What's up Jason, how are you doin dude?
Yeah, I'm not familiar with how to type someone using Brain Types... Niednagel indicates that BT is MBTI derived--in some ways it seems just as close to Socionics... I'd heard of "The Brain Doctor" before, just wasn't familiar with his typings of particular people...
What's compelling is the correlation btw the typings--you're right, it's "crazy!" When they don't correlate, they're usually close enough so that one could write it off as a 'judgment call' rather than 'incorrect...' It's nuts!!!
I'm very interested in how in Niednagel types ppl... There may be a correlation, or maybe it's a fluke. (A pretty crazy fluke haha.)
As to how I type... Unlike a lot of ppl on this forum, I'm not accurate unless I see a video/someone in-person... When I see a person's focus in conversation, their physical reactions to what's being said, their vocal emphasis, the way their eyes and countenance look... Yeah, I get a good idea of their type
... I used to type step-by-step, but now I don't--usually some characteristic will stand out to me, (e.g. John Rocker's Ne, Kendrick Perkins IP temperament, Kevin Garnett's Fi,) and then I'll investigate the possibilities from there... If nothing jumps out at me, usually I'll try to figure out the person's quadra values or temperament, and then get more specific.
Regardless, for me, it's important to get an accurate assessment of the real person, beneath whatever front that person may be projecting, (unlike e.g. Hitta, or some old Russian socionists, who type by either stereotype or societal role.)
This is pretty interesting, for sure... If you know anything more about Niednagel's process, please let me know. -Justin