Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
When you're asking what's wrong there is a chance that they'll interpret it as ignorance or blindness to their problems

edit, exaple:
We have loud neighbors. The apartment behind the wall of my bedroom has three kids and a baby. In the apartment below us are three more kids. I react very sensitively to noise and lack of sleep because these kids seem to be awake 24/7. After weeks of nearly no or bad sleep I was so exhausted and moody that I nearly exploded when she asked what's wrong. The problem is that I told her a dozen times that these neighbors are killing me but she won't understand it because she can't hear it from her bedroom. To me it was obvious why I felt so bad. She acts as if its not a big deal and that makes me sad and angry at the same time.
???! Why would it be interpreted as ignorance/blindness to the problems of the person? (I'm not talking about SLIs here, just in general. I've seen this behaviour even from EIE so definitely not SLI specific. But I'm baffled when this happens.)