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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

  1. #201

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    O burn...:

    Angela Merkel says Germany can no longer rely on Donald Trump's America: 'We Europeans must take our destiny into our own hands'

    Merkel may be using Trump as an excuse to free her shackles from America (I mean, Germany lost to America. It still very much has the aftereffects of that loss)... Finally, Europe may free itself from the long-lasting American influence that was overdue.

    Snowden says: This is an era-defining moment.


  2. #202
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    I agree that Merkel is using Trump as an excuse for her own political agenda because she knows that the office of the president is not that powerful without the full backing of congress. Germany is trying to hold onto its control of the EU and is pandering to the growing separatist element. It's unfortunate that the world seems to be going through this protectionist (we're-better-without-you) phase. It's also unfortunate that Trump has no political acumen whatsoever and brings his 'me first' persona to the world stage, which fuels the separatist fires. And Britain, with it's own version of political ineptness, certainly didn't help......

    a.k.a. I/O

  3. #203
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    Succinct summary of what is going wrong with the US:

  4. #204
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    I don't think he's wrong but I do think its somewhat unsophisticated because it seems like its rooted in this attempt to look at things only across one level of anaylsis which in this case is the outsider/insider dichotomy

    however it essentially says that people because of the disparity in relative prosperity would take a chance on a guy that was representing the group that is all for widening that gap, which is absolutely counter productive unless you admit that outsider/insider type stuff is the most important thing outweighing the initial concern for wealth, or vice versa. or it implicates the stupidity of the electorate in not being able to see things for what they are and essentially voting against their own interest, which its that base stupidity that seems to be just as big if not bigger a factor

    my only point with any of this is carter is a populist flag bearer in a lot of ways but his analysis is merely more sloganeering in some ways

    i think people like carter like to push their one nugget of truth and are somewhat idealogical in that way. true it is a major factor and he's not wrong about that, but things are a much more complex confluence of events and the problem with looking at things through one issue is it easily gets distorted and manipulated, which I believe is actually the root cause of things going the way they are (i.e.: authoritarianism, trump, discontent). in other words, it was people buying into "single ticket" anaylsis that lead to this, which carter is actually just promoting which practically makes him as responsible for trump as the DNC and any other number of "culprits"

    in other words being so uni dimensional in general leaves people open to manipulation which trump so masterfully proved, and I think carter means well but hes a dinosaur in the sense that he plays right into it in the same way the establishment does, from the other end

    in the end I just cant wait for carter, the clintons, the bushes, trump, et all to go away because theyre all just the last gasp of the 60s and those ways of thinking are just outmoded as far as I can tell if we want to move forward. not that there isnt nuggets of wisdom in there, but its been played out. carter is beating the same drum he always has and it really got him nowhere, which sucks, because hes a good guy, and Id rather he were in charge than trump, but he's not exactly moving things forward anymore with his ideas

  5. #205
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    regardless of sociotype, Donald Trump is a fucking tool. I seriously cannot stand that guy and I'm not ashamed to admit I hope he suffers a massive cardiac arrest and dies. there is a sickness in your society and the symptom is the mega-twat sitting in sleeping in your whitehouse.

  6. #206
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    how much do you need to know about politics before you can responsibly say donald trump as president is a bad idea?

    i feel like the threshold is low ("grab them by the pussy" + nuclear launch codes, pretty much does it)

    then again, maybe all this 4d chess is just beyond me

  7. #207
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    And I feel like that is not much more than an emotional attitude and a neurotic herd mentality used as a substitution for thought... I rarely, if ever, see that attitude backed up by substantive points beyond typical media propaganda and more clueless hysteria.. It really is an emotional attitude more than anything. I just don't see how you can be taken seriously. by any thoughtful person.

  8. #208
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    i feel like your reaction is an emotional reaction

    here's some logic:

    its literally the highest position in the american hierarchy, if it is at all possible to get a better blend of logic and ethics then if any position on earth should require it president of the united states is that position. hence even an emotional reaction can disqualify a candidate as a matter of logic

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    An emotional reaction by itself is not sufficient justification for anything, there must be coherent thoughts underlying the attitude. Without any rationale supporting the attitude it just isn't justified.
    If an ethical attitude is valid than it can be broken down and rationalized over - hence the call for further intelligent commentary, which is just not there.

    My statement is an emotional rationalization responding to an emotional reaction. You're the person attempting to pass this off as intelligent political discourse.
    My point is simply that you need to have clear, well formed thoughts... people who engage in this nonsense do not have those.

  10. #210
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    My point is simply that you need to have clear, well formed thoughts, and the people who engage in this nonsense do not have those.
    i always think its odd how people say stuff like this then embody the opposite.. why should anyone address these words when you don't seem to believe in them? its like you only make the case that you have nothing coherent to address which that is the only thing I can find to address of substance... beyond that, the natural conclusion is to ignore you which is I'm sure what many people you've encountered likewise conclude

    this is just some free advice that has more to do with life in general than trump

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    Bertrand, there is a very clear difference between an ethical assertion and rationalizing over that assertion, which is what I am doing. I have not made a positive ethical assertion about politics. I am criticizing your ethical assertions on the grounds that they lack any rationale behind them, and demanding that you provide that rationale. (And I don't believe you are capable of providing the rationale... this is all you anti trumpers ever seem to do). Understand? It's very simple. This paradox you've imagined only exists within the bowl of soup which is your brain. There is no paradox.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Look at this fag say nothing about politics because he knows nothing so all he does is mouth off.

    Merkel is just attempting to prop up the EU, she's Germanys version of Hillary Clinton... she's a puppet. She's already destroying Germany with her border policies ... She couldn't be much more overrated, the media just coddles her because she serves their purposes... Not worth paying any special attention to, totally incompetent and overrated.
    I'm not concerned with politics in this instance. I don't like the guy personally. It would seem, judging by your rude reaction towards me, that you are one of his fanboys. Bud, not all duals are good people, you don't have to like Trump to still be his dual. It is somewhat sad IEI around here think SLE behave like Trump as a normal standard.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    An emotional reaction by itself is not sufficient justification for anything, there must be coherent thoughts underlying the attitude. Without any rationale supporting the attitude it just isn't justified.
    If an ethical attitude is valid than it can be broken down and rationalized over - hence the call for further intelligent commentary, which is just not there.

    My statement is an emotional rationalization responding to an emotional reaction. You're the person attempting to pass this off as intelligent political discourse.
    My point is simply that you need to have clear, well formed thoughts... people who engage in this nonsense do not have those.
    Awe, so in a way you are telling me that you are reacting to my sentiments as though you are reacting to the sentiments of many in the news and media, as though they are one the same. You see someone who might share the views of people online and on TV and you conclude they come from the same standpoint. I'm assuring you I am a rational person who can come to conclusions on my own far removed from "herd" hysteria.

    Trump is a tool, and this goes far past the surface ethical debates over comments like grab -em by the pussy. It's about his Machiavellian disdain for anything outside of making money. It's not hard to see a pampered play-boy with malignant narcissism who seems to hold contempt for anyone who disagrees and is spell bound on disrupting the efforts of many trying to improve your society. For instance toppling your socialized medical care. Further, the blatant hypocrisy in just about everything he says and does, for instance the endless stream of lies and bullshit, just rubs me the wrong way. There isn't much to envy, nor admire, in a man such as this.

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    None of that is rooted in anything practical and relevant... you haven't pointed to a particular lie. You haven't pointed to a particular medical policy. You haven't pointed to a particular instance of his sabotaging well intended people. All of these things determine whether your bias is justified or unjustified. Without those critical elements you are literally saying nothing and cannot be taken seriously.
    All you have put fourth are vague ethical platitudes hidden from direct analysis. I care about what he is doing with the country, the ideas behind the policies and what's actually happening. Real things, specific things. I don't care about your vague moral outrage that cannot be clarified and found to be relevant, it's useless. That's my point. Next.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-09-2017 at 06:09 AM.

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    O burn...:

    Angela Merkel says Germany can no longer rely on Donald Trump's America: 'We Europeans must take our destiny into our own hands'

    Merkel may be using Trump as an excuse to free her shackles from America (I mean, Germany lost to America. It still very much has the aftereffects of that loss)... Finally, Europe may free itself from the long-lasting American influence that was overdue.

    Snowden says: This is an era-defining moment.

    That's a bunch of hot air.

  16. #216
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    Lazy couch potato who spends his time watching TV (up to 5 hours/day) and golfing.

    How do people see extroverted sensing in him? The extroverted sensors I know don't sit still...

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post

    Lazy couch potato who spends his time watching TV (up to 5 hours/day) and golfing.

    How do people see extroverted sensing in him? The extroverted sensors I know don't sit still...
    Lazy couch potato? Dude, the White House is a mess firstly because Congress refuses to implement the Trump agenda, and secondly because of career bureaucrats leaking classified information to the media. Many far younger men would break under the amount of pressure the president has to face every day. Some policy differences aside, I have a lot of respect for his strength.

    The real problem in America is victim culture. Many people on the left are behaving like entitled crybabies - they won't accept that they lost the election fair and square, because that would mean admitting their values resonate in few places outside the coastal cities. Look at this map:
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 08-09-2017 at 09:56 PM.

  18. #218
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    Time for an update:

  19. #219
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    Trump White House Weighing Plans for Private Spies to Counter “Deep State” Enemies

    nice to see something from the beta playbook getting some traction, which is setting up a secret police in order to enforce ideological loyalty

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Because they are either misinformed, underinformed, complacent, or racist misogynist bigots.
    Actually true. Except, I don't know how to tell them right. Some people are just blissfully unaware of how stupid they really are.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  22. #222
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    Threatening not only the basics of American liberal democracy, but also the stability of the entire existing world order, the impetuous Trump march casts doubt on the effectiveness of the system of hardware and political filters that existed in the US, which previously did not allow aggressive psychopathic destroyers to advance so successfully to supreme power in the world's largest economic and nuclear power.
    Talanov on Trump

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    Notably, it seems that Trump's America harbors a disorienting level of political fragmentation and fracturing. Decades ago, conservatives would foam at the mouth if the intelligence community suspected Russian political interference, but now many have essentially turned a blind eye to the risks imposed by Russia's posture on the geopolitical map. Furthermore, it wasn't that long ago that conservatives valued wholesomeness enough to reject candidates that defied family values, but in 2016 they nominated Trump, who represented an antithesis to family values. The Trump Administration also adopted Bannon as a chief strategist; Bannon seriously considered a leftist economic agenda in spite of what McConnell wanted. We also have people on the right calling for free speech despite the fact that 10 years ago the shoe was on the other foot. On the other side of the political spectrum, many democrats practically echo the sentiments of conservatives during the McCarthy era, which, among conservatives, dovetails with a general fear of outsiders.* You also see people on the hard, authoritarian left trying to shut down open dialogue on college campuses. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, liberals and conservatives alike are getting lynched in the court of public opinion. The recent #MeToo revelations hold significance because they demonstrate how the feminist movement is cannibalizing portions of liberal culture by focusing on Hollywood, a target of many conservatives' ire.

    *This isn't to say that the concern is wholly unwarranted regarding Russia. I'm mentioning it because it seems like one of those instances in which actors on opposing sides of the isle have swapped places in some respect.

    Generally, the aforementioned dynamics don't come as that much of a surprise when broader considerations are factored in. Free speech and censorship don't serve as tools for the left and right so much as they serve libertarianism and authoritarianism respectively. Moreover, it seems that political movements start to contradict their own principles when survival or expedience feels necessary. Political movements also have a habit of borrowing from the playbooks of their opponents. Additionally, reflection and house cleaning naturally follows any ideology's failure to meet its objectives.

    It's going to be interesting to see where the chips fall in the long run.

  24. #224
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    In Shocker, Deficit Explodes Yet Again Under Republican Rule

    As usual, Republicans have no problem with deficit spending when it comes to giving tax cuts to the rich. They only have a problem with spending money when it comes to helping people who are not billionaires.

    But hey, teachers got an additional $1.50/week, so they can't complain, right?

    Watch what they do, not what they say. Some people will lie to you straight to your face.

  25. #225
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    Mother Jones is a controversial publication. Kooky.

    "Mother Jones, which is based in San Francisco, was founded by Mr. Hochschild and others in 1976 as a muckraking magazine of the left that was named in honor of Mary Harris (Mother) Jones, a militant union organizer and Socialist who died in 1930 at the age of 100."

    "The editor, Michael Moore , said he was dismissed in early September, after four months on the job, in large part because he opposed the publication of an article critical of the Government of Nicaragua."

    "Mr. Moore said that he opposed the article because it was untrue, not because it was critical, and because its appearance in Mother Jones could be used by the Reagan Administration against the Sandinistas. The article is scheduled for publication in December, according to Mr. Hochschild."

    "' say it lost its way would be an understatement,” said Gavin Bard, a writer from Philadelphia.

    'I know a lot of labor-focused leftists really turned on it when its treatment of… interns came to light, but that isn’t the only thing. It just feels like over the last eight years or so there was this conscious shift from the publication being an aggressive investigative outlet to just another cog in the Democratic machine’s corporate center,” he added"
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 02-05-2018 at 07:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Mother Jones is a controversial publication. Kooky.

    "Mother Jones, which is based in San Francisco, was founded by Mr. Hochschild and others in 1976 as a muckraking magazine of the left that was named in honor of Mary Harris (Mother) Jones, a militant union organizer and Socialist who died in 1930 at the age of 100."

    "The editor, Michael Moore , said he was dismissed in early September, after four months on the job, in large part because he opposed the publication of an article critical of the Government of Nicaragua."

    "Mr. Moore said that he opposed the article because it was untrue, not because it was critical, and because its appearance in Mother Jones could be used by the Reagan Administration against the Sandinistas. The article is scheduled for publication in December, according to Mr. Hochschild."

    "' say it lost its way would be an understatement,” said Gavin Bard, a writer from Philadelphia.

    'I know a lot of labor-focused leftists really turned on it when its treatment of… interns came to light, but that isn’t the only thing. It just feels like over the last eight years or so there was this conscious shift from the publication being an aggressive investigative outlet to just another cog in the Democratic machine’s corporate center,” he added"
    Are you saying that you value information based on the reputation of the source? (Not a Ti-user.) Or are you using the disparaging comments regarding a publication to cast doubt on the historical record of deficits?

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    Scholars Say Mother Jones Distorted Their Research For Anti-Homeless Article

    "At the very least, it seems that if researchers cited by a magazine object that their findings have been radically distorted, to the point where the research is cited to support a conclusion that the research actually negates, that requires a more serious response than the one Jeffery produced here."

    ...Mother Jones' Report A Lie

    "So is the Mother Jones piece a cheap shot? “It’s not a cheap shot...It’s a lie.”

    The thing is, he argues, no U.S. correspondents ever claimed to be on the ground in the Falklands, but they still may legitimately claim to have covered the war — albeit from Buenos Aires and other non-Falklands locales. “We were sent down there to cover the Falklands war. How else am I supposed to label it? And when you have people shooting guns, that’s combat. There isn’t any distinction to be made because I’ve never said that I was on the islands or that there was any action in that capacity. All I did was tell people what I did, and 100 percent of that is true. If you want to distort what I’ve said, as Corn does, then that is irresponsible, and that is a lie.'"

    What Mother Jones Missed In Its Hit Piece About Me

    Mother Jones Smears Liberal Talk Show Host For Daring To Interview 'Alt-Right' Figures

    I'm not saying the News Article Adam posted or the conclusions he Ne/Fi mirrored from the article is necessarily fake news, but Mother Jones's history of fake news, which includes distorting research by serious academics and think tanks, certainly increases the probability of it being fake news.

    In making your evaluation of the article, take into consideration the publication's past character/habit for spin, distortion, etc.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 02-05-2018 at 09:58 PM.

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    I will say this for Trump. He pisses off all the right people...

    Ghetto thugs.
    Illegal immigrants.
    Muslim terrorists.
    Shady FBI agents.
    Tacky celebrities drunk on botox.

    Give the guy some credit.

  29. #229
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    yeah I also enjoy seeing the following groups suffer at the hands of Trump:

    poor people
    people not born here
    people from other religions
    anyone enforcing the rule of law inasmuch as it constrains the man (but love it when it functions as a personal instrumentality of oppression of said man)
    people who are more well liked than me in general

    credit where credit is due, Trump gives me a big rubbery one because all my libido is focused on dominating people I consider lower in the hierarchy than myself and inasmuch as Trump stands for exactly that you could say I love him like an extension of my own penis. its not homosexual though, no I only fuck poor personable muslim immigrant women. its funny because I bet there's a lot of latent burning desire for exactly this kind of woman to come along and cuck you so you can subconsciously derive some sense of atonement. its almost like your entire political stance is equivalent to a 7 year old on a playground trying to tease a girl into liking you because deep down you're just terrified of her
    Last edited by Bertrand; 02-06-2018 at 03:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah I also enjoy seeing the following groups suffer at the hands of Trump:

    Did the millions of American women who voted for Trump suffer as a result of his election too? Good God, you are rather patronizing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    poor people
    Trump's core voting base is not the rich, what planet are you on? The great majority of elites in America despise him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    people not born here
    I am one of those people, and I support a lot of what Trump is doing. His rise has encouraged me to move to the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    people from other religions
    Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists don't have a problem with Trump. Only Muslims.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    anyone enforcing the rule of law inasmuch as it constrains the man (but love it when it functions as a personal instrumentality of oppression of said man)
    people who are more well liked than me in general
    I am all for the law being the law as written, instead of it being constantly re-interpreted and selectively enforced in order to advance someone's agenda. Oh, and by the way, that means no more partisan judicial activism to obstruct travel bans and protect illegal immigrants from deportation, and no more abuse of FISA powers to wiretap the opposition party's presidential candidate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    credit where credit is due, Trump gives me a big rubbery one because all my libido is focused on dominating people I consider lower in the hierarchy than myself and inasmuch as Trump stands for exactly that you could say I love him as an extension of my own penis
    Find a chick who enjoys being dominated and humiliated. Liberal women usually have daddy issues, so they should be right into that.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 02-06-2018 at 08:09 AM.

  31. #231
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    Donald Trump is Hitta. 0.0
    good bye

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    Trump is basically the Biff Tannen president we all knew would someday happen. Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later.

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    A PBS Frontline investigation found cases of teenagers getting released to labor traffickers by ORR. The agency told Congress in April that of 7,000 children it attempted to contact in fall 2017, 1,475 could not be contacted — leading to allegations that the government “lost” children, or that they’d been handed over to traffickers.

    holy f

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    My guess is that millennials are going to be the most liberal generation in American history. When the youngest Americans become the majority, we'll probably see a strong shift to the left. My only fear is that instead of a shift to a left that supports true freedom, it'll be an authoritarian left. I'm not sure which way it'll go yet.

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    a shitload probably depends on how bad they're plundered before the boomers finally shuffle off completely--in much the same way the legit abuses germany suffered at the conclusion of ww1 were sufficient to set the stage for ****** and ww2 not long after

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    a shitload probably depends on how bad they're plundered before the boomers finally shuffle off completely--in much the same way the legit abuses germany suffered at the conclusion of ww1 were sufficient to set the stage for ****** and ww2 not long after
    Makes pretty good sense.

    On the other hand, it could be that there are two possible outcomes from three possible states

    1. Moderate plunder - less authoritarian
    2. Extreme plunder - more
    3. Absolute plunder - less authoritarian

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    It's surprising to me that Trump's election has made lying, meanness, racism and naked avarice publicly acceptable. It's like pulling back the sheets on a bed in a five star hotel and finding spiders and bugs crawling everywhere.

    I think there is a reservoir of this stuff in the population which is normally held in check when people feel that their situations are improving. They might be authoritarian racists, but they won't come out and say it unless their status is threatened.

    At this point in the world economy, the future status of quite a few people is threatened.

    There are really two economies. There is the one in which you can make productivity increases, like farming, manufacturing, and delivering entertainment. There is another economy in which it is much, much harder to increase productivity, like string quartets (try doing that with fewer than four people), caring for people one-on-one, teaching, and cleaning and maintenance services.

    As capitalism drives the economy to greater profits through greater efficiencies, one of these economies benefits by having fewer workers who are able to produce more stuff, and the other economy doesn't benefit at all. The first tends to be private industry in the US, and the second tends fall under the responsibility of governments, which deal with providing essential services to their citizens that private companies won't provide because there is no profit in them, or because the services are essential and government can provide them cheaper or better (such as police forces) than private industry, which has to make a profit.

    This means that, as time goes on and productivity in the private economy grows, fewer and fewer people will be needed in these highly productive jobs, and more and more people will find themselves looking for work in the part of the economy which is not very productive and hence doesn't pay very well. For these people, wages will be frozen or will fall, and their future prospects will be bleak unless they can somehow get into the productive economy.

    Colleges, which are really profit centers, see that they are gatekeepers to the productive economy and have been raising tuition as fast as they can. College tuition, which was free to millions of returning veterans after WWII (which resulted in a highly productive, debt-free work force which made the economy boom for twenty years), now costs as much as a new house, and houses cost more than they ever have before.

    Because the enormous gains in productivity no longer have to be distributed to a huge number of workers, they are now free to be turned over to the company shareholders who use them to bid up the price of assets, like stocks and housing, instead of being returned to the general population to make a large number of people wealthier.

    Unless this wealth is taxed much more heavily (remember that these profits are only able to be made because the corporations operate within an area made safe for them by specific laws which are enforced by the governments of the people), then the distribution of wealth is simply going to become more and more unequal.

    Soon, there will only be royalty and peasants, and I don't see this trend reversing, unless there are much, much higher taxes placed on the wealthy.

    Furthermore, since political power is a function of wealth, this trend of increasing inequality in wealth bodes very ill for democracy.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-29-2018 at 12:26 PM.

  38. #238
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    As the wages are constant since 2008, when trump will "fix" economy with his trade war, they will go down (and unemployment up) and this can cause domino effect on the economy that it will collapse yet again. In best scenario there will be austerity for all people and raging recession.

  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    As the wages are constant since 2008, when trump will "fix" economy with his trade war, they will go down (and unemployment up) and this can cause domino effect on the economy that it will collapse yet again. In best scenario there will be austerity for all people and raging recession.
    Not for all people, not at all. Just for those without connections to Trump. And this is how democracy dies.

  40. #240
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    As the wages are constant since 2008, when trump will "fix" economy with his trade war, they will go down (and unemployment up) and this can cause domino effect on the economy that it will collapse yet again. In best scenario there will be austerity for all people and raging recession.
    Why would this happen? I don't understand the connection you are making between wages going down and Trump's trade policy. Furthermore, if wages go down unemployment does too, since it becomes cheaper to hire people, theoretically at least, though it clear to me what you're talking about exactly so I'll let you explain.

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