Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
Hi Economist!!

Thanks for your input!

But I actually wonder, like... what if my friend and I were actually of superego relations? Like what if I were actually an INFp, and not an INFj. Idk... A lot of such thoughts often plague me. Do you think that there is a way to tell for sure that a person is an INFj, and not an INFp?
Superego relations aren't characterized by omnipresent strife. I have multiple close LSI/superego friends. What distinguishes superego from other friendships is that you occasionally hit each other's polr. Tension occasionally arises in all close friendships. In a superego one, it comes from polr hits, accidentally making each other feel bad about your respective polr's, subconsciously thinking your creative IE must be important for everyone and trying to nudge the friend into using it more, which makes them feel self-conscious, unskilled, annoyed.

Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
6) The good sides to our interactions would be when he displays his humor, and when he listens to me and makes me feel accepted for who I am. Also, he brings me out of my whining, and back to reality by reminding me of the facts. He grounds me a lot too. Plus, he is really comfortable to be around, we think a like on certain things, have similar beliefs, and he is brilliant at what I'm only sub-par at - he is able to see things objectively and understand things easily, while being very eloquent at expressing his views. I on the other hand, have trouble being completely objective, take a longer time to understand stuff, and am not that eloquent at relaying my thoughts.
This doesn't sound like he's hitting Te polr, it sounds like you like his Te, which is INFj.

I haven't seen any evidence for IEI in your posts or typing threads, so I think the burden of proof is on you. It's common for EIIs to self-mistype as IEIs and have a lot of superficial traits in common.

Like Rebelondeck, I also wonder if you are biased in your descriptions. Your OP in this thread sounds like you're listing Delta ST stereotypes and saying what you don't like about them to try to look more IEI-like. But you're not saying the things that an IEI would dislike. The drink temperature and weather stuff could be Si-valuing, but could also be self-pres in instincts. I personally hate talking about that stuff despite being EII, because I'm self-pres last in instincts.

I think Stratiyevskaya's EII and IEI descriptions provide a very clear picture of the differences between the two in overall vibe. If you can be honest about yourself to yourself, they would make it easy to tell which you are.