Quote Originally Posted by Johanus View Post
Interesting thing. While it does measure some real level of achievement and how creative a person is, it does not measure success in real world terms. I scored a 21 on the highest category and a 71 overall. I wonder if there is some other thing that correlates real world success with creativity. And I also wonder if it really matters.

Some people are wildly successful in one area of creativity by repeating the same thing over and over again and it brings them tonnes of monetary success; whereas others create some fantastic things, but never really make anything from it as far as money goes. For example, I know one artist who does the same type of drawings over and over again, and she makes tonnes of money doing this (over 6 figures annually), and is able to work no more than a regular 40 hour week, if even that much. Yes, her work is really good at ONE thing. But it's not that creative. It kind of gets boring after a while, I think. And I know another who works 60+ hours a week just to make ends meet, and he has some of the most interesting and creative work I've ever seen. But it's not popular, partially because it's weird, and partially because he is so off the mainstream in what he does. Yet, he truly is the most creative and inventive person I've ever known. Both of these people would score higher than I did in the one domain, for certain, having been criticized in national or international publications. Yet, there is a huge difference in their real-world achievements and actual creativity level.

Food for thought...
This is old, but those numbers aren't possible with the scoring system. You choose the highest rating in each category. If you added them up, the scale wouldn't make any sense. You scored a 6 in the highest category and 25 or 26 overall. The highest score possible is 70, although I guess some people could turn it up to 71 if they want to get creative with their addition.

I feel like this thread needs a fake Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results because it works but it not being as good as people think now. Creativity is related to create, so the people who are selling more are creating more in some way, which is probably why it's "creative achievement questionnaire" and not "creative ability questionnaire". I kind of like that in a way, because I think creativity needs to be made useful, but being a hack who has "creative achievment" shouldn't count either.