I don't think its zero sum but they're usually not equal either, I think thats the idea to typology with respect to functions. like you can F>T but your T might still be "stronger" in an objective sense compared to another T type, for example a 5 year old. in other words, stack describes relative preference within the individual but not objective capacity compared vs others. the "dimensions" of a person's psyche is how it relates to itself, whereas an objective capacity for logical reasoning or any kind of reasoning is probably best described by IQ x time x training. In essence these factors inflate the original "shape" to an extent where even a small aspect of person Y's total personality may nevertheless be greater than another persons' even if that aspect predominates for that latter person. of course this is speculative because its hard to measure how deep some people's real abilities penetrate because there is no overall God's eye view. in the end this may be nothing but an error in perspective and all people are truly equal some are just more appreciated than others.. this is the sort of thing only God knows for sure and something that may be very enlightening should we reach heaven. it also seems to be the basis for the idea of "do unto the least of these" because it seems to respect a kind of unknowable and transcendent equality of all humans. in essence a lot of inequality is itself a product of an interaction effect we would all, in theory, like to do away with, but in practice tend to only make worse by trying