Accepting subtype:

*Energized base
--Not sure
*Creative may be under-developed. Used ocasionally.
--I use my Ne quite frequently.

*May be somewhat proficient at PoLR. Engages in it sometimes (especially in private).
--No, I like to avoid it when possible.

*Role may be under-developed. Due to emphasis on base, it is seldom used.
--I used my role quite frequently. It's probably why I often confuse myself for LII.

*The need for DS is emphasized.
--Not sure. I feel like I don't always need DS Te.

*HA is naturally strong, but not as important for the user as in the other subtype.
--I consider my HA both strong and important. HA!

*Demonstrative is semi-valued.
--What does it mean for a function to be semi-valued? Is it intermediate between 'valued' and 'unvalued'? Which in that case, I suppose yes.

*Energized Observant, which is strong. However, infomation is not readily absorbed via it due to constant need of DS (and due to antithetical nature of DS and Observant).
--Energized observant-- what? Do you mean the ignoring function? My ignoring is Fe and yet it's quite energized at times.

-Dynamics: Base and observant act together in a pack, constantly supplying DS. HA is used frequently to mobilize.
--Can you give a specific example here? What would this look like in EII?

-Development: Starts off with proficiency in Base, Observant, HA, and Demonstrative. Over time time learns DS, Role, Creative. Greatest potential at mastering DS.
--Not sure what I started off with and what I learned over time. I think strong use of the base and creative were always there but that's well, duh!

Producing subtype:

*Base is “loose”, and may be not very proficient. Doesn’t possess the full skillset of the function.
--Possibly true

*Creative is energized, very important and used permanently.

*PoLR is completely disregarded. Creative is used everytime in place of PoLR (the áreas that PoLR are supposed to cover, are covered by creative instead)
--Maybe not completely disregarded. But definitely something I don't value I would prefer to avoid if possible. Or just use Ne or some other function like Si to compensate.

*Role is emphasized and used permanently. The Creative-Role pathway dynamic of model A is strengthened.
--Yes, I look alot like LII to people.

*Proficient at producing DS. Can go a long time without needing DS. Voices judgements in áreas pertaining to DS. Frequently these judgments are more accurate than the ones produced by others who have said function in the ego or demonstrative.
--But the DS is a 1D function so it makes me wonder how proficient it really is. Well maybe if you have alot of experience. Te- okay sometimes I'll try to produce it when required with very mixed results. I can't say my Te judgements are more accurate than those having it in the ego or demonstrative. That's like saying 1D is superior to 3D or 4D, makes little sense.

*HA is not initially as strong as in the other subtype, but has much greater importance. It is energized and needs it more than DS.
--Yeah, I think prefer HA even more than DS. HA!

*Demonstrative is very strong and also energized. However, it is not valued at all (the focus is on creative+HA).
--I think it is strong and SEMI-valued. Lets introduce some new socionics terms now because we can!

*Observant may be like a second PoLR. However, due to not a great need of DS, information is readily accepted.
--Sometimes I can easily get overwhelmed with Fe, especially when excessive. It seems to be moreso from EIE than with ESE. EIE- extinguishment type plus valued Se.

-Dynamics: Creative, Role, HA and Demonstrative are used in a team, to further satiating the need of HA.
--I'm not consciously aware of how they all work in a team but they all seem to be significant to me.

-Development: Starts off with a very strong demonstrative and creative. Over time learns HA, Role. Has the highest potential for HA mastery. The remaining functions don’t vary by a whole lot.
--I think this model of development makes more sense for me than the accepting subtype.

Producing > accepting subtype for me.

Overall the accepting subtype is a more stable type. Producing subtypes have more pronounced weaknesses.
--Can I change my subtype to accepting? Who wants to be the subtype with more weaknesses? At least I have a better HA. HA!