Se: Very aware of surroundings and power dynamics. Knows how to make things happen. Knows how much pressure to apply. Fiercely protective of "their people". Enjoys pushing people but has some idea of when not to do it. Resilient.

Fi: Strong focus on interpersonal relationships, peoples' likes/dislikes, character, and value systems. Actively considers and discusses these things. Wide social network. Good at regulating distance with people. Always considering the nature and depth of relationships.

Ne: Considers various possibilities and wonders about the unknown and tries to keep an open mind as a way of getting by at the world but lacks the nuanced understanding of this area that an intuitive type would have. May be too open minded for own good.

Ti: Sees complex logical systems and hierarchies as subjective and largely unimportant compared to other functions. Cares far more about whether something works than the logical principles behind it.

Ni: Wants to understand the underlying meaning of things and how events are likely to play out but is mostly dependent on others for this insight. Responds to Ni from others with "omg, thank you! that's awesome!" Craves direction to make sense of life and put all of that Se energy to best use.

Te: Loves being productive, efficient, and effective. Values own "street smarts" and ability to see the logical course of action. Isn't as good at this as they like to think and enjoys it when others provide input that helps them do it better. May come off as a bit of a know-it-all or give unsolicited advice.

Si: Has ability to understand what's going on in own and other's bodies and can manage health and comfort as desired. This isn't a big area of focus though and generally takes a back seat to Se. Likes to push through pain and exhaustion to accomplish an important goal, for example.

Fe: Strongly aware of the emotions of others based on their body language, tone, expressions, and actions. Can create a good mood when and if they feel like it. Emotional reactions are usually automatic/reactive and pass quickly. Will not expect emotional reactions from others. Finds others' poor awareness of Fe endearing.