she'll just point in some vague direction where there may or may not be a towel and say "Get the-*waves finger*!" like WHAT DO YOU WANT WOMAN?! lol good grief, and it's rarely obvious what she wants. The funny thing is my ILE friend sometimes has the mind reading expectation also, he'll swear he told me something when he didn't, then minutes later realize he just thought about telling me but never said it out loud.

    Her son, my step brother, is LII. The problem we tried to solve was clearing out the garage at our house. I saw how he is unsure of dealing with Fi things and wants Fe input and defers to Fe when it came to deciding what to throw out and what to keep in the garage. The garage has a ton of crap that came along when we moved in, I was going through and just guessing "Nobody really needs this we can toss it." and he would say "Yea I think it's useless, but I don't know if anybody wants to keep it, you can deal with them and ask someone if they are ok with throwing it out." Like he was concerned with what the "people" wanted instead of his own judgement of the thing. And I guessed what people would want to keep "People in the house might want to keep this, and that." and he was like "Yea it seems like you're figuring out the shit people care about randomly." lol. Like he pretty much pointed out non valued low Fi right there, while to me it seemed obvious someone would want to keep a brand new luggage bag with wheels.

    And the worst is my SEE sister who is 10 years younger than me. When me and her both are taking care of my dad the supervision relation is so clear as day I almost did not want to be around her. It's embarrassing enough that my sister is 10 years younger than me, but she forcefully orders me around when helping dad, and she expects me to do everything the minute it flies out of her mouth, she'll even raise her voice to jolt me into action, if she even seems me attempting to do something else before I do what she told me to she repeats what she told me to do louder. The humility is too much to take lol. I could also see how in supervision you kinda look down at the person and that's what gives that condescending tone, like you can't even help it. I almost feel bad for me ILE friend, because dealing with my sister I could see how easy it is to slip into a condescending tone with my friend. I can also see her expectation for me to be better at Te, and it's probably slightly amplified by the fact that I'm her older brother, and I just feel like a disappointment around her, like I'm nothing to look up to or I don't set any kind of good example. I bet to her I look like I've never actually grown up, anytime I say I don't know how to do something she expects me to know how to do at my age she gasps.

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    Once again stressful situations seems to reveal type.

    So my step sister seems to be EII-Fi. She's in med school and is practically the nurse expert in the house when taking care of my dad. Her and her mom argue back and forth sometimes and today her mom pretty much confirmed herself as SEI.

    They had an argument about my dad's meds. The meds he takes now lower his blood pressure but also put him to sleep. He needs to be awake for physical therapy. So the SEI says "We need to take him off some of his meds to keep him awake." the EII says "Ok, but how are you gonna keep his blood pressure down?" The SEI gets kinda mad and tells the EII, "Have some IMAGINATION! There has to be a solution where we can both have him awake and with low blood pressure! Be CREATIVE!". Then she just goes full Te PoLR on the EII "I hope your studies don't pigeon hole you, I hope you don't leave med school just repeating everything the MDs tell you, all your doing is repeating what all the MDs say!" Man, lol, if that's not textbook Te PoLR I don't know what is. I have to respect her skepticism and willingness to be inventive in her approach to solving problems, but to think that we common folk can figure out more than an entire establishment of doctors is a little over our heads don't you think? Anyway her demand for Ne/Ti was evident. She also spoke to someone today that confirmed she likes someone to do a little mind reading for her. She was on a video chat today with a physical therapist and everytime she'd get stuck in a sentence the PT would say for her what she was trying to say and she would just light up "THANK YOU, YES! That's the exact word!", she loves that Ti accuracy with semantics with the ability to Ne put 2 and 2 together, I see just how much an ILE would be appreciated by her.

    Seeing that my step sister might be EII was an eyeopener. Times are stressful and she recently had an argument with my younger sister who confronted her, who she is also older than. She ended the argument with "Well, you don't treat me with any damn respect so I don't care about what you have to say." Yea because my SEE sister is her supervisor. Seeing that she's most likely EII, I can somewhat see why and how my sister looks down at me now. Watching the EII do small things while taking care of my dad, alot of the things she does don't make much sense lol, or don't seem that effective and make me ask "Why did she do it like that, why doesn't she just do this instead since it's faster." Dumb things like not putting a medicine bottle closer to her for her to reach it, or putting a trash can that she's gonna need in a few seconds too far away so she has to throw trash across the room. This gave me a little glimspe into what my sister is probably seeing when she sees me, and in complete contrast when my sister is helping my dad out it always looks to me like she makes the most obvious and useful choice, and it almost feels like I'm in the way, and it always feels like I'm reserving energy while she's fully using hers.

    One difference I noticed between my EII-Fi step sister and me with EII-Ne ,is her Si HA is alot more obvious, this might also be because she's in med school, but she loves giving out advice on how to be healthier and what not, while I rarely do that and am not as health conscious, I don't see much Ne but she's alot more kinder than me.

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    So, little brother is SLE and I had to work with him with my dad today instead of my SEE sister. Noticeable differences right off the bat are, I don't silently feel judged for being incompetent when working with him. But his Si ignoring is much more clear to me than my sister's. He's great at being a boxing coach for kids, but being a nurse is definitely not his forte lol, it's not mine either. I'm very glad Si egos are the majority in the nursing field because dear lord my little brother just lets poop stains sit where they are while bulldozing through to do his job. Me just watching the difference between how he and my SEI step mom clean up after my dad is night and day, he couldn't care less if a little poop stain gets on the bed sheets, the baby wipe container, or the boxes he's using to find all the cleaning supplies, he sees the goal "we need to clean dad", and he executes that goal, surprisingly not as Te straight to the point as my sister. I can't even trust anything now because it might have feces residue on it lol. Even though he's SLE and Si ignoring and Fi PoLR, his Fe does come out with our dad, he's always concerned about whether dad is comfortable and he puts himself in his shoes like "Hey, before you wipe his face, tell him you're wiping his face, you'd jump if someone just touched your face without warning you, right? So let him know "Hey dad, I'm gonna wipe your face now."" He's scary looking but he's a good guy.

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    I met an ILI high off acid at a bar yesterday. He thought he could read my mind and gave me some good unsolicited advice although he seemed pretty unhinged and kept butting into my conversation with my friend
    Last edited by Averroes; 08-01-2022 at 01:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    I met an ILI high off acid at a bar yesterday. He thought he could read my mind and gave me some good unsolicited advice although he seemed unhinged
    When you're ready to hear it, even words on a page can be helpful.

    I mean, think about it. Spots of ink arranged on a piece of ground-up tree fibers have meaning. Vibrations in the air have meaning. It isn't the source that matters, but how we interpret the things we perceive.

    Incidentally, the world of ILIs is interpreted through the veil of intuition, sometimes supported by abstract logic. Not where you'd normally go to see what's stripped-to-the-bones real, but for you, it doesn't have to be.

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    There's a guy I think is Fe lead, he works as a cashier someplace I shop sometimes.
    I'm not Fe outward and gleeful while he is, and for some reason he started lowering his head at me, almost like a beaten puppy.
    I feel sad for him.
    I wonder if I should try to talk to him.
    I wonder if trying to talk to him would be beneficial, and I'm worried it might "mean" more than I want it to.
    Should have checked his hand for a ring dammit.

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    I think my pharmacist that supervised me during my externship is SEE-N. One of the head pharmacy techs was probably SLE-C. A lot of LSI-N and H there too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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    had to send a package: a thin intuitive girl with big eyes behind the counter - IXE? thought ILE when i left, but i only talked with her for a few seconds. seemed like an extravert. they look confidently at you, are chatty and interested. i wonder if they really find the shy ones as cute as we find brash extraverts.

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    oh! i could use this thread - i think i met an IEI at thanksgiving dinner the other day. i had a sneaking suspicion he was for no reason when my dad brought up he was some sort of doctor, and then he behaved very courteously and i could clearly identify Fe ego. though i couldn't really pinpoint Ni or Si. most of what was discussed throughout the night were things like the weather in different locations, and i had to strain myself to not go out on a million tangents to talk about anything else. he seemed pretty comfortable though, and i think he was intentionally trying to accommodate my awkwardness. which is something unique i've found in IEIs, and to an extent EIEs too. somehow the Ni-Fe warmth feels more spread out everywhere, where the Si-Fe warmth feels confined to the living room, haha... i don't really know how to describe it.

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    I have an IEE E6 supervisor who’s misstaffed/outside of her realm of expertise but wants to seem competent, forces me to go on wild goose chases without manager input, and doesn’t know whether she wants to be nice or a micromanaging hardass. She ropes me into one hour calls where I’m basically supposed to help her figure out how she’s supposed to review my work
    Last edited by Averroes; 02-03-2023 at 10:59 PM.

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    LIE waiter at a diner I would visit from time to time during my trip. Walks fast, looks lime a Puerto Rican Kobe Bryant, calls me “campeon” every time I go

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    LIE waitress waited on us today at a restaurant. 10 out 10 service, and quite a hustler. She gave a Te fist pump after i said nothing more to order, it was very good and service was the best. Her: " yes i accomplished my job!"

    She looked LIE via photos, was Te outspoken, energetic, efficient and EJ.

    Prob 28 yo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    She gave a Te fist pump after i said nothing more to order, it was very good and service was the best. Her: " yes i accomplished my job!"
    such expressive enthusiasm even in mundane situations is not normal for T
    especially Te will not do this often, as they are generally annoyed by and thus reluctant to stimulate exaggerated emotions in others

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    such expressive enthusiasm even in mundane situations is not normal for T
    especially Te will not do this often, as they are generally annoyed by and thus reluctant to stimulate exaggerated emotions in others
    She did it for her self like an accomplishment. Don't forget extraversion Big 5 is about excitability, not for the F types exclusively. More importantly you've been peeking over monitoring Delta and note Landry fist pump on a good play.

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    Yesterday i stopped by an old country store, with 2 gas pumps, and it had a mechanics garage next to it, out in the middle of timbuktu.

    This is dairy land country in the Midwest, so they carry special milk from the farmers, and i usually by the cream top whole milk at 5.50 gallon when i pass thru this way.

    They also have the small 16 oz sizes, blueberry, coffee or chocolate in this same version, so long story short, i'm shaking it up as i walk to pay going to the counter, but the store owner, at the counter, shows the best way to shake it, is by the middle and you twirl it back and forth like a helicopter blade. She emphasized that is easier on your wrist while demonstrating it for me.

    In a previous conversation she said has swallowing issues, meaning the food gets stuck on the way down and it's painful, and the doctor said they can put an expansion tube there, blow it up, and it might stretch it back or it might not work at all, so she nixed the idea from a guarantee lack.

    SLI. She looked ILI or SLI, but i get the comfort vibe out of it.

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    SEI women have the most fascinating ways of describing and viewing men. I had a SEI friend in college who once sighed and told me, "God, men should only ever wear blue!"

    She hated the color purple, but one day she saw me wearing a purple shirt and she briefly changed her mind about the color. Her eyes glimmered and she told me, "Wow, you make that color look good. If you weren't gay, then maybe..." and she stopped right there.

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    i did a round of exercise with a man who could be EIE. ILE was my first opinion, but he showed repeated difficulties (or just didn't care?) with counting and my impression of him was not one of trust, but of strangeness, so i changed it after this. he seemed to me to not be very good at interacting successfully in situations, did not show many positive emotions, which may be because of an unfamiliar type of people or just because of less abilities here. this problem led me to think T at first, and ILE is still possible in my view.
    he was quite eager. his skipping of the counts meant that we did more rounds than others; since Ni types can enjoy to present themselves as physically impressive, maybe his counting problems were not entirely unintentional . he is more fit than me, anyways, and saw my exhaustion and adjusted the exercise, which was nice.
    i generally perceive this type as cute when it's a woman, but in men... it's strange, not exactly impressive, in whom IEI's more relaxed attitude is more understandable for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    i did a round of exercise with a man who could be EIE. ILE was my first opinion, but he showed repeated difficulties (or just didn't care?) with counting and my impression of him was not one of trust, but of strangeness, so i changed it after this. he seemed to me to not be very good at interacting successfully in situations, did not show many positive emotions, which may be because of an unfamiliar type of people or just because of less abilities here. this problem led me to think T at first, and ILE is still possible in my view.
    he was quite eager. his skipping of the counts meant that we did more rounds than others; since Ni types can enjoy to present themselves as physically impressive, maybe his counting problems were not entirely unintentional . he is more fit than me, anyways, and saw my exhaustion and adjusted the exercise, which was nice.
    i generally perceive this type as cute when it's a woman, but in men... it's strange, not exactly impressive, in whom IEI's more relaxed attitude is more understandable for me.
    Interesting nifl, you are def. high introverted sensing type.

    This is how it lays out IRL.

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    ESFj woman, she was easy to spot. They want to insist you do things their way for your benefit, they have a patent on life and will try to get you to follow through with their prescriptions.

    It's hospitably over the top, and they insist on applying it. Lol.

    It's almost an argument for you to submit.
    Undeniable in recognizing type.

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    Last week i worked a half a day for volunteer work helping a couple of SLI friends.

    They were putting in an electric tanked hot water heater in a building and they were not plumbers by design, but still worked construction and had enough expertise for the job.

    The punchline is i felt at home with them in humor and all connections socially, like being on the same mental page.

    I worked my volunteer end and i finished and i joined in with them.

    It was an interesting experiment type wise.

    I suppose semi dual played out something here. ???

    I had 1 good friend and another shorter term friend in school both SLI. One a brain and another a jock. The jock, i tutored him with algebra because he just couldn't get it. He was failing.

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    We frequent an Indian cuisine restaurant, and i think SEI serves us. He is quite extraverted but i think it's the Fe part of the caregiver type. It's activated by work and once there quite chatty.

    I ruled out ESFj, that's easy to spot. I gave a quick thought to ESTp but no, he's more emo than a T.

    He hustles a lot, it's admirable.

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    Actually, I just realized I knew another IEI when I was a teenager... While the first friend I was talking about previously was IEI-Ni, this other friend was IEI-Fe as he was more extroverted. He definitely valued Fe and Se, but his Se was weak and he seemed to lament that he had such a hard time being strong and forceful compared to other guys. Eventually he started lifting weights, plus he changed his style (both his dressing style and hairstyle); thus, he went from being cute to being pretty conventionally hot, yet he still had some kind of deep insecurity. Eventually a girlfriend of his took advantage of him and left him extremely heartbroken.

    He struggled with being a "strong" man, and he let this perceived flaw haunt him. He was actually very sweet, and despite being insecure, he never took his feelings out on anyone nor did he make anyone feel lesser just to boost his own ego. He was very creative and quite expressive. He kinda seemed like an EIE because of his highly emotive nature, but his Ti was certainly not 1D and his Se was definitely suggestive. He always talked about wanting to punch a hole in the wall or otherwise wanting to express his feelings physically and aggressively, but he could rarely bring himself to do so. All he did was let his feelings consume him. He could be very intense, but when he wasn't suffering, he was very fun and liked to have a lot of friends around him. He was a weeaboo back then, and he used to call me his "senpai" because I was always teaching him how to draw and how to talk to girls.

    He was an obvious social 4 in the Enneagram. Tritype was probably 479?

    I wonder how he's doing today. Hopefully he's doing better emotionally.

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    At the beginning of my time spent here on this website, I misunderstood the information elements and mistyped a longtime friend (well, ex-friend) of mine as EIE. Turns out she's ESI, and also sx/sp 4. Her Tritype might be 468.

    I mistook her outbursts of anger to be base Fe, but it turns out it was all Fi. She never concerned herself with how her feelings and values might affect others, and moreover hated expressing her emotions too loudly. She always felt some sense of embarrassment over expressing sadness or crying. She identified more with anger, and said she'd usually only cry when she was extremely angry, but I knew this was a lie. I'd had a few conversations in which she'd cried in front of me due to extreme sadness, but then she'd try to pretend it didn't happen.

    This friend of mine was very adamant about her values. With her, it was either "her way or the highway." She never considered adopting other's values nor did she try to understand how others felt about things she was opposed to, because her feelings were all that mattered to her. She was loud about her disapproval of things she disliked, but only among people she knew well; around strangers or acquaintances, she was rather meek.

    We had a wonderful friendship for a long time, but she was never a fully pleasant person to be with. Sometimes she projected certain motives onto people and you had to talk sense into her. Furthermore, her biggest flaw was her lack of sensitivity. Sometimes she was sensitive, but other times she offended people very easily. She had an amazing sense of humor until she crossed the line, and she was very well-known for crossing the line with others, yet she rarely ever apologized for doing this and she often even blamed other people for being "overly sensitive" or "too easily offended." She became a little better about this as the years passed, but sadly, our friendship had been poisoned by too many occurrences like this.

    I spent a lot of the time we were friends thinking that I was the one responsible for most of our arguments, but eventually I realized that she was the one largely responsible for our occasional tensions, due to her lack of respect for my (and also others') feelings and values. Nevertheless, she often refused to see things anyone else's way, making it very difficult to get her to see the error of her ways.

    In the end, she was just too toxic to continue having around, and after about eleven years of friendship, I had to cut her off. I was tired of having constant tension in my life because of her. She was too resentful, insensitive, and narrow-minded for me to feel comfortable around her. But we had shared a lot of meaningful moments together, we shared a LOT of interests, and we had similarly absurd senses of humor. I really wish she could have worked on herself, but her problem is that she refuses to do any work on her personality. She often wonders why she always ends up alone... but I don't think she realizes it's usually her fault. She's quick to blame others, but not herself.

    Sometimes I miss her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kuno View Post
    At the beginning of my time spent here on this website, I misunderstood the information elements and mistyped a longtime friend (well, ex-friend) of mine as EIE. Turns out she's ESI, and also sx/sp 4. Her Tritype might be 468.
    Time to add some commentary because I love running my loud mouth lmao

    I mistook her outbursts of anger to be base Fe, but it turns out it was all Fi. She never concerned herself with how her feelings and values might affect others, and moreover hated expressing her emotions too loudly. She always felt some sense of embarrassment over expressing sadness or crying. She identified more with anger, and said she'd usually only cry when she was extremely angry, but I knew this was a lie. I'd had a few conversations in which she'd cried in front of me due to extreme sadness, but then she'd try to pretend it didn't happen.
    Thing is with sx4, their outbursts are far more intense and physical than so4s or other introverted types for example.

    This friend of mine was very adamant about her values. With her, it was either "her way or the highway." She never considered adopting other's values nor did she try to understand how others felt about things she was opposed to, because her feelings were all that mattered to her. She was loud about her disapproval of things she disliked, but only among people she knew well; around strangers or acquaintances, she was rather meek.
    Uncompromising values? Sounds XSI, even more ESI when it's based on dislikes and likes and dignity.
    I do have values myself, but they can be compromised if it's most practical for me in a particular situation, and I think I can maybe lobby around the rules. But generally whatever values I'd have is basing off of what keeps society the most stable, and isn't likely to cause someone else to want my head on a stake. Sounds like the bare minimum.

    But I never found the reasoning for certain morals like purity, in terms of wanting to stay pure to please one's future partner, to be reasonable. This logic causes shame among those who have been taken advantage of, sadly. But a more reasonable reason is rather to deter someone who isn't going to put in the effort to meet the requirements one sets. A lot of women judge datable men based on potential and not what's actually there. He seems like to have the potential to be so sweet and loving, but one never knows what their family thinks of them. That person may keep the relationship hidden and be cheating and breaking agreed upon guidelines and boundaries. It gets even messier when children are involved, too. So I would rather only see a relationship as legitimate in marriage, or any civil union, or contract, if not a highly public relationship. That if both people can make up good boundaries, and have trust in each other, not much should go wrong.

    The straights are not okay, maybe the original meaning of gay and gay couples being the generally happiest isn't a conscience either.

    Does that sound Fi? Or not so much.

    We had a wonderful friendship for a long time, but she was never a fully pleasant person to be with. Sometimes she projected certain motives onto people and you had to talk sense into her. Furthermore, her biggest flaw was her lack of sensitivity. Sometimes she was sensitive, but other times she offended people very easily. She had an amazing sense of humor until she crossed the line, and she was very well-known for crossing the line with others, yet she rarely ever apologized for doing this and she often even blamed other people for being "overly sensitive" or "too easily offended." She became a little better about this as the years passed, but sadly, our friendship had been poisoned by too many occurrences like this.
    Any notable examples?

    I spent a lot of the time we were friends thinking that I was the one responsible for most of our arguments, but eventually I realized that she was the one largely responsible for our occasional tensions, due to her lack of respect for my (and also others') feelings and values. Nevertheless, she often refused to see things anyone else's way, making it very difficult to get her to see the error of her ways.
    How comes? Did she have a habit of blaming others?

    In the end, she was just too toxic to continue having around, and after about eleven years of friendship, I had to cut her off. I was tired of having constant tension in my life because of her. She was too resentful, insensitive, and narrow-minded for me to feel comfortable around her. But we had shared a lot of meaningful moments together, we shared a LOT of interests, and we had similarly absurd senses of humor. I really wish she could have worked on herself, but her problem is that she refuses to do any work on her personality. She often wonders why she always ends up alone... but I don't think she realizes it's usually her fault. She's quick to blame others, but not herself.

    Sometimes I miss her.
    Does she have any mental disorders you know of?

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    Had some dinner at an outing and i sat with SLI. Black bros and at one point one said, as he leaned over, you are of the heady type....aren't you? lol.

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    I had a fang tooth pulled at 5 today, and 5 hrs later the local is wearing off, finally. I'm getting an implant instead of a crown, so he killed 2 birds with one stone and screwed in the titanium post in the created vacant socket.

    He is SLI and quite skilled, early 30's.

    The tooth broke 3 X, he spent an hour on it, and finally it all came out by cutting notches in it with the drill for a grip on the sections. Strong hands, he was shaking at times. He said the eye teeth have the longest roots that go all the way up into nasal area. It's true, they look like long fingers on X-ray.

    I find we share a lot of similar thoughts about things in small talk. I said i was so glad for modern medicine and the convo. trailed to the days of surgery without anesthesia and gave some horror stories around it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I had a fang tooth pulled at 5 today, and 5 hrs later the local is wearing off, finally. I'm getting an implant instead of a crown, so he killed 2 birds with one stone and screwed in the titanium post in the created vacant socket.

    He is SLI and quite skilled, early 30's.

    The tooth broke 3 X, he spent an hour on it, and finally it all came out by cutting notches in it with the drill for a grip on the sections. Strong hands, he was shaking at times. He said the eye teeth have the longest roots that go all the way up into nasal area. It's true, they look like long fingers on X-ray.

    I find we share a lot of similar thoughts about things in small talk. I said i was so glad for modern medicine and the convo. trailed to the days of surgery without anesthesia and gave some horror stories around it.
    I had a follow up appt. today, and the good doctor declared, you are a funny guy, M, very funny. I was full of humor today. I got a genuine reaction out of it from the center, i can tell the fake vs the real deal.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I had a fang tooth pulled at 5 today, and 5 hrs later the local is wearing off, finally. I'm getting an implant instead of a crown, so he killed 2 birds with one stone and screwed in the titanium post in the created vacant socket.

    He is SLI and quite skilled, early 30's.

    The tooth broke 3 X, he spent an hour on it, and finally it all came out by cutting notches in it with the drill for a grip on the sections. Strong hands, he was shaking at times. He said the eye teeth have the longest roots that go all the way up into nasal area. It's true, they look like long fingers on X-ray.

    I find we share a lot of similar thoughts about things in small talk. I said i was so glad for modern medicine and the convo. trailed to the days of surgery without anesthesia and gave some horror stories around it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Distance View Post
    I had a follow up appt. today, and the good doctor declared, you are a funny guy, M, very funny. I was full of humor today. I got a genuine reaction out of it from the center, i can tell the fake vs the real deal.

    On Thursday the tooth finally came in for an actual implant, and he said, it is pretty white and it is sort of a mismatch, on your next teeth cleaning i can unscrew it and we have a way here to darken it up.

    Me: Ok, then you guys will soak it in a tea bucket next time for the darkening process. Lol. He laughed really hard. I also said that i kinda new something was off when you said it was pretty white, immediately, i thought it probably looks like a silver tooth and if someone looks my way i''l know why they cover their eye(S) that is if the sun is the wrong position, and while saying this i cupped my one eye in gesture. He called me a smart ass and punched me in the arm while laughing of course.

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    I had a problem with a death in my reef tank, i had 60 dollar shrimp die in an hour, about, and took it back for a 50 percent store credit.

    The guy was SLI, he vibed like a Harrison Ford type, we meshed well in talking the talk about the hobby, he was very scientific in chemistry in this context, in explaining the dynamics via an Ne analogy of the buffer system in oceanic water.

    He asked a lot of good questions and was satisfied that i knew what i was doing.

    I said i wont add another one in again, and he agreed to it. I said i have a hunch the alkalinity is on the high side and it shocked it to death. He seemed to think the same thing.

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    I spent 2 hours at a funeral home today working out arrangements for a family member, and the director was LSE, lady, and the owner was LSE or LIE.

    Certain of her type, another Judge Judy, and him, he was eccentric, he came and said, all i want to know is, how is your experience here at my place?
    I said 10 stars out of 10 rating, and he was very glad, and cracked a joke, it was pretty clever, and walked out.
    Last edited by Distance; 04-28-2024 at 10:51 AM.

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    At my dad's residence, now deceased recently, i mowed the place across the street as an act of kindness, because the older woman there cooked for my dad, and the lawn was real high, getting like hay, and i brought my lawn tractor over to mow it, i carried it in my truck to over there, from my place 3 miles away.

    The other side mows it for her, a duplex here, but are away on vacation.

    After talking with her for a few times, i get we are on the same wavelength and i think SLI. She brought over cookies today, i just stopped by to get his mail, and she intercepted me and handed me a dozen home made cookies. I made a TV commercial reference about a candy bar, Mounds, sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't, i said, because she said she never puts nuts in cookies because it might not be liked. She liked the reference and remembered the commercial vividly. I find with introverted sensing people, we jibe in these areas in referencing the past impressions. Lol.

    After i mowed she walked over and insisted in putting a 20 in my flannel pocket.

    I tried to resist but could not.

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    Today wife and i drove 90 miles, round trip, to pick up an electric range for my rental property, she saw it on market place for a good price and it was a real nice unit overall.

    It was from a short Hispanic woman, barely 5ft tall, and i think EIE. I got the vibe, my mother was EIE so it synced well into that impression, and by way of her husband too, who was LSI and they looked dual. Kinda makes it solid in type.

    She was very conscientious and caring, and in fact via messaging she was real glad she sold it to us telling that many hours later.

    Her home decor was interesting and full of art collections, from furniture to figurines and statues.

    He was a hunter and the living room had almost every kind of of North American game animal trophied on the walls, going around in a circle.

    It was a different experience, and that i like.

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    I met with the attorney who wrote my dad's will today. Over the weekend i called his office and left a voicemail, and i told him the circumstances, and he called today and wanted the original will i had, signed in ink, his copies were photo copied 19 years ago, and he said the court will want the real thing.

    He was an old timer somewhere in his 80's and still practicing law. He was very straight forward with the facts, much to the point, and offered some good advice on how to avoid federal income tax if i ever want to sell the real estate, with a few tricks.

    I could tell in a few minutes he was LSI. Fe and Beta expressiveness was there. Not much eye contact, kinda looks away while speaking, and i could see the adherence to law and principles.

    He said we will avoid full probate in court, which is costly and lengthy in process, and i will present it to the court as a probated will, and it should go through quick. And he said there will be a court fee of 127, plus another 35 at the recorders office, and my fee of a 1000.

    He asked how my dad died and i said he died in his driveway and he said good, if it were in a hospital it could involve property liens in some cases with high medical bills. They want their money first. Very LSI to the point.

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    I've been in touch with an SLI, T, who lives down the street from my late dad's place, and he wants his lawn mower. Badly. He's been bugging my wife on FB media trying to get the price down. Is it still available how about 600 cash! Then is it still available ad infinitum, to other offers, saying i want it bad i'm starting my landscape business, i'm just a young kid, etc,etc. . It was driving her up a wall.

    So, today i asked her to tell him to meet me there at 10ish in the morning. First i mowed our 1 acre lot and the rendezvous with T after 10 AM.

    First he offered a lot less, and i said i think it is worth 900, they go between 6 to 1300 dollars in auctions, used, so i think it is fair. It is in great shape with 400 hrs on it. It is a commercial mower and can take a lot of run time.

    I said if you put down 100 deposit, I'll want 800 in 3 months and the mower stays here. If in 3 months you don't want it the deposit is forfeited. I said i've had 2 offers in 2 weeks on it at the asking price, but they backed out.

    I said T, i'm taking a chance for you because you are local and you need help on your business venture. I will delist until October, but in reality to next year because the season is over then.

    He said he cannot do 3 months and was unhappy about it and sort of gave up, let down in disappointment in his hopes and i said i'll run it to October?

    I helped him think thru some possibilities, like he wanted to put 500 down now, thinking it would secure it better, but i said what if i died? You might come to my wife and she might not give it not knowing the deal. Or your car might flop and you don't have it now.

    He said yeah, i see what you mean, and thank you for the honest concern.

    He liked it, but i said think about it overnight, and come back tomorrow.

    He's really nice and sincere and a young kid still living at home. Guessing 19-20.

    In one moment i felt sorry for him in a way, because he felt intimidated, i could sense it, he was trying to work through sound reasoning's in an adult world here.
    Last edited by Distance; 05-19-2024 at 01:08 AM.

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    So I'm standing in the sun, in line at the local Dairy Queen and the overweight black guy behind me complains that the person who parked in front of him could have moved up, but didn't. "People just don't pay attention to others!", he said.

    Earlier, when I was trying to find an empty parking spot in the very full parking lot, I'd watched him in his pale gold Mercedes SUV, impatiently waiting for a spot to open up, moving back and forth, looking at the parking lights of the parked cars for a clue to his next direction.

    Now, with his comments that no one was paying attention to him, I classified him as an ILI. If he'd been white, his car would have been a pale gold BMW SUV, but he was black, so Mercedes it was.

    "Yeah", I agreed, watching the car that offended him leave. It was driven by an oriental woman who probably had her hands full with just steering her car while working the pedals. "But most people are just involved with themselves and don't really drive with the other person in mind."

    "They could have just pulled up", he persisted. "Look, the parking space is marked!" He was obviously stuck in his deep-dive into the question of why he wasn't getting the attention he craved. Lord. Where is an SEE when you need one?

    "Personally", I said, "I try to drive so that no one on the road will have to do anything different, compared to what they'd do if I weren't there."

    The tall, willowy SEI teen working the window asked me what I want, and I said, "Just a plain vanilla cone, please." She left the window to get it, and I step back slightly but the black guy doesn't step up.

    A male SEI sticks his head out of the window and says to me, "And what can I get for you?"

    Another life? What, indeed? God, I want so much, even the world is not enough.
    I leaned in and said, loudly and demanding, "I want a machine that prints money."

    He blinked. His expression didn't change. The middle-aged female ESI in line behind the black guy started laughing.

    I guess that's what happens when you hear your dreams spoken out loud.

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    The guy who taught us how to shoot migjt have been an LSE

    dont feel like elaborating too much

    he was very confident but also patient, showed us the right techniques and even encouraged me to breathe a certain way etc. so I would be less shaky and that I shouldn’t be afraid of the gun (I have seen firsthand the damage - physical and mental it had wrought on a couple of people, way back in high scjool)

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    I had dealt with a SLE gun business owner today on my estate sale of firearms.

    The other place i had dealt previously with was an LSI owner, but this is the 2nd time he has not been there for me, to transact these guns, personally. Last one was he was away on vacation, this time: holiday by tomorrow - Fathers Day. The store is left to run by employees and his number 1 man is LSI, and expert on everything, i trust everything he says, but he is not allowed to buy firearms from the public, even porting this thru the business.

    I called each time to set up an appt. with him in advance, but not here today, so wife suggested this other dealer that is closer actually, and i like him. With an LSI employee and we all shot the breeze. I used to own some firearms so i could talk the talk on brands and calibers and i have a lot of technical info. on ballistic performances in my experience.'' Oh i used to have a ______ but i sold it, and i once sold another one online, and it had to be shipped overnight to a gun dealer there, when i got to the UPS store for shipping, he called me and changed his mind, he said didn't want it, now.'' I said not for me anymore, that is why i come here to take a 40 percent loss to avoid these hassles.

    These guys only want several at a time, to not over inventory, so i take 4 a week there for this protocol.

    Just observing the SLE he reminded of the TV show guy, where they travel all over and collect things. Merry-go- rounds to gas station gas pumps.

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    Painting and installing windows with SEE, LSI, ESE, LSE, SLI, and SEI (myself)

    The young SLI is the laziest and is late for work every day. But he is also good with Te, WHEN he uses it. Mostly he just says that he doesn't know.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Painting and installing windows with SEE, LSI, ESE, LSE, SLI, and SEI (myself)

    The young SLI is the laziest and is late for work every day. But he is also good with Te, WHEN he uses it. Mostly he just says that he doesn't know.
    I break windows.

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