Dreamers: The first time I watched this movie, I was about 18 and I just thought it was Absolutelyamazing. Now, watching it years later, it wasn’t that good.Probably because I expected too much from this film. I have to sayit’s one of the better ones though. I like how “special” it tries tobe, how it’s not afraid of any taboos and crosses the line of whatcan be shown in a film. It’s definitely not for everyone, butsometimes… all the weirdness is just forced. Like a 15 year oldthat tries too hard to be a rebel and nobody really buys it. Thescenes sometimes don’t make sense and I think the way it plays withtaboos is not believable. I can see why I loved it when I was 18, allthat sexual and spiritual freedom is more than close to my heart, butnow when I’m older, I know the world just doesn’t work this way.

I have to give it 7,5/10 because of the perfect bohemian atmosphere it has. I give anything to experience a vacation like this one. Nothing but wine, sex and pseudo-philosophical discussions.