Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
Yes good point, what I meant by why and how, now I see is actually more Si rather than Ti. And if the deeper understanding is needed for work then of course I will try my best to learn and know all the material, but LIIs and ILEs I see they solve puzzles and code for fun, which is not for me.
You sound kind of condescending. What Bertrand said makes alots of sense to me
I thought the same Si vs Ti. I only describe how to do something in detail if someone asks me to (but then it's easy to do).

I don't solve puzzles/code for fun, that might be the Ti with Ne.

I was not intending to be condescending, what felt like that to you? If I seemed condescending to you then what on earth was Bertrand's stuff? Something even worse... But I tried to take it as a joke instead of getting annoyed. Now if that was condescending to you that I found it funny, not my problem.