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    Default Stratiyevskaya: ISTp

    Block Of ego"y-ya pozitsiya*Programmnaya Function *" sensorika Of sensations "

    The tendency to fence itself from the discomfort is characteristic for the representatives of this type. To leave into the comfortable, comfortable solitude, to leave into the pleasant society, into the "warm company", which allows lungs and to nothing the not forcing relations; to leave into the recollections, the vividly and accurately vossozdayushchiye pleasant impression, once experiences and which were for a long time memorized. ("4 as now I remember it smelled the new-mown grass of football field, on which I left for the first time in the life...")

    Gabeny are allotted by exceptional memory to the pleasant sensations. They are capable of recreating and of describing the sensation of colors, smell, taste. To describe the impression of experience, seen and heard. (recollection it is sonic in the films of Andrey Tarkovsky (Gabena) it is used as its kind "sensory symbolism" the expressed sensation it bears the specific semantic load.)

    Gaben knows how to observe the sensation, experienced by another person. Moreover it especially notes well discomfort. (in Tarkovsky's films some experienced by characters discomfort they are photographed at the slow rate and by closeup - so that the spectator would have time to focus attention on this detail, since she has the specific semantic value)

    Gaben - only of all types of personality, who completely error-free notices those most secret sensations and needs, which not any person in himself notes and in which not always to himself acknowledges. Moreover, Gaben can approach the unknown person and say to him about this. It can prompt as get rid of the discomfort, can to it in this soak. For example, it can according to the eyes of man determine, that that is hungry, it can invite it to itself home and feed. The physical dissatisfaction of man is determined error-free, moreover, it cannot remain to it apathetic. Gabena irritates even the involuntary observation of strange sufferings.

    Gaben greatly values the sensation of physical and sincere comfort created with it. Therefore he tries to avoid the stimuli, which destroy its internal accordion. But irritate it it can and neestetichnost' whose- or of appearance, and sharp smells or sounds, and dim illumination, and overloaded interior, and obsharpannye walls, and unpleasant intonations in the voice. Any manifestation of physical and emotional discomfort influences its mood (sometimes even to the potential), are caused in it internal protest, desire to urgently replace situation. Gaben always tries to insulate itself from the surrounding stimuli. For example, being located house, it can disconnect telephone so that nothing it would interfere with its pleasant solitude.

    Following its sensory system of interrelations, Gaben prefers to receive the accordion of sensations in the complex: object simultaneously must be and aesthetical to the form, and pleasant by feel, to the color, to the taste and to the smell. Accordion of the received sensations the basic requirement, presented by representatives of this type to their surrounding reality.

    The calm, measured off plastic of motions is characteristic of representatives of this type. Combination of external softness and weakening with the internal restraint.

    They dress simply, conveniently, also, with the taste. They love practical, sport style. Any, even working clothing they know how to bear with the unconstrained refinement. Independent of the destination of the clothing Of gabeny they is always comfortably and conveniently itself feel in the fact that is put on on them. Least of all Of gaben it is interested to strive for mode, since it is sufficiently conservative in the tastes. It prefers to appear accurate and ukhozhennym, although it is not troubled also in the working clothing to appear wherever it will deem necessary to it.

    Gaben knows how to listen to its sensations, loves about them to tell, to analyze them. It values natural beauty and sharpness of sensations. The incompleteness of the obtained sensations, just as satiety by them it irritates, sometimes is caused aversion.

    It loves and values pleasures in all their manifestations and in no case them it does not reject; it knows how to for a long time extend them, because of its ability to again and again reproduce in the memory pleasant sensations. Tendency toward the pleasures for Gabena - this is rather the standard of the life: "A who does not strive for pleasures? But that, it is necessary to live and it is compulsory to suffer? If in me would be ten lives, 4 one it lived in the manner that mom wants, another - as wife wants... But i have one life and 4 it I live in the manner that I want."

    With the opinion that "for any pleasure in this life it is necessary to pay", it is not categorically agreeable. Gaben not at all assumes this posing of the question. Pleasure in its understanding - individual attitude of subjective sensations. The skill to be tuned to obtaining of pleasure these are its subjective ability, its individual merit so, why it is necessary for this to pay?

    Under no circumstances Of gaben will not substitute under the impact their personal prosperity, comfort and rest moreover, he tries not to create such circumstances, but if they has already been formed by means unfavorable for it, he tries to leave the situation with the losses smallest for themselves

    As a result of such installations Of gaben can seem by man selfish and selfish I this opinion of those surrounding it actually substantially complicates life to representatives of this type however, Gabeny persistently defend their right to live in the manner that it wants them, justifying by its fact that they are intended no one to reach troubles and actually greatly they survive, if their means of life forces someone to suffer.

    To gabenam provides pleasure first of all the sensation of its own forces and its own health many of them they try to conduct the healthy means of life they give preference to that form of the sport, which is more saturated by bright impressions and strong sensations mountain climbing, tourism, underwater floating sport for Gabena - this not only testing of endurance, this even and the sensation of the completeness of life, brightness and completeness of impressions. (means of courageous traveller- trailblazer it extraordinarily draws representatives of this type; therefore some of them in the number of dear writers first of all is called the jack of London)

    Many Gabeny with the pleasure adhere to the healthy feed mode, be fascinated by vegetarian food or "syroyedeniyem". Everyone without the exception representatives of this type magnificently knows how to prepare, without having practically learned this they value the natural beauty of gustatory senses Therefore they can quietly adhere to salt-free diet and manage without the sharp seasonings

    They are seriously occupied by the preventive maintenance of their health, by diets, gymnastics some of them in the tendency to leave to a maximally effective bioenergetic regime and to attain the complete concentration of sensations be fascinated by yogoy, are occupied by meditation, they attempt to get to know the limits of their sensory possibilities.

    They love to walk on foot, moreover in their gait the coordination and the measured off automatism of motions are felt. For the elongation of entire walking Of gabeny they hold the flat, once assigned rate. They do not love to stop, waiting until remained Therefore they prefer to walk on foot in the solitude walking for Gabenov - even and the method to be concentrated on its thoughts the process of walking for them sometimes it is more important than the purpose of movement.

    Gabeny are allotted by the thin sensation of the accordion of color, line and form thinly feel color combinations, oshchushchayut the measure of the saturation of color, the dynamics of line, ease and nezagromazhdennost' of forms.

    Do not love the suppressing monumentality by them they please themselves the simple forms, deprived of decorative excesses they know how to rationally use space, even in the close accomodation they can create the illusion of space and the sensation of the neperegruzhennogo space. (model of gabenovskoy aesthetics most precisely it is the aesthetical traditions of Japan, the combination of accordion and functionality of simple and natural forms)

    In the house they do not suffer excess things and without their regret eject. In private life they know how to bypass with small. They know how to organize comfort by quite minimum means. They know how to create the sensation of cosiness and comfort with any conditions and circumstances.

    Block Of ego*2-ya pozitsiya*Tvorcheskaya funktsiya*"Delovaya logic"
    Representatives of this type are allotted by the ability to act prudently, produmanno, it is expedient in any, most unforeseen situation. Any problem, any technical problem they solve methodically and rationally from any work they try to extract the maximum of benefit, they develop any idea so that it would realize with the maximum return.

    Its destination Of gaben sees in developing of new procedures and new technologies. Any scientific discovery interests it from the point of view of precisely practical application.

    To any work rational approach is applied, moreover its rationalism increase in the effectiveness and lightening working conditions sets first of all as their goal.

    Any work is carried out qualitatively, methodically, at the measured off rate, thoroughly studying details.

    Working place they thoroughly prepare, equipping with all with necessary. Working tools in Gabena are always accurately decomposed - sometimes even at the identical distance from each other. The process of preparation for the work for Gabena the same divine service as work itself.

    Whatever would make Gaben, no matter by what not it were occupied, it everything does unhurried, thoroughly, obtaining the maximum of pleasure from the very process of work.

    With the enthusiasm it can undertake any interesting matter, only it brought real, perceived Re, zul'tat. It can tediously and methodically investigate the most complex and intricate matters. It can successfully carry out the work, which by others seems completely impracticable, for example, to make the hopeless damaged instrument, using for this the most unexpected adaptations. (but here if Gaben it refuses to overhaul any thing it will calculate, that it finally lost its functional properties, it it is possible to boldly eject.)

    Any complex and difficult-to-solve problem it knows how to divide into several step by step, feasibly solved tasks: "... But you represent that your problem - this as enormous earthen mountain and to rake it is possible, only if you are on the handful resound the earth to the side. At least each day on one handful... But there you look, problem by itself will be decided."

    For Gabena the process of the solution of problem - this is the same work. Therefore he tries to solve it systematically, consecutively, tselenapravlenno, with the pleasure. (pleasure it reaches the consciousness of the fact that the matter, although is slow, it moves.)

    Gaben knows how and loves to render a service by the matter. Concrete aid in resolution of business, technical and everyday questions - in its understanding the best method to prove its friendship and to attain arrangement.

    Not it will be never occupied by the matter, which does not bring to it moral satisfaction. It is important so that its work would be paid well, but it can make it and it is unselfish, "as the gift". If its work carries along, with the pleasure it is occupied by it, also, in its free time.

    Its opinion in the matters of business prefers to prove by the results of work. It is contented, when its labor obtains appreciation. In any matter it is attempted to dostich' the high professional level. To the estimation of any work - and its and stranger, it relates very critically. It is exacting both to itself and to others. Its praise it is not easy to deserve.

    Evaluating the aesthetical side of the carried out work, big enough value and originality of the general idea are given. (the originality sometimes even evaluating above aesthetics, since Gaben greatly we suggest by this aspect. Therefore the work, which is not characterized by originality, even if it is aesthetically irreproachable it can not cause in it enthusiasm. So they will rejected the work, which does not correspond to its own idea about the assigned theme)

    Gaben adores to instruct, is explained everything clearly and intelligible. It knows how and loves to train. (I to teach.) To it it is pleasant, when on any occasion for it they are turned for the council or the consultation. (how it magnificently uses its dual of Huxley.) It considers as its duty to train even for the simplest things. (for example, giving tea, it here explains to guests, as it it welds.)

    It loves in the accessible and intelligible form to explain the sequence of the work carried out by it. It loves to work clearly, in the presence of "spectators". For example, makes electric appliance and here it explains, in what the reason for its breakdown and as it is must it correct to exploit. (quality, highly tsenimoye by its dualom of Huxley, in hands of which everything very rapidly breaks, since it does not usually trouble itself by reading instructions, but for this very reason it is grateful to anyone who undertakes to make its thing.)

    Block Of superego*e-ya pozitsiya*Normativnaya function * the "intuition of time"
    The time Of gabena is spent on the fact that delivers to it pleasure, to the fact that to it is pleasant, to the fact that it carries along, and to the fact that to it is interesting. But since its interest is saturated sometimes sufficiently rapidly, in the order Of gabena periodically appear the unforeseen voids, which it spontaneously fills with the dear work, contact with the friends, "self-knowledge".

    The unhurried, measured off rhythm of life loves, although the desire to live more intensively and more actively periodically in it appears.

    Representatives of this type prefer to live according to flexible and mobile graph, trying not to previously anything conjecture and not to plan. For example, Gaben can appear to the encounter assigned it, but after 15 minutes perceive boredom and desire "to replace situation". But since to suffer discomfort it is higher than its forces, it usually refers to the unforeseen, the "pressing matters" and departs there, where, as it seems it, it will be able to spend time more pleasantly and it is interesting.

    To gabenu difficult to be punctual, although he tries everywhere to manage. It is desirable to carry out all considered matters, it wishes so that the work would be more productive, and the activity of of more fruitful; therefore it he tries to efficiently expend time.

    It sometimes forces itself to plan out its day and to carry out entire that outlined, but it then notes that the process of work with the caution on hours reaches to it no pleasure. And furthermore, constantly appear some temptations, which it it does not be desirable to reject in the favor of its order. For example, if it does expect to visit the neighbors "for the minute", but does find the there pleasant society, to which it they do invite to be joined, perhaps it will be able to refuse? Thus its "minute" is extended on is somewhat it is hour (but sometimes it can be prolonged until the morning).

    To gabenu it is difficult everywhere to have time, it is difficult to be required. Although to it it is very unpleasant to pay for its forced optionality (with the fact that it not at all it loves to reach to someone of inconvenience or to create some problems). For this very reason Gaben tries not to give any specific promises. (but that that by it obeshchano, as a rule, is carried out - with exception of those promises, which are given by them in the forced order) I for this very reason To gabenu it is convenient such partner, as does not require from it report about unknown where, also, with whom the carried out time, it does not require any guarantees to the future and leniently relates to a change in its plans; the partner, who does not force by any its price to adhere to the outlined order and does not require from it the strict fulfillment of the undertaken himself obligation.

    By this partner for Gabena is his dual of Huxley, which shows the model even of the more loose graph, which magnificently knows how to experience the patience Of gabena, the fact that namerenno is late to the encounter assigned or generally to it does not come. With the aid of similar the tacticians Huxley makes it necessary Gabena to especially strongly desire the encounter assigned and tactical method, as the tool of its ethical game, magnificently uses a factor of time as its kind. And precisely so this Gabenom and is received; therefore it with the pleasure is pulled into this poluigru of poluotnosheniya, where all requirements are presented as not in earnest.

    Gaben will not miss the case to demonstrate its insight. Sometimes on the basis of one short encounter it can describe about the man much interesting - about his nature, about assumed behavior, about his weaknesses and complexes.

    It trains its intuition: it attempts to forecast the development of its interrelations with other one or person or another at earliest stage of its acquaintance with it.

    Its rate of the development of relations usually ties. Has habit from the very beginning to sharply reduce psychological distance, assigning to relations the promising tone. However, can into the first minutes of acquaintance pretend to the physical proximity and even "if it is required, to make proposal" hands and hearts ". Moreover continuation in such relations already there can and not be I of gaben, as a rule, this senses well.

    Frequently develops the role of the stably successful person, xwho does not have any problems his troubles it does not usually advertise.

    Has habit to frequently start conversation about the plans for the future moreover its own prospects it presents sufficiently optimistically, while about the strange plans it speaks out in the extremely skeptical form is sometimes inclined to dissuade from the too daring undertakings or from those plans, which do not coincide with its own intentions. Moreover, if actual arguments do not be sufficient for the necessary persuasiveness, it will not consider for the sin and to fib - provided only to convince and to insist on its.

    This behavior is, in addition explained by its orientation to the intuition of Huxley - to the property characteristic for Huxley to overstate its own possibilities. The skepticism Of gabena is programmed to that in order to free its duala from the superfluous self-reliance and the illusions, and by showy self-confidence it intends to raise its own prestige in the eyes of partner, trying in every respect him to interest and by the fastest means to itself to arrange

    Huxley, with the insight characteristic of it, usually does not yield to the tactical tricks Of gabena, because it wonderfully sees that it stands after its conceit, but with the pleasure "accompanies" to it, since this is the component part of that intuitive- ethical game, in process of which occurs their dualization.

    Block Of superego*ya-ya the pozitsiya*Mobilizatsionnaya function * the "ethics of emotions"
    Its sensory program Of gaben it very uniquely connects with the aspect of the ethics of the emotions of emotion in its understanding they must be located in the subordinate position relative to its program sensoriki: i.e. no feelings, any drops in the moods must destroy the accordion of its sensations.

    Sensual pleasures against the background too (or insufficiently) of the expressed emotions cease to be for Gabena pleasant. It is very important for it so that the emotional painting of the folding relations would not interfere with the process of the perception of sensory sensations. Therefore emotional attitude of partner, and main thing - quality of the emotions expressed by it, have for Gabena exceptionally important significance. In many instances Of gaben beret to itself the role of the "traffic controller" of the emotions of its partner. For example: if Gabenu it seems that the partner is insufficiently emotional, he convinces him "to be freed" and not to be troubled the expression of his feelings. But it is worthwhile only for "raskreposhchennomu" partner to express his emotions more frankly, in Gabena appears the insurmountable desire to somewhat cool its feelings, since this emotional flame seems it by too burdensome and as to much forcing.

    Gabena has its methods of the "adjustment" of the emotional impulses of partner - it first makes burning hot, then it is cooled. Moreover sometimes this is done by the method of changing the psychological distance: Gaben first as if ceases its relations with it, then as if nothing were the matter it again renews them. Moreover to it and into the head it does not come, that, "regulating" the emotions of man similarly, it sometimes forces it very strongly to suffer. But most often by this behavior it precisely itself substitutes for the stormy and unpleasant explanation of relations, under scandals and hysterics. I.e., precisely that, what it it attempts to avoid, regulating feelings of its partner as water from under the crane, precisely, this in the final analysis it is obtained - the absence of sincere rest and serious ethical troubles.

    Any emotional action on itself of gaben he tries not to allow. Moreover, he therefore tries not to express any emotions in order not to give occasion for the emotional action. Therefore, no matter how were added the ethical conditions of its relations, Gaben he always tries to create the impression of imperturbability, emotional inaccessibility and impenetrability,

    Gabena irritate any manifestation of roughness, caddishness, sharp and scandalous tone. And although far from all representatives of this type are characterized by irreproachable manners, their own roughness most frequently is manifested as response reaction or as offence to the strange tactlessness. (for example, if some initiative Of gabena does not meet reciprocal understanding, it it can greatly offend and even nakhamit'.)

    The criticism of its own behavior it transfers as agonizing torture, but outwardly on no account this it will not show. Any attempts to report Gabena, to scold it, to make to it suggestion to nothing will not lead. It can with the most imperturbable form (sometimes even with the smile) listen all this and as if nothing were the matter to continue in the same spirit. But this by no means means that the obtained suggestion passed for it is absolutely painlessly and by that by completely not noticed.

    Apparent insensibility and the impenetrability Of gabena - shielding reaction to any emotional pressure. The stronger on it they act, the less the emotions it expresses,

    No matter how reacted Gaben to the charges presented to it, one ought not to attempt to derive it from the state at least of showy sincere equilibrium for the purpose to verify, how painfully it receives that voiced. Since this is precisely that situation, in which Gaben is not absolutely interested to reveal its vulnerability and deep vulnerability. Originally benevolent and peaceful, it and itself suffers from the caused offence, but any attempt to find out the degree of its emotional receptivity agitates it very deeply as exceptional baseness as penetration in it "holy of holies" with the meanest intentions. "4 I do not love, when they climb to me into the soul, and I do not love, when into it they spit" (Vysotskiy).

    The region of sensual experiences for this is Gabena sacred thing, this great and incomprehensible sacrament, to which it never no one allows to approach. It more often will prefer to appear into whose- that eyes by insensible idol how it will allow someone to reveal its true sincere state.

    It will from the last forces try to appear restrained, calm, that manages the situation, which is imperturbable smiled, provided not to give out its present experiences. Any attempt to break its "armor" by the intensive emotional action (simply stated, by hysterics and by scandals) it is received by it as the monstrous act, which does not have the equal. And it reacts to this respectively - by the terrible emotional explosion, which greatly depletes it also about which it will subsequently regret.

    The question can arise: how can man, by all forces protecting its feelings and his sincere rest, make possible for himself to conduct by strange emotions? How can he to regulate the force of feelings of other people, to force them because of this to suffer and to observe their sufferings with the intentional calmness?

    This situation actually appears in such a case, when next to Gabenom occurs person, psychologically with it incompatible. But since Gaben is subconsiously oriented to the flexible emotionalism of its duala of Huxley, it sees nothing poor in adapting of partner under its emotional threshold. Receiving each partner as its duala, it, naturally, assumes that any person is capable to be adapted to his emotions, experiencing in this case no difficulties.

    And only after multiple collision with genuine reality Of gaben it begins to understand its error and it it very painfully survives. Because of this the disappointment Of gaben exactly prefers comfortable solitude to uncomfortable contact. And the theme of solitude, which greatly disturbs Gabena (just as its duala of Huxley), it is the consequence of this reason. Disappointed and nedualizirovannyy Gaben attempts to receive its solitude positively, trying to find sides pleasant for itself in it. (quality, also characteristic and to its dualu of Huxley.)

    Block OF SUPERID*SHCH-YA pozitsiya*Suggestivnaya function * the "intuition of possibilities"
    However attempts Gaben to develop in itself intuition and capabilities for prognostication and foresight, in it in this plan the definite difficulties appear. For example, the nature of man for it is sometimes succeeded in understanding only after it with it hopeless will quarrel, to say nothing of understanding of its own nature, which frequently for it very remains incomprehensible riddle, even with the fact that it much and with the pleasure is occupied by "introspection".

    Gaben frequently evaluates the possibilities of the man through his ethical estimation of (".., - good person, it is capable much to attain.")

    The ability to give precise and laconic characteristic to any person, just as the skill to predict the development of interrelations, is caused in Gabena the most sincere respect.

    Any science, any scientific method, which separates the boundaries of human possibilities, are received by it with the interest and respect.

    Greatly it is considered the opinion of people, which know how to find a way out from the very difficult situations. With the pleasure it listens recommendation about how it follows itself news in the unforeseen situation or in the case of danger.

    Greatly we suggest by any irregular phenomena. Sometimes it can with the most serious form say about the certain irregular phenomenon, which allegedly exists in its house. It can as multiplication table learn the "rules" of protection from the "energetic vampires", and on complete ser'eze then teach them.

    With respect it relates for people, allotted by supernatural abilities. It tries to develop the same abilities, also, in itself.

    Greatly he is suggested by authorities. Person, who attained himself successes and acknowledgement, causes in it deep respect.

    If its own activity does not obtain proper acknowledgement, it reacts very painfully, since it compares its achievements with the successes of others. It can refer to its titles and merits.

    It needs people, capable of finding and of estimating its creative abilities, of opening its talents soak in their realization.

    Greatly it respects people, which know how to rapidly grip the essence of phenomena and to share with this with others. It does not suffer wage-leveling people in by anything. It considers that to each individual must be its approach.

    It does not love, when its abilities and possibilities criticize, this causes in it internal protest, since usually he tries to thoroughly develop his talents. It is seriously occupied by self-education and self-perfection.

    An example of strange successes and achievements for it is convincing only in that form, in which this speaks out by its dualom of Huxley. Only Huxley is capable to inspire Gabena, prompting to him original and tempting ideas, carrying along by his new, unknown possibilities.

    Block OF SUPERID*'-YA the pozitsiya*Aktivatsionnaya function * the "ethics of relations"
    Gaben always is glad at the possibility to bring good, good relations. Away not to enlarge the circle of new acquaintances. It is happy, when the case lets show service to friends. With the readiness it proposes its aid. Greatly it loves, when to it they are turned for the council.

    Moreover its services Of gaben it does not tie - it simply renders them, without the excess words. The rendering of services is considered the best method to tie acquaintances.

    For example, if Gaben ties acquaintance with the woman, then after appearing for the first time in her house, it frequently immediately begins in it anything to overhaul, moreover he so is fascinated by this occupation which sometimes it seems forgets about the purpose of its visit.

    And here here it is possible to trace two directions in the development of the situation: the psychologically incompatible female partner will consider this position inconvenient, he will try to distract him from this occupation, it will propose to it to rest, to be weakened, anything to drink and so forth this I it will be serious strategic error from its side, since Gaben will calculate this behavior by the manifestation of volitional initiative in the development of relations. It will seem it that the situation too is boosted, that in it it is too interested and female partner too hurries to reduce distance. In that case it will sufficiently rapidly feel psychological discomfort, will feel that loses the interest in the female partner and will try somewhat more rapidly "to replace situation".

    The psychologically compatible female partner completely differently acts: she will only encourage its working enthusiasm and bring everything to it for the repairing that it has in the house of that broken (but it can, man only after this it arrived?). Moreover it will occupy by its work until Gaben itself declares about its desire to rest, having preliminarily promised that it will make everything else following time.

    Here here situation occurs precisely in the manner that this is convenient to its dualu of Huxley, i.e., the time of meeting is spent with the benefit for the economy, furthermore, appear some useful prospects to the future, and furthermore even and relations are developed so that the distance in this case is not decreased. But for Huxley this is very important because this is important for Gabena. Huxley constructs his relations as out of the distance, because he subconsiously knows what so entire more conveniently to receive to their partner.

    To gabenu are actually very inconvenient relations with the rigidly demarcated distance. Because the strictly stipulated distance assumes the specific limitations in the behavior, are assumed some ethical framework and some rigid obligations. But, where begin the framework and obligation, Gaben feels themselves very uncomfortably. He feels itself deprived of the option of the nature of relations in each separately prevailing situation. For example, Gaben, disposed to the flexible ethics of Huxley, assumes that when speak "we we can be with you good comrades", this it is necessary to understand as the concealed hint to the fact that "we can be with you physically and spiritually close people". But when adhering to "comradely relations", female partner strictly holds it at the "pioneer distance", Gaben feels itself clearly puzzled. From other side, is worth only naming things "its names", as Gaben begin to experience awkwardness, and as the consequence of this psychological discomfort.

    Gabeny greatly they do not love, when about the intimate things they speak in the plain text - this for them nevertheless, which to mention the name of god is in vain. (Therefore Huxley about the intimate relations he tells in hint, zavualirovanno.) Internally Gabeny are very squeamish and sensitive to any manifestation of banality.

    Gaben it does not love, when "is introduced clarity" into the relations, it does not love in them clear the differentiation of rights and responsibilities. Always attempts "to wash away the boundaries" of limitations, to bring down the distance of relations, to make its independent variable from the rights and the responsibilities. "what there can be responsibilities? If to me it is good with the man, 4 then for it everything I will do... "

    But here if To gabenu "it is bad with the man", it leaves from the situation with the same ease, with which they leave from the room, simply it is turned and departs, without saying where without explaining reasons. On itself it can resemble very neskoro, completely unexpectedly and even precisely when it less anything they want to see. And in this case it can sincerely be puzzled, why it they do not desire to assume in the previous quality. Perhaps it did make anything poor? - it altogether only rested from the psychological discomfort in order with the new forces to return to the dear person. But that that to the restoration of sincere forces by it was required too much time, its this private affair concerns its only subjective sensations. (although, of course, within the framework of the "restoration of sincere forces", Gaben it can develop relations with several partners simultaneously or alternate to alternate them.)

    As has already been spoken, Gaben greatly values the accordion of its subjective sensations, just as by its sincere rest; therefore its ethical relations are not always easily added.

    Least of all of problems reach Gabenu the clearly specific friendly relations - for the friends in it they will always be located and time and the desire something to make. Friendship, in its understanding, relations are mutual and are voluntary.

    Relations with the children are always very good. Gabeny adore their children and grandsons. Contact with the children generally easily finds. (Gabeny, as a rule, splendid teachers.)

    Problems begin, when in the relations a feeling of debt introduces itself. Gaben it loves no one and by in no way to be obliged. It will visit relatives only if to it very it will be wanted with them to meet: otherwise the contact with them will not deliver to it pleasure. Gaben tries to avoid the relations, which completely be based on responsibilities and obligations. the "visits of politeness" to the relatives, where for it it is necessary to listen reproaches, manual, or, that is still worse, detailed report about the poor health, for Gabena the torture of the third degree.

    Gaben suffer cannot moralizations. To it it is simpler "to become good", when they consider as the its same.

    It does not make it possible itself "to punish". It answers good only, if he feels, that it is sincerely located to it. It allows no attempts itself to re-educate - immediately it moves away itself or is locked in itself.

    It is inclined to the sympathy and the compassion. Its sympathies and antipathy it does not demonstrate. (perhaps that sometimes namerenno it does not hide its desires.)

    Its merits it does not stick out, but with the thankless people he tries not to have a matter. It loves not about which to request - since and without the request it knows how to attain which to it is necessary.

    To the partner, with whom to it good and with whom he itself pleasantly and quietly feels, it entrusts completely and unconditionally, allowing for it even a certain frivolity in the behavior.

    To the partner, with whom there is no complete mutual understanding, it does not entrust and is jealous on the least occasion.

    It considers itself too trusting, assumes that it is possible to deceive it with the ease. For this reason little for whom it allows to approach to itself to the close distance.

    Close distance appears in it from the relations "out of the distance" - on the basis of the very sensitive, flexible and mobile ethics of relations, i.e., precisely such as is characteristic of its dualu of Huxley. They are added sufficiently difficultly and problematically with the representatives of other psychological types close relations in Gabena.

    Block ID*"-ya pozitsiya*Nablyudatel'naya function *" volitional sensorika "
    It knows how to exert strong volitional pressure, moreover tone never uses for this of clerk.

    In the case, when For gabenu it is necessary to subordinate man to its will, it this makes by action on its sensual sensoriku - it begins to express whole "range" of the nepriyatneyshikh sensations: impatience, agonizing desire, irritation, suffering, offence, hostility. As a result of this action is created the neterpimeyshiy sensory discomfort, which painfully acts on the people, sensorika of sensations of which is located on the vulnerable or subconsiously adjustable positions.

    Acting by this method, Gaben comparatively easily attains the satisfaction of many its desires and requirements.

    The same method it uses in order sharply "to reduce distance" with its eternally slipping off dualom of Huxley.

    Gabeny do not have an idea about the force of their volitional action. They do not realize it, not tyuey oshchushchayut, does not return to itself in it report. Frequently themselves they seem by soft, reasonable people. They do not always understand, why others so rapidly be inferior to them, and usually carry these "concessions" due to the "weakness of human nature" or they assign to their probable agreement of desires.

    From its side, Gaben attentively it sdedit after the fact so that personally no volitional action it would occur on it, moreover this "observation" in it realizes subconsiously.

    Each time, when to Gabena is produced the attempt to show pressure, it begins to experience the discomfort: fear, stress, agitation, irritation. Of these sensations it attempts to as soon as possible get rid; therefore by the always simplest and most accessible method it leaves from the situation - it is simple, it is turned and departs, anything saying and not what questions answering. To detain it or cannot be returned -: it does not return under the "volitional pressure" Of gaben. (if this it occurs in the situation of telephone conversation, Gaben it can interrupt conversation and open telephone, and in the addition to everything it can still and go out so that its already accurately no one would find.)

    Any attempt to deprive Gabena of the possibility of output from the situation, in addition to nothing will not lead - it as partisans it will suffer any testing, but to pressure it will not obey and weakness its will not appear. (in the conflict situation sometimes it can create the visibility of concession, but this of its kind tactical trick)

    As any representative of fourth kvadry, Gaben greatly values its internal freedom and independence and no one it will allow on it to encroach: it does not quail before the authorities, it is not subordinated to order tone, it does not react to the commands - in any situation it enters only at its own discretion.

    To attain from Gabena of any concession is possible only, if we ask it in the soft, but persistent form. It is sometimes even sufficient in the form of polunamekov. For straight volitional pressure something even to design.

    Block ID*8-YA pozitsiya*Demonstrativnaya Function * The "logic Of relationships"
    In the situation of the collision of opinions To gabenu it is very important to reserve last word. It is very important so that its point of view would be acknowledged. (aspects of "volitional sensoriki" and of the "logic of relationships" they are sometimes set in operation simultaneously, since they are located on one block) being included in dispute, Gaben sometimes even as if forgets, what for it this makes. And frequently he argues not of the consideration of the searches for truth, and of the tendency to impose its point of view or of the desire to show itself not more foolish than others. Moreover, the lower the level of the intellect Of gabena, the greater the assurance with which it it demonstrates.

    It may happen that Gaben uses in the dispute the clearly inadmissible methods: it refers to some little-known, almost the fictitious authorities, it cites some doubtful facts from the maloavtoritetnykh sources. And which is characteristic - it always insists on the incontestability of its "reasons".

    Dispute Gabenom far from always reaches intellectual enjoyment to its opponents. Its own original thoughts it, in view of its weak intuition, as a rule, frequently does not voice. Therefore entire controversy usually is reduced to the not always appropriate quoting, which sometimes only takes away to the side from the discussed theme, and, furthermore, losing initiative in the dispute, Gaben begins either to press or to be nervous and to be irritated - and that and to observe, etc. is very unpleasantly.

    Gaben will not miss the case to demonstrate its knowledge in the most varied regions, moreover preliminary preparation to it for this does not be required. Its interests are actually sufficiently extensive, but it is often surface in view of this. Therefore each time, when is allowed the possibility to be expressed to the familiar to it theme, this Gaben makes, practically without a moment's hesitation and too without considering the sense (according to the principle, "that I see, about that and speak".) The absurdity of its own statements not sometimes completely confusing it: the main thing for it in this situation to produce the impression of "interesting" collocutor.

    This impression first of all is calculated for its duala of Huxley, usually receiving person by such, to what it itself presents.

    Demonstrative reasonings are important for Gabena still and inasmuch as the dual psychological sense is assumed. From one side - this is the sense of its reasonings, to which it, it would seem, even does not always listen, from other side the sly and significant irony, which it at this moment expresses by view - and slightly held in control smile and which refers no to the essence of its reasonings.

    Here precisely this significant irony is the naivazhneyshiy element of its ethical game. It switches listener to completely different plan of relations, forcing it to receive the logical reasonings Of gabena of altogether only as background or as occasion for drawing of attention. And this immediately error-free understands Huxley with its splendid ethical intuition, he understands, which about no matter by what now not was discussed, for Gabena this altogether only occasion to leave "to the contact", this is only method to draw attention to itself and to hold it.

    The "logicians" Huxley he feels against the background of such, which can completely quietly speak out on any theme without the fear to be exposed in the logical contradictions. Huxley understands, that here listen not they will be to the logical sense, since here goes another game, to which the logic has no relation.

    The demonstrative logic Of gabena - most important element of the "ethical game", in process of which occurs its dualization with Huxley.

    By the same is explained the tendency Of gabena to produce favorable impression on the aspect of logic. To it it is very important under no circumstances not to drop its prestige before the audience, since Huxley does not sympathize with to those lost. Furthermore, Gaben, subconsiously oriented to the surface and changeable interest of Huxley, he knows, as it is difficult draw its attention and as it will be difficult it hold.

    And it would be nevertheless erroneously assert that always and in any case the demonstrative reasonableness Of gabena - this only of its kind pozerstvo. Completely no! However, indeed there are some aspects, which actually occupy their attention! And analyzing them, Gabeny no longer pretend to the demonstrativeness. This relates, for example, to the region of the depictive skill, where almost no one will be compared with the representatives of this - type in the skill to give the comparative analysis of color range or composition of one or other artist or another.

    Aspect of sensoriki of sensations - richest theme for the gabenovskoy logic. Gaben can perceive the deepest philosophical sense in the composition arrangement of color and tone spots. For example, any of Andrey Tarkovsky's films in the aesthetical plan is the model of gabenovskoy philosophy. Here and the strictly symmetrical construction of sequence, and its layout in the form of triptych (three-part composition), and the play of colors and tone spots, and the game of planes; here and three-dimensional and invoice effects so that can be felt them as by feel; the game of light and shadows, game it is sonic - symbolism it is sonic, the symbolism of sensations. And this entire sensory symbolism is filled with deep content and philosophical sense. They are expressed through these sensory symbols and the deepest social, psychological, ethical and philosophical aspects are examined.

    With the aid of the logical symbols Of gaben are expressed the peace of its finest sensual sensations, the state of its deepest experiences. "sensory symbolism", in turn, fills by value and sense its subjective sensations and makes them accessible to understanding its surrounding people.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  2. #2
    jessica129's Avatar
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    um, what?

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    Since these are "Sticky"and are occupying the head space of the forum, it would be nice if they were better translated. :wink:
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #4
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    Winterpark, who is that in your avitar?

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  5. #5
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    Why cant i just live in the woods with my ISTp wife? We would have a cosy log cabin with a giant fire. The rich smell of fresh baked bread would travel for miles. She would chop firewood, i would play with small animals and chasey with a bear. We would go hikining into the wilderness, and base jumping off mountians.

    I would sing songs and friends would drop in from time to time to relax in our dome of comfort. I would come back one night from a long walk to get water from the stream to the aroma of cooking chipmonk. She has shot fuzzybuzz with a bow and arrow.

    Im sad about my friends death for only a moment, until i walk into the door and there she is. The smell of herbs and cooking strong in the night air. Shes warming herself by the fire, a warm glow surrounding her. She looks stunning as the flames dance on her gown and the moonlight hits her.

    After a passionate romp + chimpmonk and veggies. We watch TV and fall asleep.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  6. #6
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    We watch TV and fall asleep.
    Have fun getting cable.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  7. #7
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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    Winterpark, who is that in your avitar?
    This is not the right place to ask that question. lol
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark
    Since these are "Sticky"and are occupying the head space of the forum, it would be nice if they were better translated. :wink:
    Since this kind of comment is made all the time, I might as well answer it here.

    I don't read Russian, and very few of the regular posters here do; these are not necessarily willing to spend so much time translating a text.

    I think we are very fortunate in having the resource of software translations. English is not my native language, yet I can read those descriptions - with some effort - and understand some 90% of it. There are very few sentences where I understand nothing.

    In the case of the ENTj description, I found it interesting for myself to write a revised version which I think is almost exactly what the original text was like, also because I could guess reasonably well what the text meant.

    Therefore, I really can't understand complaints by native English speakers that they can't read the text at all, and I rather think that each person could contribute and revise one of those translations.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  10. #10
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I just take chunks at a time. It's overwhelming to read it all at once. Some day I will get through all of it and understand it.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by Winterpark
    Since these are "Sticky"and are occupying the head space of the forum, it would be nice if they were better translated. :wink:
    Since this kind of comment is made all the time, I might as well answer it here.

    I don't read Russian, and very few of the regular posters here do; these are not necessarily willing to spend so much time translating a text.

    I think we are very fortunate in having the resource of software translations. English is not my native language, yet I can read those descriptions - with some effort - and understand some 90% of it. There are very few sentences where I understand nothing.

    In the case of the ENTj description, I found it interesting for myself to write a revised version which I think is almost exactly what the original text was like, also because I could guess reasonably well what the text meant.

    Therefore, I really can't understand complaints by native English speakers that they can't read the text at all, and I rather think that each person could contribute and revise one of those translations.
    Fair enough. But it would 've made much more sense to me if the process was reverse. First translate and edit, then publish into sticky category.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  12. #12

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    meatburger, I love this post! It's hilarious, yet sweet.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger
    Why cant i just live in the woods with my ISTp wife? We would have a cosy log cabin with a giant fire. The rich smell of fresh baked bread would travel for miles. She would chop firewood, i would play with small animals and chasey with a bear. We would go hikining into the wilderness, and base jumping off mountians.

    I would sing songs and friends would drop in from time to time to relax in our dome of comfort. I would come back one night from a long walk to get water from the stream to the aroma of cooking chipmonk. She has shot fuzzybuzz with a bow and arrow.

    Im sad about my friends death for only a moment, until i walk into the door and there she is. The smell of herbs and cooking strong in the night air. Shes warming herself by the fire, a warm glow surrounding her. She looks stunning as the flames dance on her gown and the moonlight hits her.

    After a passionate romp + chimpmonk and veggies. We watch TV and fall asleep.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  13. #13

    Default Stratiyevskaya: ISTp - Edited

    The tendency to separate himself from discomfort is characteristic of the SLI. He likes to go into comfortable solitude; to go into pleasant society, into “warm company,” which allows freedom and room to breathe without forced relations; to go into memories, to vividly and accurately recall pleasant impressions of experiences which were remembered for a long time. (“as now I remember it the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field, on which I walked for the first time in life....”)

    The SLI has an exceptional ability to recall pleasant sensations. He is capable of recreating and of describing the sensation of colors, smell, taste, and of describing the impression of an experience as it was seen and heard. (recollection it is sonic in the films of Andrey Tarkovsky (SLI) it is used as its kind of “sensory symbolism” of the expressed sensation it bears the specific semantic load.)

    The SLI knows how to observe sensations as experienced by another person, and he especially notes discomfort. (in Tarkovsky's films some discomfort experienced by characters are recorded slowly and by close-up, so that the spectator has time to focus attention on this detail, since she has the specific semantic value)

    The SLI, more than any other type, notices with complete accuracy the most secret sensations and needs which another person may not even notice or acknowledge in himself. Moreover, the SLI can approach an unknown person and say something to him about this. The SLI can get rid of the discomfort as easily as he can absorb it. For example, the SLI can determine by the eyes of a person that he is hungry, and he can invite the person home and feed him. The physical dissatisfaction of man is determined accurately; moreover, the SLI cannot remain apathetic to it. The SLI is bothered by even the involuntary observation of strange sufferings.

    The SLI greatly values the sensation of genuine physical comfort, and therefore he tries to avoid any stimuli which destroy his internal balance. The SLI may be irritated by harsh appearances, sharp smells or sounds, dim illumination, an overloaded interior, rough walls, and unpleasant intonations in the voice. Any manifestation of physical or emotional discomfort influences the SLI’s mood and causes internal discomfort and the desire to urgently replace the situation. The SLI tries to insulate himself from external stimuli. For example, at home he may disconnect the telephone so that nothing will interfere with its pleasant solitude.

    Following his sensory system of interrelations, the SLI prefers to experience the harmony of complex sensations: objects must be simultaneously aesthetically-pleasing and pleasant by feel, color, taste, and smell. SLIs care for their surroundings.

    Calm, measured motions are characteristic of SLIs. They exhibit a combination of external softness and weakening with internal restraint.

    SLIs dress simply, conveniently, and tastefully. They love practical, sporty style. They know how to bear any clothing, even work clothing, with unconstrained refinement. This is true no matter the occasion or the destination of the clothing. The SLI is always comfortably and conveniently dressed. The SLI has conservative taste, and he prefers to appear well put-together, although he is not necessarily worried about this in his work clothes.

    The SLI knows how to listen to his sensations, and he loves to discuss and analyze them. He values natural beauty and sharpness of sensations. Just as satiety sometimes irritates the SLI, incompleteness of sensations sometimes causes aversion.

    The SLI loves and values pleasures in all their manifestations and does not reject them in any case; he knows how to extend them for a long time because of his ability to reproduce pleasant sensations again and again in his memory. The tendency toward the pleasures is the standard of the life for the SLI.

    The SLI does not necessarily agree with the opinion that it is necessary to pay for any pleasure in life; the SLI does not at all believe that this is the case. As he understands it, pleasure is up to the individual attitude toward subjective sensations. It is the SLI’s natural skill to obtain pleasure, and so it is not necessary to pay for this.

    Under no circumstances will the SLI compromise his personal prosperity, comfort, and rest. He tries not to create circumstances where this will be an issue, but if such a situation has already been formed by unfavorable external means, the SLI tries to leave the situation at the least possible cost to himself.

    As a result of this, the SLI can seem selfish to those around him. This can substantially complicate life of the SLI; however, he persistently defends his right to live in just the manner that he wants to, justifying this because he is causing no one trouble and he lets others live in their own ways as well.

    The SLI values pleasurable sensations most of all. Many SLIs try to conduct a healthy lifestyle, and they often prefer activities that are saturated by bright impressions and strong sensations such as mountain climbing, tourism, underwater floating. For the SLI, sports and athletic activities are not only about the testing of endurance; they are also about feeling the completeness of life and brightness and completeness of impressions. (There are many SLIs who are courageous travelers and trailblazers)

    Many SLIs happily adhere to a healthy diet and are fascinated by vegetarian food. SLIs know how to expertly prepare food, even without having formally learned how. They value the natural beauty of things, and therefore they can quietly adhere to salt-free diet and manage without many seasonings.

    SLIs are seriously occupied by the preventive maintenance of their health, by diets, gymnastics, etc. Some of them, seeking a maximally effective bio-energetic regime and striving to attain complete concentration of the senses, are fascinated by yoga and are occupied by meditation. They attempt to get to know the limits of their sensory possibilities.

    SLIs love to walk on foot; in their gait they feel and appreciate the coordination and the motions of their bodies. While walking, SLIs hold a steady pace. They do not love to stop and wait for someone who has fallen behind. Therefore they prefer to walk on foot in solitude. For the SLI walking is even and the methodical while he concentrates on its thoughts; the process of walking is sometimes more important than the purpose of the movement.

    SLIs are designated by the subtle sensation of the harmony of color, line, and form. SLIs feel color combinations, the measure of the saturation of color, the dynamics of line, ease and impressions of forms.

    SLIs are pleased by simplicity, free of decorative excesses. They know how to rationally use space; even when space is limited, they can create the illusion of space and the sensation of the openness. (The model of SLI aesthetics is most closely aligned with the aesthetic traditions of Japan: the combination of harmony and functionality of simple and natural forms)

    At home, SLIs do not put up with excess things; they throw them away without regret. They know how to organize comfort with minimal effort and resources. SLIs know how to create the sensation of coziness and comfort in any conditions and circumstances.

    SLIs usually act prudently; they are practical in almost all situations. They solve any problem methodically and rationally, and they try to extract the maximum of benefit from any effort. SLIs develop any idea so that it will bring the maximum return in practice.

    SLIs focus on the goal in the development of new procedures and new technologies. They are interested in any scientific discovery from the point of view of its practical application.

    The SLI applies a rational approach to work. His rationalism increases the effectiveness and efficiency of his work, as is his primary goal. Any work is carried out qualitatively, methodically, at a steady rate, thoroughly studying details.

    The SLI thoroughly prepares his workspace, ensuring it is equipped with all that is necessary to work efficiently. The SLI’s tools are always carefully organized, sometimes even at identical distance from each other. The SLI devotes as much attention to the process of preparation for work as to the work itself.

    Whatever the SLI does, no matter what it is, he does unhurried and thoroughly, obtaining the maximum pleasure from the very process of work. The SLI can undertake any interesting matter with enthusiasm, as long as it brings real results. He can tediously and methodically investigate the most complex and intricate matters and can successfully carry out work that seems to others to be completely impracticable. For example, the SLI can fix an instrument that seemed to be hopelessly damaged, using the most unexpected adaptations. (But if the SLI it refuses to overhaul something, it has calculated that it finally lost its functional properties, and he may boldly throw it out altogether.)

    The SLI knows how to divide any complex and difficult-to-solve problem into several steps, breaking it into feasibly-solved tasks: “... But you show that your problem is like the need to move an enormous mountain, which will be possible only if by the handful you move the earth to the side. At least each day on one handful... But then before your eyes you will see that the problem by itself will be solved.”

    For the SLI the process of the solving a problem is the main work. Therefore he tries to solve problems systematically, consecutively, and technically, and yet with pleasure. (It brings the SLI pleasure when there is progress towards solving a problem, though the progress may be slow.)

    The SLI knows how and loves to render practical services and concrete aid in order to resolve business, technical, and everyday problems. In the SLI’s understanding this is the best way to prove his friendship and to achieve understanding.

    The SLI will never be occupied by a matter which does not bring him moral satisfaction. It is important so that his work be paid well, but he can make it unselfishly, “as a gift.” If his work is done smoothly and brings pleasure then the SLI may be occupied by it in his free time as well.

    The SLI prefers to prove his opinion on matters of business by the practical results of work. He is contented when his labor brings appreciation. In any matter he attempts to match a high professional level. In judging work, including his own or that of a stranger, the SLI can be very critical; he is exacting both to itself and to others. His praise it is not easy to earn.

    Evaluating the aesthetic side of work, value is placed on proportion and originality of the general idea. (The SLI sometimes even values originality above aesthetics, since he is greatly interested by this aspect. Therefore the work, which is not characterized by originality, even if it is aesthetically irreproachable, cannot cause enthusiasm in the SLI. So he will reject the work which does not correspond to his own idea about the assigned theme.)

    The SLI loves to teach, and he explains everything clearly and intelligibly. He knows how and loves to instruct. It is pleasant to the SLI when others turn to him for advice or consultation. It considers as its duty to train even for the simplest things.

    The SLI loves to explain the sequence of the work he carries out in an understandable way. He loves to work visibly, in the presence of “spectators.” For example, he may make an electric appliance and explain the reason for its breakdown and each step in the process.

  14. #14


    The SLI spends his time on things that give him pleasure. He values things that are pleasant, that carry him along, and that are interesting. But since his interest is sometimes saturated sufficiently rapidly, unforeseen voids arise periodically, which the SLI spontaneously fills with beloved work, contact with friends, and gaining “self-knowledge.”

    SLIs love an unhurried, steady rhythm of life; however, they periodically experience a desire to live more intensively and more actively. SLIs prefer to live according to flexible and mobile style, trying not to assume anything and not to plan. For example, the SLI can appear to the encounter some assigned task, but after 15 minutes he may feel bored and want to replace the situation. But since to suffer discomfort is higher than its forces, the SLI usually refers to unforeseen “pressing matters” and departs, where, as it seems to him, he will be able to spend time in an interesting and more pleasant way.

    It is difficult for the SLI to be punctual, although he tries to be. He wants to carry out all considered matters, which he wants to do so that the work would be more productive and the activity of more fruitful; therefore he tries to use his time efficiently.

    The SLI sometimes forces himself to plan out his day and to carry out everything that he outlined, but it then notes that when he focuses on time the process of work brings no pleasure. And furthermore, temptations constantly appear, which the SLI does not like to reject in the favor of its order. For example, if he expects to visit neighbors “for the minute,” but finds them pleasant and they invite him to join them, the SLI may not be able to refuse. Thus its “minute” is extended on to be an hour (or sometimes it can be prolonged until the morning).

    The SLI has difficulty finding time to do everything he needs to do. It is very unpleasant to the SLI to have restrictions placed on his freedom (and he does not like to inconvenience others or to create some problems). For this reason the SLI tries not to make any specific promises. (But when he does make a promise, as a rule, he carries it out - with exception of those promises which he makes under pressure).

    To the SLI it is convenient to be with a partner who does not require the SLI to report about where, how, and with whom he spends his time. The SLI does not require any guarantees about the future and leniently accepts changes in his plans; in a partner, the SLI values someone who does not force him to adhere to an outlined plan and who does not require from him the strict fulfillment of undertaken obligations.

    The SLI finds such a partner in his dual the IEE, who adheres to an even less rigid structure, and who can be patient with the fact that the SLI may be late to a scheduled meeting. With the aid of similar the tactics the IEE causes the SLI to strongly desire the encounter; this method, as the tool of the IEE’s ethical game, uses time as a factor. And precisely in this way the SLI is received; therefore it is pulled in with pleasure, where all requirements are presented as options.

    The SLI will not miss the chance to demonstrate his insight. Sometimes on the basis of one short encounter the SLI can give a very interesting description of a man - about his nature, about assumed behavior, about his weaknesses and complexes.

    The SLI trains his intuition: he attempts to forecast the development of his interrelations with another person or another at the earliest stage of his acquaintance with him.

    In relations, the SLI has a habit of sharply reducing psychological distance from the very beginning, assigning a promising tone to the relationship. However, he can into the first minutes of acquaintance act as if there is proximity and even, if necessary, make a suggestion of hands and hearts. If there is to be continuation of such relations, he generally senses this well.

    The SLI frequently develops the role of a stably successful person who does not have any problems; he does not usually advertise his troubles. He has a habit of frequently starting conversation about plans for the future. He presents his own prospects optimistically, while he speaks out in the skeptically about strange plans and is sometimes inclined to dissuade others from too-daring undertakings which do not coincide with his own intentions. Moreover, if actual arguments are not sufficient to be persuasive, the SLI will not consider it wrong to lie - provided only to convince and to insist on its position.

    This behavior is in part explained by his orientation to the intuition of the IEE; he is subconsciously aware of the characteristic of the IEE to overstate his own possibilities. The SLI is programmed to be skeptical in order to free his dual from the superfluous self-reliance and illusions, and by showy self-confidence he intends to raise its own prestige in the eyes of his partner, trying in every respect him to interest him by the fastest means.

    The IEE, with his characteristic insight, usually does not yield to the SLI’s tactical tricks, because the IEE sees clearly what stands past this smugness, but happily plays along since this is the component part of that intuitive-ethical game, in the process of which their dualization occurs.

    The SLI connects his senses in a unique way with the aspect of the ethics of the emotions. In his understanding Fe must be located in the subordinate position relative to Si. I.e. no feelings, a drop in mood will destroy the harmony of the SLI’s sensations.

    Sensual pleasures expressed too much or too little relative to emotions are not pleasant for the SLI. It is very important that the emotional painting of the folding relations not interfere with the process of the perception of sensations. Therefore the emotional attitude of partner, and especially the quality of the emotions expressed by the partner, have exceptionally important significance for the SLI. In many instances the SLI takes on the role of the “traffic controller” of the emotions of his partner. For example: if it seems to the SLI that the partner is insufficiently emotional, he convinces him “to be freed” and not to be troubled with the expression of his feelings. But it is worthwhile only sometimes for the partner to express his emotions more frankly, and then the SLI has an insurmountable desire to cool those feelings, since this emotional flame seems too burdensome.

    The SLI has methods for the “adjustment” of the emotional impulses of his partner - he first makes them burning hot, then it cools them. Sometimes this is done by the method of changing the psychological distance: the SLI first acts as if he is ceasing relations, and then as if nothing were the matter he renews them again. It does not come into the SLI’s mind that “regulating” the emotions of his partner in this way sometimes causes the partner to suffer very strongly. But most often the SLI uses this behavior to avoid stormy and unpleasant explanations of relations; as he sees it he is circumventing scandals and hysterics, which he tries to avoid; by regulating the feelings of his partner, the SLI seeks to find out his partner’s feelings without experiencing serious ethical troubles.

    The SLI tries not to allow any emotional action against himself. He therefore tries not to express any emotions that might give occasion for emotional action. No matter how the ethical conditions of his relations were added, the SLI always tries to create the impression of imperturbability, emotional inaccessibility, and impenetrability.

    The SLI is irritated by any manifestation of roughness or caddishness; he is put off by a sharp and scandalous tone. And although SLIs are certainly not known for their irreproachable manners, their own roughness is most frequently manifested as a response or as offence to the extraordinary tactlessness of others. (For example, if one of the SLI’s initiatives does not meet reciprocal understanding, the SLI may be greatly offended and react harshly.)

    The SLI experiences criticism of his own behavior as agonizing torture, but he will not show this outwardly. The SLI will not respond favorably to attempts to reprimand or scold him; he will not follow such a suggestion. An SLI can listen calmly (sometimes even with a smile) to all of this and then as if nothing were the matter he can continue the same way as before. But this does not mean that the suggestion did not hurt the SLI or that he did not take notice of it.

    With apparent coolness and impenetrability, the SLI shields his reactions to any emotional pressure. The more strongly others place pressure on the SLI, the less he expresses his emotions.

    No matter how the SLI reacts to the charges brought up against him, one should not attempt to draw him from his naturally un-showy and sincere stability for the purpose to verifying his feelings, which the SLI will experience painfully. This is a situation where the SLI is absolutely not interested to reveal his vulnerability, which would make him feel very exposed. Originally benevolent and peaceful, the SLI suffers from having caused offence, but any attempt to find out the degree of his emotional receptivity agitates him very deeply as exceptional wickedness since it is experienced as penetration of the SLI’s most private self with the meanest intentions. (“I do not love it when people climb into my soul, and I do not love it when into it they spit” (Vysotskiy).)

    Sensual experiences are sacred for the SLI; he shows his feelings in this way. The SLI will usually prefer to appear detached, and this is how he will allow someone to reveal his true feelings.

    Until the end the SLI will try to appear restrained, calm, and in charge of the situation, with a calm smile, which he puts forth in order not to reveal his present experiences. Any attempt to break the SLI’s “armor” with intensive emotional action (that is, by hysterics and by scandals) is received by the SLI as the worst kind of monstrous act. And the SLI reacts to this respectively - by terrible emotional explosion, which is very draining to him and which he will later regret.

    The question can arise: how can man, totally protecting his feelings and his sincere rest, make it possible for himself to act emotionally? How can he regulate the feelings of other people, and to force them to suffer because of this, while observing their sufferings with calculated calmness?

    This situation arises when a person appears next to the SLI who is psychologically incompatible with him. But since the SLI is subconsciously oriented to the flexible emotionalism of its dual the IEE, the SLI sees nothing wrong with adapting of partner under its emotional threshold. Receiving each partner as his dual, the SLI naturally assumes that any person is capable of adapting to his emotions without difficulty.

    After multiple collisions with reality, the SLI begins to understand that he has been mistaken, and this is a painful thing to learn. Because of this disappointment the SLI prefers comfortable solitude to uncomfortable contact. And the theme of solitude that disturbs the SLI (just as it disturbs his dual the IEE) is the consequence of this. Disappointed and disillusioned, the SLI attempts to accept his solitude positively, trying to find it pleasant. (This quality is also characteristic of his dual the IEE.)

  15. #15


    No matter how the SLI tries to develop his intuition and capabilities of foresight, he struggles to do so. He sometimes succeeds in understanding the nature of another person only when it is too late. Likewise, the SLI also struggles to understand his own nature, which frequently remains an incomprehensible riddle, despite the fact that the SLI is very often happily occupied by “introspection.”

    The SLI frequently evaluates the possibilities of the man through his subjective ethical estimation (“… he is a good person, and is capable of doing a lot.”)

    The SLI greatly respects the ability to accurately and concisely describe the characteristics of any person, just as he admires and respects the skill to predict the development of interrelations.

    The SLI is likely to be interested in and to respect any science or scientific method that separates the boundaries of human possibilities.

    The SLI cares a great deal about the opinions and advice of people who know how to find ways out from very difficult situations. The SLI listens with pleasure to recommendations about how to follow developments in an unforeseen situation or in the case of danger.

    We strongly recommend unusual experiences. Sometimes the SLI can seriously discuss a certain unusual thing, which supposedly exists in his home. The SLI can learn the “rules” of defense from “energetic vampires,” and then teach them.

    The SLI respects people who have unusual abilities. He tries to develop the same abilities in himself as well.

    The SLI pays attention to people who have achieved success and acknowledgement, which inspires deep respect in the SLI. If the SLI’s own activity does not garner proper acknowledgement, he reacts very painfully since he compares his own achievements with the successes of others. The SLI may refer to his own titles and merits.

    The SLI needs people who are capable of discovering and estimating his creative abilities and of opening his talents and inspiring him to bring them to fruition.

    The SLI has great respect for people who know how to quickly grip the essence of a phenomenon and then share this understanding with others. The SLI does not usually generalize about people in things; he believes that each individual must have a particular approach.

    The SLI is sincerely occupied by self-education and self-perfection. He does not like it when others criticize his abilities and possibilities; this causes internal tension in the SLI, since he usually tries to thoroughly develop his talents.

    An example of unique successes and achievements is convincing to the SLI only in the way it is presented by his dual the IEE. Only the IEE is able to inspire the SLI, prompting to him with original and tempting ideas, moving towards new, unknown possibilities.

    The SLI is always glad for the opportunity to build good relations. The SLI is happy when he is able to show service to his friends, and he readily offers help. The SLI very much likes it when others turn to him for help.

    The SLI does not harp on the help he gives others; he simply helps them, without excess words. The SLI believes that the rendering of help and services is the best way for him to make friends.

    For example, if the SLI establishes acquaintance with the woman, then after appearing for the first time in her house, he often immediately begins to fix something, and he so is fascinated by this occupation that he may forget about the purpose of his visit.

    And here it is possible to trace two directions in the development of the situation: the psychologically-incompatible female partner will consider this position inconvenient and will try to distract the SLI from this work; she will propose that the SLI stop and rest, and she will ask if he wants anything to drink and so forth. This is a serious mistake, since the SLI will see this behavior as too-strong initiative in the development of relations. To the SLI it will seem that things are moving too fast, that the female is too interested that she hurries too much to reduce the psychological distance between them. Then the SLI will quickly feel psychological discomfort, and he will begin to lose interest in the female partner and will try somewhat more quickly to replace situation.

    The psychologically-compatible female partner acts completely differently: she only encourages the SLI’s enthusiasm for work and brings everything to it for the repairs that he is making. Moreover it will engage in the work until the SLI himself declares his desire to rest, having first promised that he will finish next time.

    Here the situation occurs precisely in the manner that is suitable to the SLI’s dual, the IEE. The time together is spent with real benefit, and furthermore some useful prospects to the future appear; also, relations are developed so that the psychological distance is not decreased. But for the IEE this is very important because this is important for the SLI. The IEE constructs his relations from a distance, because he subconsciously knows that this is a much more suitable way to obtain their partner.

    For the SLI it is very problematic for relations to be rigidly defined. Because a strictly-set distance means specific limitations in behavior, the SLI assumes that there is some kind of ethical framework and also some rigid obligations, and where such a framework and obligations are in place, the SLI feels very uncomfortable. He feels deprived of the option for relations to develop naturally in each situation. For example the SLI, disposed to the flexible ethics of the IEE, assumes that when it is said that “we can be good friends,” it is necessary to understand the concealed meaning that “we can be physically and spiritually close.” But when “friendly relations” and the female partner strictly holds the SLI at a certain distance, the SLI feels confused. On the other hand, it is not good to name the state of relations, as the SLI will then start to experience awkwardness and consequently psychological discomfort.

    The SLI does not like to speak plainly about intimate feelings. (Therefore the IEE hints about the intimate relations between them.) Internally the SLI is very squeamish and sensitive to any manifestation of triteness.

    The SLI does not like to be relations to be clarified outright in words; he does not like clear demarcation of rights and responsibilities in relations. The SLI always tries to wash away the boundaries of limitations, to bring down the distance of relations, to make himself independent from specific obligations. “What obligations? If I am on good terms with someone then for him I would do everything….”

    But if the SLI is on bad terms with someone, he leaves the situation with the same ease with which he would leave the room; he simply turns and departs, without saying where he is going and without explaining his reasons. [On itself it can resemble very neskoro, completely unexpectedly and even precisely when it less anything they want to see.] And in this case the SLI may leave others sincerely confused as to why he left, wondering why the SLI doesn’t want to maintain the closeness from before. Others may wonder if they have done something wrong. In truth, the SLI simply needed to rest from the psychological discomfort in order to return to the beloved person with renewed energy. [But that that to the restoration of sincere forces by it was required too much time, its this private affair concerns its only subjective sensations. (although, of course, within the framework of the "restoration of sincere forces", Gaben it can develop relations with several partners simultaneously or alternate to alternate them.)]

    As has been noted, the SLI greatly values the harmony of his subjective sensations, as well as his sincere rest; therefore his ethical relations are not always easily added.

    The SLI does not usually have problems in definite friendly relations - for his friends the SLI will always be available and the willing to do something. Friendship, as the SLI understands it, is based on relations that are mutual and voluntary.

    Relations with children are always very good. SLIs adore their children and grandchildren. SLIs generally find it easy to make contact with children. (SLIs, as a rule, are splendid teachers.)

    Problems begin in relations when a feeling of debt introduces itself. The SLI does not like to be obliged to anyone. He will visit relatives only if he wants to meet with them; otherwise contact with them will bring him no pleasure. The SLI tries to avoid relations which are completely based on responsibilities and obligations. The “visits of politeness” to the relatives, where it is necessary for the SLI to listen to reproaches or, worse, detailed reports about poor health, is torturous for the SLI.

    The SLI cannot bear moralizations. To the SLI it is simpler “to become good,” when he is already considered good.

    The SLI does not make it possible “to punish” him. He answers good only, and then only if he feels, that it is sincerely located to it. The SLI allows no attempts by others to re-educate him; he will immediately move himself away from or ignore anyone who tries to do this.

    The SLI is inclined to be sympathetic and generally kind. He does not openly demonstrate his sympathies and hostilities, however. (Though it may be that with his partner he does not hide his wishes.)

    The SLI does not emphasize his own virtues, but he likes to feel appreciated; he tries not to associate with ungrateful people. [It loves not about which to request - since and without the request it knows how to attain which to it is necessary.]

    With the partner with whom to the SLI is on good terms and with whom he feels pleasant and quiet, the SLI trusts completely and unconditionally, even allowing for some playfulness in his behavior.

    With the partner with whom there is not complete mutual understanding, the SLI does not trust and is jealous on the least occasion.

    The SLI considers himself too trusting and assumes that he can be easily deceived. Therefore there are few people whom the SLI will allow to get close to him.

    Close distance appears from the relations “out of the distance” - on the basis of the very sensitive, flexible and mobile ethics of relations, i.e., precisely such as is characteristic of its dual the IEE. They are added sufficiently difficultly and problematically with the representatives of other psychological types close relations in Gabena.

  16. #16


    The SLI knows how to exert strong volitional pressure, [moreover tone never uses for this of clerk.]

    When it is necessary for the SLI to subordinate man to his will, he does this by taking action on his sensual sensoriku – the SLI begins to express whole “range” of the sensations: impatience, agonizing desire, irritation, suffering, offence, hostility. As a result of this action sensory discomfort is created, which painfully acts on people, sensorika of sensations of which is located on the vulnerable or subconsciously-adaptable positions.

    Acting by this method, the SLI attains the satisfaction of his desires and requirements with relative ease. He uses the same method in order to sharply reduce distance with his eternally slipping-off dual the IEE.

    The SLI does not have an idea about the force of his volitional action. He does not recognize or realize it. Frequently SLIs see themselves as soft, reasonable people. They do not always understand why others so quickly act as if they feel inferior to them, and SLIs usually interpret these “concessions” as due to the “weakness of human nature” or they think the other person probably shares their desires. From his side, the SLI carefully considers after the fact so that no volitional action would occur on him, but he realizes this “observation” subconsciously.

    Any time when someone makes an attempt to pressure the SLI, the SLI begins to experience discomfort: fear, stress, agitation, irritation. He tries to get rid of this discomfort as quickly as possible, and therefore always by simplest and most accessible method the SLI leaves the situation - it is simple: the SLI turns and departs, not saying anything and not answering questions. [To detain it or cannot be returned -: it does not return under the "volitional pressure" Of gaben. (if this it occurs in the situation of telephone conversation, the SLI can interrupt the conversation and open telephone, and in the addition to everything it can still and go out so that its already accurately no one would find.)]

    Any attempt to deprive the SLI of the possibility of productive output from a situation is useless. As a follower the SLI will endure any testing, but he will not obey pressure and will not show his weakness. (In a conflict situation sometimes the SLI can create the appearance of concession, but this is a kind of tactical trick.)

    Like any representative of Delta, the SLI greatly values his internal freedom and independence, and he will allow no on to invade it: the SLI does not shy away from authorities; he is not subordinated to serious tones and does not react to commands; the SLI enters any situation only at his own discretion.

    To attain any concession from the SLI is only possible if we ask it in a soft but persistent way. [It is sometimes even sufficient in the form of polunamekov. For straight volitional pressure something even to design.?]

    In the situation of the collision of opinions it is very important for the SLI to have the last word. It is very important that his point of view is acknowledged. (aspects of "volitional sensoriki" and of the "logic of relationships" are sometimes set in operation simultaneously, since they are located on one block) Often the SLI argues not of the consideration of searching for truth, but of the tendency to impose his point of view or of the desire to show himself not to be more foolish than others. The less intelligent the SLI, the greater the assurance he demonstrates in a conflict.

    It may happen that the SLI uses clearly inadmissible methods in a dispute: he may refer to some little-known, possibly fictitious authorities, or cite some doubtful facts from questionable sources. And it is characteristic of the SLI to always insist on the incontestability of his “reason.”

    Dispute Gabenom far from always reaches intellectual enjoyment to its opponents. In view of his own weak intuition, as a rule, he frequently does not voice his own original thoughts on the issue. Therefore entire controversy usually is reduced to the sometimes-inappropriate quoting, which sometimes only distracts from the issue at hand; furthermore, losing initiative in the dispute, the SLI begins either to press or to be nervous and irritated - and that is very unpleasant to observe.

    The SLI will not miss the chance to demonstrate his knowledge in the most varied subjects, and preliminary preparation is not necessary for this. The SLI’s interests are actually suitably extensive, but he often has only surface knowledge of many things. Therefore each time when the SLI is allowed the opportunity to show he is an expert in a subject, he will take the opportunity almost without a moment's hesitation and without considering the sense (according to the principle, “what I see, I speak about.”) The absurdity of his own statements at times does not completely confuse him: the main thing for the SLI in this situation is to produce the impression of an “interesting” collocutor. This impression first of all is calculated for its dual the IEE, usually receiving person by such, to what it itself presents.

    Clear logic is important to the SLI inasmuch as the dual psychological sense is assumed. From one side, this is the way he reasons, though it would seem he does not always listen; from another side there is the sly and significant irony, which it at this moment expresses by view - and slightly held in control smile and which refers no to the essence of its logic.

    Here precisely this significant irony is the element of the SLI’s ethical game. The SLI switches the listener to a completely different set of relations, forcing him to receive the logical reasonings of the SLI only as background or as occasion for drawing attention. And the IEE immediately understands this clearly: with his splendid ethical intuition, the IEE understands that the point of the conversation is not the matter that was discussed; for the SLI this is only an excuse to have contact and a method to draw attention to himself and to hold it.

    The IEE feels outdone by “logicians” who can speak out deeply on any theme without fear of exposing logical contradictions. The IEE recognizes that he will not listen to the logical sense, since here is another game to which the logic has no relation.

    The demonstrative logic of the SLI is the most important element of the “ethical game,” in the process of which occurs its dualization with the IEE. In the same way we can explain the SLI’s tendency to produce a favorable impression as a logical person. To the SLI it is very important to never reveal his trick before the audience, since the IEE does not sympathize with those lost. Furthermore the SLI, subconsciously oriented to the surface and changeable interest of the IEE, knows that just as it is difficult draw the IEE’s attention, it will be difficult to hold it.

    And it would be nevertheless erroneous to assert that always and in any case the demonstrative reasonableness of the SLI is only of its kind trick. Certainly not! There are indeed some aspects, which actually occupy their attention. And analyzing them, the SLI no longer pretends to be open. This relates, for example, to the region of the depictive skill, where almost no one can compare with SLIs in the skill to give the comparative analysis of color range or the composition of one or other artist or another.

    The characteristic of sensations is the richest theme for the SLI’s logic. The SLI can perceive the deepest philosophical sense in a composition arrangement of color and tones. For example, any of Andrey Tarkovsky's films in the aesthetical plan is the model of SLI philosophy. Here the strictly symmetrical construction of sequence, and its layout in the form of triptych (three-part composition), and the play of colors and tone spots, and the game of planes; here three-dimensional and invoice effects so that can be felt them as by feel; the game of light and shadows, game it is sonic - symbolism it is sonic, the symbolism of sensations. And this entire sensory symbolism is full of deep content and philosophical sense. Expressed through these sensory symbols are the deepest social, psychological, ethical and philosophical aspects which are then examined.

    With the aid of logical symbols, the SLI expresses the peace of his finest sensations, the state of his deepest experiences. “Sensory symbolism,” in turn, fills by value and sense its subjective sensations and makes them accessible to understanding the people around the SLI.

  17. #17
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    oh excellent! Are you going to put all this on the wikisocion (please do!)?

  18. #18
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    I don't have the right mindset to go through picking holes in your translation, but I would suggest "Then as now I remember it the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field, on which I walked for the first time in life...", and if you do add it to the wiki, then perhaps add a wikipedia link to this Andrei Tarkovsky fellow.

  19. #19


    I added it to the Wiki: here ya go.

    As for little idiosyncrasies like that, you [or whoever] are welcome to point them out and change them on the wiki - I may later myself, but I'm just about out of patience w this translation business atm, haha

  20. #20
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    lol, I know! I did half of the Si description for SEI before giving up. I had been hoping on a communal effort where a handful of people do a few lines together .

    (and I don't mean :coke

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    lol, I know! I did half of the Si description for SEI before giving up.
    Ha, yeah. Well I'm just nerdy enough to really enjoy doing this kind of thing, and just unfocused enough for it to take a long time and cause me to lose interest after a while, hah. I'll see what I can do w some others, though, when I get time....

    I had been hoping on a communal effort where a handful of people do a few lines together .

    (and I don't mean :coke

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by ollobollo View Post
    Great job making sense of it, SoapOfSapphire!
    That was an excellent article.
    Thanks - I'm glad you like it

    And yeah, I think that's my favorite SLI description that I've encountered so far....

  23. #23
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    There's still a lot of holes in it, starting from the last sentence in the first paragraph (which Subt already pointed out)... and I also dislike some of the free translated words/phrases I managed to notice. But thanks for the invested effort, nevertheless.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    Thanks - I'm glad you like it

    And yeah, I think that's my favorite SLI description that I've encountered so far....
    Can you omit the bad parts?

    Enneagram 5 with a side of wings.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    Well it isn't perfect and there's still room for improvement, but you really did a kick-ass job! Thanks - you're the best dual ever!
    No problem, WP!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    I don't have the right mindset to go through picking holes in your translation, but I would suggest "Then as now I remember it the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field, on which I walked for the first time in life...", and if you do add it to the wiki, then perhaps add a wikipedia link to this Andrei Tarkovsky fellow.
    LOL, WTF? I don't know Russian or anything, but the best (or at least a much better) translation I can come up with for that sentence right now is this:

    "Just as if it was yesterday, I (can) remember the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field on which I walked for the first time in my life..."


    "As clear as if it was yesterday, I (can) remember the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field on which I walked for the first time in my life..."

    And I'm pretty sure that's what the original author meant.
    Last edited by Park; 11-16-2009 at 01:27 AM.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    If I took the time to do this for every fucked up sentence, and to nicely reconstruct the whole thing, I could probably expect to have the article done by the time I retire.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    It's an okay article...good job, sappho on the translation. I just think it's a bit too in-depth for me. I still think the one on wikisocion that was written by Rocky (??) is the best one i've ever read.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    LOL, WTF? I don't know Russian or anything, but the best (or at least a much better) translation I can come up with for that sentence right now is this:

    "Just as if it was yesterday, I (can) remember the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field on which I walked for the first time in my life..."


    "As clear as if it was yesterday, I (can) remember the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field on which I walked for the first time in my life..."

    And I'm pretty sure that's what the original author meant.
    whoops I meant "Then as now I remember the smell of [...]" (without the 'it').

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    whoops I meant "Then as now I remember the smell of [...]" (without the 'it').
    No worries; I got what you meant, and when I edited the Wiki version I changed it that way

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    I still think the one on wikisocion that was written by Rocky (??) is the best one i've ever read.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    whoops I meant "Then as now I remember the smell of [...]" (without the 'it').
    it's wrong either way.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    No worries; I got what you meant, and when I edited the Wiki version I changed it that way
    good job for putting up the wrong translation.

    and this doesn't really look like you got what Subt meant or that you've edited the wiki at all:

    Quote Originally Posted by D_.5B.5BIntroverted_Logic.5D.5D
    (“Even now I remember it the smell of the freshly-cut grass of the football field, on which I walked for the first time in life....”)
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  32. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post

    good job for putting up the wrong translation.

    and this doesn't really look like you got what Subt meant or that you've edited the wiki at all:
    Parkster, I obviously edited the wiki - see how it's the same as what I posted in this thread [EDIT: I just saw that an admin changed that particular phrase back to the original. So the floor is all yours to go and edit it any way you want to.] - and even if I worded that phrase poorly in your opinion, it's not a big deal.

    If you have a problem with something in the translation, go fix it and stop bitching. It isn't perfect, and I wasn't concerned with it being perfect; I just wanted to clean it up a bit.
    Last edited by female; 11-17-2009 at 09:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    Parkster, I obviously edited the wiki - see how it's all the same as what I posted in this thread - and even if I worded that phrase poorly in your opinion, it's not that big oof a deal; it's a wiki, so you can edit it yourself if you want to.

    If you have a problem with something in the translation, go fix it and stop bitching. It isn't perfect, and I wasn't concerned with it being perfect; I just wanted to clean it up a bit.
    you assured subt you got what he meant and said you changed that part the way he suggested, which you obviously didn't. he suggested "Then as now I remember it the smell of..." and the wiki says "Even now I remember it the smell of..." and the "it" is also still there. now, what the hell are you talking about?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    you assured subt you got what he meant and said you changed that part the way he suggested, which you obviously didn't. he suggested "Then as now I remember it the smell of..." and the wiki says "Even now I remember it the smell of..." and the "it" is also still there. now, what the hell are you talking about?
    See my edit. And I feel this bears repeating: The floor is all yours to go and edit it any way you want to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    [EDIT: I just saw that an admin changed that particular phrase back to the original. So the floor is all yours to go and edit it any way you want to.]
    why would an admin change that particular phrase back to the original? which admin did that?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    And I feel this bears repeating: The floor is all yours to go and edit it any way you want to.
    i heard you the first time, thankyouverymuch. you don't need to repeat anything.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    why would an admin change that particular phrase back to the original? which admin did that?
    You'll have to look at the edit history, I suppose, to figure that out... fortunately it doesn't really matter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    You'll have to look at the edit history, I suppose, to figure that out...
    is it really that hard to check, that you'd rather say it doesn't matter than do it? (since you're the one claiming it happened?)

    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    fortunately it doesn't really matter.
    did you decide that based on the fact that you made it up?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  38. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    is that hard to do?
    Okay, I don't know whether this is sarcasm or not, so I'm going to answer as if it's a legitimate question: you click the "hirtory"" tab at the top of the page.

    did you decide that based on the fact that you made it up?
    I don't know what you're talking about - whether you're accusing me of lying or whatever [lol] - and I've lost interest.

    If you or anybody have anything productive to say, let's hear it. I still think it's a pretty good article, content-wise, the imperfections of the translation notwithstanding.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    Okay, I don't know whether this is sarcasm or not, so I'm going to answer as if it's a legitimate question: you click the "hirtory"" tab at the top of the page.
    right or left click?
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parkster View Post
    is it really that hard to check, that you'd rather say it doesn't matter than do it? (since you're the one claiming it happened?)

    did you decide that based on the fact that you made it up?
    what exactly is inaccurate besides minor grammatical errors? more specifically, content-wise?
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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